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单词 确定
释义 〔tentative〕Uncertain; hesitant.不确定的;迟疑不决的〔staid〕"There is nothing settled, nothing staid in this universe"(Virginia Woolf)“在这个宇宙里没有什么是确定的,没有什么不变的”(弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫)〔minimum〕The smallest number in a finite set of numbers.极小值:在一组确定的数中的最小的数〔dubious〕Fraught with uncertainty or doubt; undecided.不确定的:充满不定或怀疑的;未决的〔calibrate〕To check, adjust, or determine by comparison with a standard (the graduations of a quantitative measuring instrument):校准:校核、调整或通过与一标准比较而确定(量化仪表上的标度):〔hesitate〕To pause in uncertainty; waver.停顿:在不确定中停下来;动摇〔certitude〕The state of being certain; complete assurance; confidence.确定:确信的状态;完全的确信;信心〔locate〕locate Albany on the map; managed to locate the site of the old artists' colony.在地图上确定阿尔伯尼的位置;试图确定在艺术家聚居地的位置〔antedate〕To assign to a date earlier than that of the actual occurrence.确定提前日期:确定一个比事件实际发生早的日期〔dubitable〕Subject to doubt or question; uncertain.可疑的,有问题的;不确定〔copacetic〕We know very little about the origin of the wordcopacetic, meaning "excellent, first-rate.” Is its origin to be found in Italian, in the speech of southern Black people, in the Creole French dialect of Louisiana, or in Hebrew?John O'Hara, who used the word inAppointment in Samarra, later wrote thatcopacetic was "a Harlem and gangster corruption of an Italian word.” O'Hara went on to say, "I don't know how to spell the Italian,but it's something like copacetti.” His uncertainty about how to spell the Italian is paralleled by uncertainty about how to spellcopacetic itself. Copacetic has been recorded with the spellings copasetic, copasetty, copesetic, copisettic, and kopasettee. The spelling is now more or less fixed, however, ascopacetic or copasetic, even though the origin of the word has not been determined.The Harlem connection mentioned by O'Hara would seem more likely than the Italian,sincecopacetic was used by Black jazz musicians and is said to have been Southern slang in the late 19th century. Ifcopacetic is Creole French in origin, it would also have a Southern homeland.According to this explanation,copacetic came from the Creole French word coupersètique, which meant "able to be coped with,” "able to cope with anything and everything,” "in good form,”and also "having a healthy appetite or passion for life or love.”Those who support the Hebrew or Yiddish origin ofcopacetic do not necessarily deny the Southern connections of the word. One explanation has it that Jewish storekeepers used the Hebrew phrasekol bĕṣedeq, "all with justice,”when asked if things were O.K. Black children who were in the store as customers or employees heard this phrase ascopacetic. No explanation of the origin ofcopacetic, including the ones discussed here, has won the approval of scholars, as is clearly shown by the etymology ofcopacetic in the first volume of the Dictionary of American Regional English, published in 1985: "Etym unknown.” 我们对copacetic 这个词的词源所知甚少,其意为“极好的、一流的”。 它是起源于意大利语、南方黑人口语、路易斯安那州的克里奥耳人的法语方言还是希伯来语?约翰·奥哈拉在撒马拉的约会 中用到这个词, 他后来写到copacetic 是“变成哈莱姆黑人居住区和强盗土语的意大利词”。 奥哈拉还说,“我不知道原来的意大利词是如何拼写的,但是有点象copacetti"。与他不敢肯定如何拼写这个意大利词一样,他对copacetic 一词本身的拼法也不敢肯定。 Copacetic 曾经被拼写成 copasetic, copasetty, copesetic, copisettic 以及 kopasettee。 现在它的拼法多少已经固定成copacetic 或 copasetic, 尽管这个词的词源仍未被确定。奥哈拉所提及的它与哈莱姆黑人居住区的关系看上去比它和意大利语的关系更有可能,因为黑人爵士歌手曾用过copacetic 这个词,并且据说在19世纪晚期它曾是南方的俚语。 如果copacetic 在词源上是克里奥耳人的法语, 那么它也是从南方来的。根据这一解释,copacetic 来自克里奥耳人法语中 coupersetique 一词, 表示“有能力与人竞争的”、“有能力处理任何事情及一切事情的”、“以好的方式的”,还表示“对生活或爱情有正常的欲望或激情的”。那些认为copacetic 来自希伯来语或意第绪语的人并不一定否认这个词与南方的关系。 一种解释认为,犹太店主们在被询问是否一切都好时用了希伯来语中的短语kol bĕṣedeq 即“一切太平”之意, 在店里作工或买东西的黑人儿童将这个短语听成了copacetic。 