单词 | 短尾 |
释义 | 〔Soay〕A small, brownish, short-tailed sheep(Ovis aries) of a breed that originated on the island of Soay in the Outer Hebrides. 索伊羊:一种小型的棕色短尾羊(索伊羊) ,生长于外赫布里底群岛的索伊岛 〔sewellel〕A small, thick-bodied rodent(Aplodontia rufa) of the Pacific coast of North America, having tiny eyes and small ears and usually found in communal burrows dug in the banks of streams. Also called mountain beaver 鼠獭:一种产于北美太平洋沿海的身体小巧、厚实的啮齿类动物(短尾狸) 属,长有小眼和小耳朵且通常于在溪流岸边挖掘的共同洞穴中发现 也作 mountain beaver〔scut〕A stubby erect tail, as that of a hare, rabbit, or deer.短尾:如野兔、兔子或鹿等的短而直立的尾巴〔pitta〕Any of several brightly colored perching birds of the family Pittidae that live in forests of Asia, Australia, and Africa and have a strong bill, short tail, and long legs.八色鸫:一种东半球八色鸫科亮丽多彩的栖木鸟,生活在亚洲、澳大利亚和非洲的森林中,长有坚硬的嘴、短尾和长腿〔tody〕Any of various small birds of the family Todidae, of the West Indies, related to the kingfisher and the motmot and having colorful, predominantly green plumage and a bright red throat.短尾:一种西印度群岛的短尾科小鸟,与翠鸟种属上相关,有多彩但主要是绿色的羽毛,喉部为亮红色〔lynx〕Any of several wildcats of the genusLynx, especially L. canadensis of northern North America or L. lynx of Eurasia, having soft thick fur, a black-tipped short tail, and tufted ears. 猞猁:任何一种猞猁 属的几种野猫,特别指原产于北美的 加拿大猞猁 或生活于欧亚大陆的 普通猞猁 ,它有柔软而厚的皮,一端黑尖的短尾,和长成簇状的耳朵 〔brachyuran〕Of or belonging to the Brachyura, a group of crustaceans including the true crabs, characterized by a short abdomen concealed under the cephalothorax.短尾亚目的:短尾亚目的或属于短尾亚目的,甲壳纲动物,包括真蟹,特征是腹部很短,隐藏在头胸部下方〔baboon〕Any of several large, terrestrial African and Asian monkeys of the family Cercopithecidae, especially of the genusPapio or Chaeropithecus and related genera, characterized by an elongated, doglike muzzle, a short tail, and bare calluses on the buttocks. 狒狒:一种猕猴科的大型、陆生的非洲和亚洲的猴子,尤指狒狒属 或 Chaeropithecus 及相关的种属,其特征为有一长的象狗一样的口鼻和短尾,臀部有一裸露的胼胝 〔plover〕Any of various widely distributed wading birds of the family Charadriidae, having rounded bodies, short tails, and short bills.鸻:鸻上科中的一种分布广泛的涉禽,有圆型的身体、短尾和短嘴〔rabbit〕Any of various long-eared, short-tailed, burrowing mammals of the family Leporidae, as the commonly domesticated Old World speciesOryctolagus cuniculus or the cottontail. 兔:一种长耳、短尾、穴居的兔科哺乳动物,如通常已驯化的欧洲种家兔或野兔 〔gopher〕Any of various short-tailed, burrowing rodents of the family Geomyidae of North America, having fur-lined external cheek pouches. Also called pocket gopher 囊鼠:一种北美衣囊鼠科的穴居啮齿类动物,短尾,有皮毛呈线型的外颊囊 也作 pocket gopher〔crab〕Any of various predominantly marine crustaceans of the division Brachyura within the order Decapoda, characterized by a broad, flattened cephalothorax covered by a hard carapace with a small abdomen concealed beneath it, short antennae, and five pairs of legs, of which the anterior pair are large and pincerlike.蟹:任一种数量占多数的海洋甲壳纲十足目短尾亚目动物,特征是生有一个上有硬壳盖住的宽而扁平的头部,下有一个腹部隐藏在内,有很短的触角和五对脚,其中前面的那对较大且呈钳状〔macaque〕Any of several short-tailed monkeys of the genusMacaca of southeast Asia, Japan, Gibraltar, and northern Africa. 猕猴:任一种短尾猕猴 属猴子,生活在东南亚、日本、直布罗陀和北非 〔quokka〕A small short-tailed wallaby(Setonix brachyurus) living in coastal areas of southwest Australia. 短尾矮袋鼠:一种小型短尾沙袋鼠(袋属 短尾袋) ,生活在澳大利亚西南沿海地区 |
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