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单词 矿井
释义 〔working〕Often workings The parts of a mine or quarry that have been or are being excavated. 常作 workings 矿坑:矿井或采石场已经被或正在被挖掘的部分〔ventilate〕To admit fresh air into (a mine, for example) to replace stale or noxious air.使通风,使空气流通:使新鲜空气进入(如矿井)以替换不新鲜的或有毒的空气〔muck〕To remove muck or dirt from (a mine, for example).清除:从…除去污物或废料(例如在矿井中)〔corf〕A truck, tub, or basket used in a mine.小矿车,柳条箩:矿井中用的车、盆或筐〔drift〕A horizontal or nearly horizontal passageway in a mine running through or parallel to a vein.水平巷道:穿过矿脉或与矿脉平行的矿井中水平或近似水平的巷道〔mine〕An excavation in the earth from which ore or minerals can be extracted.矿,矿井:采掘矿石或矿物的地下坑道〔drift〕A secondary mine passageway between two main shafts or tunnels.次要矿山甬道:矿井中连接两条大隧道的小巷道〔headgear〕The rigging for hauling or lifting located at the head of a mine shaft.在矿井顶部杆上用于提升某物的索具〔sump〕A hole at the lowest point of a mine shaft into which water is drained in order to be pumped out.集水坑:矿井坑道中最低点的一个坑或洞,用来存集废水以便用水泵排出矿井〔lift〕A set of pumps used in a mine.一组唧筒:矿井中使用的一套泵〔overcast〕An arch or a support for a passage over another passage in a mine.风桥,支撑物:矿井中将一个通道架于另一个通道之上的拱形物或支撑物〔trepan〕A rock-boring tool used in mining for sinking shafts.钻井机:一种在采矿中用来挖掘矿井时在石头上打孔的工具〔royalty〕A share of the profit or product reserved by the grantor, especially of an oil or mining lease. Also called In this sense, also called override 矿区使用费:使用因租借油田或矿井而由授予者保留的一部分收益或产品 也作 在此意义上也可称作 override〔blackdamp〕A noncombustible gas that consists of a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, found in mines after fires or explosions and incapable of supporting life. Also called chokedamp 窒息空气:一种由二氧化碳和氮混合组成的不燃气体,在火灾或爆炸后的矿井内出现,不能维持生命 也作 chokedamp〔trepan〕To bore (a shaft) with a trepan.钻:用钻井机钻(矿井〔airway〕A passageway or shaft in which air circulates, as in ventilating a mine.通风道,换气坑:空气流通的通道,如使矿井通风的风道〔heading〕A gallery or drift in a mine.矿井中的水平巷道或小平巷〔pit〕The shaft of a mine.竖坑:矿的矿井或竖井〔gangway〕The main level of a mine.主坑道:矿井的主要位置〔whim〕A vertical horse-powered drum used as a hoist in a mine.绕绳滚筒:在矿井中用作吊升装置的一种垂直马力绞绳滚筒〔pan〕"But Dr. Brett cautioned that what sounds exciting from the Moon does not always pan out in the laboratory"(London Daily Telegraph, December 14, 1972). If Dr. Brett had been talking about hunting for gold on the moon,there would be a solid connection between his use of the expressionpan out and its original use in gold mining. Pan out, like the verb pan itself, comes from the noun pan in the sense "a shallow circular metal vessel used in washing gold from gravel.”The expressionpan out was used in a variety of senses, including "to wash gold-bearing earth in a pan"; "to obtain gold by washing ore in a miner's pan";and with reference to a mine or mineral-bearing soil, "to produce gold or minerals.”From such literal usagespan out was transferred to other situations. In Frederick Whymper'sTravel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska, published in 1868, we are told that “‘It panned out well’ means that ‘it gave good returns.’”All these uses occurred first in American English,making the expression a true Americanism.