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单词 硕大
释义 〔barbasco〕Any of several Mexican plants of the genusDioscorea having a large, inedible root that yields an extract used as a raw material for synthetic steroid hormones. 苦皮,薯蓣:一种薯蓣属 墨西哥植物,有硕大而不可食的根部,可以产出一种抽提物,用作合成类固醇激素的原料 〔humongous〕Extremely large; enormous:极大的;硕大的:〔lotus〕An aquatic plant(Nelumbo nucifera) native to southern Asia and Australia, having large leaves, fragrant, pinkish flowers, a broad, rounded, perforated seedpod, and fleshy rhizomes. 荷,莲:一种水生植物(莲属 莲) ,生长在南亚和澳大利亚,具有硕大的叶子,香味,粉色花,并有宽,圆而且带孔的心皮,有多肉的块茎 〔stupendous〕Amazingly large or great; huge.See Synonyms at enormous 巨大的;硕大的 参见 enormous〔mamey〕A West Indian tree(Mammea americana) having glossy leaves, white fragrant flowers, and large edible drupes. 曼密苹果树:一种产于西印度群岛的乔木(曼密苹果) ,长有有光泽的叶片,开白色的有香味的花朵并结硕大可食用的果实 〔arracacha〕A perennial Andean herb(Arracacia xanthorrhiza) in the parsley family, grown for its large, fleshy, edible roots. Also called apio 秘鲁胡萝卜:一种多年生安第斯山草本植物,属伞形科(秘鲁胡萝卜属 黄根树) ,人们种植以取其硕大可食的肉质根茎 也作 apio〔talipot〕A tall palm tree(Corypha umbraculifera) of India and Sri Lanka, having a spreading crown of very large fanlike leaves and a giant inflorescence that is the largest among the flowering plants. 伞干顶榈:一种产于印度和斯里兰卡的高大棕榈树(伞形行李叶椰子 行李叶椰子属) ,具有一个由很硕大的扇形树叶构成的伸展的树冠和开花植物中最大的一支巨型花穗 〔breadnut〕A large tree(Brosimum alicastrum) native to Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies, having yellow fruits each with a large, edible seed. 面包坚果:原产于墨西哥、中美洲和西印度群岛的一种大树(面包坚果) ,结黄色带有一颗硕大可食种子的果实 〔buckeye〕Any of various North American trees or shrubs of the genusAesculus, having palmately compound, opposite leaves, erect panicles of white to red or yellow flowers, and large, shiny seeds with a large attachment scar. All parts of the plant are poisonous. 七叶树:一种北美洲的七叶树 属的树或灌木,有掌状对生复叶,直立的白色、红色或黄色圆锥花序,种子硕大而亮丽,附有一个巨大的瘢痕。这种植物的每一部分都有毒 〔macrocephaly〕Abnormal largeness of the head. Also called megacephaly ,megalocephaly 巨头:头部的畸形硕大 也作 megacephaly,megalocephaly〔cassava〕A shrubby tropical American plant(Manihot esculenta) widely grown for its large, tuberous, starchy roots. 木薯:一种美洲热带灌木植物(木薯 可食用木薯属) ,以其块茎状、含淀粉的硕大根而广泛种植 〔mammoth〕Something of great size.庞然大物:具有硕大体积的东西〔mangosteen〕A Malaysian evergreen tree(Garcinia mangostana) having thick leathery leaves and large edible berries. 莽吉柿树:一种产于马来西亚的常绿乔木(莽吉柿) ,长有厚实的革状叶片,结硕大可食用的果实 〔dogberry〕A wild gooseberry(Ribes cynosbati) of eastern North America, bearing large, prickly berries. 牧场茶藨子:一种野生茶藨子(牧场茶藨子) ,结硕大多刺浆果




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