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单词 矿产资源
释义 〔Afghanistan〕A landlocked country of southwest-central Asia. Mostly arid and mountainous, the country depends on agriculture; its mineral wealth is largely undeveloped. Since ancient times Afghanistan has been crisscrossed by invasion routes. Kabul is the capital and the largest city. Population, 13,051,358.阿富汗:位于亚洲中部偏西南的内陆国家。绝大多数地区干旱且多山,农业为其主要产业;大多数矿产资源未被开发。自古以来阿富汗多次为外敌入侵,喀布尔为其首都及最大的城市。人口13,051,358〔Africa〕The second-largest continent, lying south of Europe between the Atlantic and Indian oceans. The hottest continent, Africa has vast mineral resources, many of which are still undeveloped.非洲:第二大洲,位于大西洋与印度洋之间的南部欧洲。为最炎热的洲,非洲拥有大量的矿产资源,其中许多至今未被开发〔Negev〕A hilly desert region of southern Israel. Assigned to Israel after the partition of Palestine in 1948, it has various mineral resources.内盖夫:以色列南部的山丘沙漠地区。1948年巴勒斯坦被分割后划给以色列,它有无数矿产资源〔Galicia〕A region and ancient kingdom of northwest Spain on the Atlantic Ocean south of the Bay of Biscay. Exploited by the Romans for its mineral resources, it later became a Goth kingdom and a stronghold of the Moors.加利西亚:西班牙西北部一区域和古王国,位于大西洋上的比斯开湾南部。因罗马人前来开发利用其矿产资源,后来成为高斯王国和穆尔斯的大本营〔Siberia〕A region of Asian U.S.S.R. stretching from the Ural Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. The extensive area was annexed by Russia in stages during the 16th and 17th centuries. Used as a place of exile for political prisoners since the early 17th century, it was settled by Russians after the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railroad (completed in 1905) and developed for its mineral resources after World War II.西伯利亚:苏联亚洲部分的一区域,从乌拉尔山脉一直延伸到太平洋。这一广大地区于16世纪至17世纪期间逐渐并入俄罗斯。自17世纪早期以来一直作为政治犯的流放地,横跨西伯利亚的铁路建成后(完工于1905年)俄国人开始在此定居,第二次世界大战后因其矿产资源而得以发展




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