“可是布莱特博士告诫说来自月球的听起来令人激动的消息并不总会在实验室获得成功”(伦敦每日电讯报 1972年12月14日)。 如果布莱特博士谈论的是关于在月球上寻找金子,那么,在他表达panout 这个用法和这个短语在金矿开采方面的原始用法就会有一种固定的联系。 Pan out 象动词 pan 本身一样来源于名词 pan , 意思是“一个浅而且圆的金属器皿,用来从矿砂中淘洗金子”。pan out 的表达用在各种意思中, 包括“在淘金盘中淘洗含金的泥土”,“在矿工的淘金盘里淘洗矿砂得到金子”,并且与矿井或含矿土壤有关,“产金子或矿物”。在这样的文学用法中,pan out 被借用于其它情况。 在弗雷德里克·怀姆坡1868年出版的在阿拉斯加旅游历险 中, 我们得知"It panned at well"意思是“得到好的回报”。所有这些用法都首先出现在美国英语中,表达了一种真正的美国主义〔tub〕A bucket used for conveying ore or coal up a mine shaft.桶框:把生铁或煤运上矿井的框〔damp〕Foul or poisonous gas that sometimes pollutes the air in coal mines.矿井瓦斯,有毒气体:矿井中有时污染空气的恶臭气体或有毒气体〔winze〕An inclined or vertical shaft or passage between levels in a mine.小暗井:矿井里层与层之间倾斜的或垂直的竖坑或通道〔crosscut〕A level in a mine driven so that it intersects a vein of ore.石门,横巷:矿井内掘出的平巷,它与矿脉相交〔stull〕A platform braced against the sides of a working area in a mine.横梁:矿井内工作区旁的平台〔afterdamp〕An asphyxiating mixture of gases, primarily nitrogen and carbon dioxide, left in a mine after a fire or an explosion.爆后废气:火灾或爆炸后,残留在矿井中的一种令人窒息的混合气体,主要含氮气和二氧化碳〔shot〕A charge of explosives used in blasting mine shafts.在爆破矿井时一次爆破所使用的炸药〔kibble〕An iron bucket used in wells or mines for hoisting water, ore, or refuse to the surface.吊桶:井或矿井里用来把水、矿石或废料吊到地面上的一种铁桶〔upcast〕A ventilating shaft, as in a mine.(比如矿井中的)上风井〔mine〕The site of such an excavation, with its surface buildings, elevator shafts, and equipment.矿山,矿场:矿井所在地及其地上建筑、升降通道和设备〔groove〕Middle English groof [mining shaft] 中古英语 groof [矿井] 〔chokedamp〕So called because it causes suffocation in mines. 因其在矿井中导致窒息而得名 〔wallflower〕TheCheiranthus cheiri, with its sweet-smelling yellow, red, or brown flowers, came to be called the wallflower because it was noted for growing on surfaces such as old walls, rocks, and quarries. This plant name is first recorded in 1578.It is not known who first observed a likeness between this delicate, fragrant flower and the unpartnered women sitting along the wall at a dance, but the figurative sense is first found in an 1820 work by Mrs. Campbell Praed entitledCounty Ball. The word, although originally used only to describe women, has become unisex,and of course one can be a wallflower without having a wall in the vicinity.具有芳香的黄、红或棕色花的桂竹香 之所以后来被称为 wallflower 是因为它以生活于物体表面(如旧墙面、岩石成或矿井面)而闻名。 该植物名称首载于1578年。没有人知道谁最先发现了这种雅致、芳香的花与在舞会上单独坐在墙边的女子的关系,但是这种比喻义最早发现于埃贝尔·普利德夫人1820年名为郡办舞会 的作品中。 虽然该词起初只用来描绘女子,后来却男女都适用。而且,一个人即使周围没有墙也能成为一个离群之人〔aerophore〕A device to supply air to a nonbreathing infant or to a person in an environment where there is no oxygen, such as a closed mine or an underwater area.氧气面罩:给处于无氧环境,例如封闭的矿井或水下地区不能呼吸的婴儿或人提供空气的设备〔adit〕An almost horizontal entrance to a mine.平峒:通往矿井的几乎水平的入口〔pitman〕pl.[-mĕn] A worker employed inside a pit in various industrial operations, as in a coal mine.【复数】[-mĕn] 矿工:被雇在不同工业作业区的矿井内工作的人,如煤矿工人〔stone〕To remove the stones or pits from.移去石头:从…中移走石头或矿井〔face〕The end, as of a mine or tunnel, at which work is advancing.采掘面:末端,如矿井的或坑道的,在此工作仍在继续〔hade〕The angle of inclination from the vertical of a vein, fault, or lode.倾斜余角:因矿脉,断层或矿井倾斜而与垂直面形成的角度




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