在关于copacetic 词源的解释中,包括以上讨论的这些,没有一种得到学者们的认可, 这一点我们可以在美国方言英语辞典 (1985年出版)第一册关于 copacetic 一词的词源解释中清楚地看到:“词源不知” 〔haywire〕Mentally confused or erratic; crazy:发疯似的:头脑混乱的或不确定的;疯狂的:〔graptolite〕Any of numerous extinct colonial marine animals chiefly of the orders Dendroidea and Graptoloidea of the late Cambrian to the early Mississippian periods, whose fossil remains are often used to date the rocks of the Silurian and Ordovician ages.笔石动物:许多已绝灭的殖民地海洋生物中的任何一种,主要为寒武纪晚期到密西西比纪早期的树形笔石目及笔石纲的生物, 其化石残存物常用于确定志留纪和奥陶纪岩石的年代〔chancy〕Uncertain as to outcome; risky; hazardous.冒险的:结果不确定的;冒险的;有危险的〔surety〕from sēcūrus [sure] * see secure 源自 sēcūrus [确定的] * 参见 secure〔windage〕The point or degree at which the wind gauge or sight of a rifle or gun must be set to compensate for the effect of the wind.风力修正量:风力计或枪支上的瞄准计,为抵销风力影响而确定的点或度〔giddy〕The wordgiddy refers to fairly lightweight experiences or situations, but at one time it had to do with profundities.Giddy can be traced back to the same Germanic root .gud- that has given us the wordGod. The Germanic word.gudigaz formed on this root meant "possessed by a god.” Such possession can be a rather unbalancing experience,and so it is not surprising that the Old English representative of.gudigaz, gidig, meant "mad, possessed by an evil spirit,” or that the Middle English development ofgidig, gidi, meant the same thing, as well as "foolish; mad (used of an animal); dizzy; uncertain, unstable.”Our sense "lighthearted, frivolous,” represents the ultimate secularization ofgiddy. 单词giddy 完全是指不必要的经历或情况, 但同时与深度有关。Giddy 能被追溯到它的德语词根 gud- , 从同一词根我们得到单词God 。 德语词gudigaz 由这个词根形成的意思是“由上帝占有”。 这种拥有可以是一种不平衡的经历,所以对于gudigaz ,gidig 在古英语的表达并不奇怪, 意思是“疯狂的,被恶魔占据的”或gidig, gidi 有在中古英语中发展而来的同样的意思, 另外还有“呆的;疯狂的(用于动物);头晕眼花的;不确定的,不稳定的。”我们“轻浮的,轻佻的”的解释代表了最终世俗化的giddy 〔read〕To determine the intent or mood of:看透:确定…的意图或情绪:〔assess〕To set or determine the amount of (a payment, such as a tax or fine).确定金额:确定或决定(某项付费,如税或罚款)的金额〔department〕A distinct, usually specialized division of a large organization, especially:部门,科系:一个大组织的确定的、通常是专门的部门,尤其指:〔within〕Inside a specified amount or degree:在确定的范围或程度内:〔arrange〕To bring about an agreement concerning; settle:解决:就某事达成一致;确定〔analysis〕The separation of a substance into its constituent elements to determine either their nature (qualitative analysis) or their proportions (quantitative analysis).分析:把物质分为若干成分来确定它们的性质(定性分析)或比例(定量分析)〔policy〕A plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters:政策:一个计划或行动路线,如政府、政党或企业的计划或行动路线,意在影响和确定决定、行动和其它事情:〔probabilistic〕"The Big Bang universe is . . . exemplified in the probabilistic and indeterminate interactions of the smallest known physical properties"(Frederick Turner)“宇宙大爆炸…显示于已知的最小物理属性之间的可能的及不确定的相互作用”(弗雷德里克·特纳)〔fix〕To determine with accuracy; ascertain:确定,决定:明确地决定;弄清:〔recognizance〕A sum of money pledged to assure the performance of such an act.保证金:确定能实施这一行为的保证金〔equivocal〕Of uncertain significance.不明确的:作用、重要性不确定〔certainty〕"Jealousy feeds upon suspicion,and it turns into fury or it ends as soon as we pass from suspicion to certainty" (La Rochefoucauld). “嫉妒借猜疑而存在,它或转化为愤怒或在我们将怀疑转为确定时消失。” (拉·罗切福柯德)。〔Foucault〕French physicist who estimated the speed of light and determined that it travels more slowly in water than in air (1850). He also employed a pendulum to prove the rotation of the earth (1851) and invented the gyroscope (1852).佛科,简·伯纳德·莱昂:(1819-1868) 法国物理学家,1850年测试出光速并确定光在水中的速度慢于在空气中的速度。他还于1851年用钟摆证实了地球的自转,并于1852年发明了回旋器〔acquisition〕Something acquired, especially an addition to an established category or group.获得物:获得的东西,尤指一确定范畴或群体之外的〔tradition〕A time-honored practice or set of such practices.早已确定的实践或一套这样的实践〔true〕Determined with reference to the earth's axis, not the magnetic poles:根据地极确定的:根据地球中轴而非磁极确定的:〔anxiety〕A state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties.焦虑,担心:一种对未来不确定状况的不安及担忧的状态〔graph〕A diagram that exhibits a relationship, often functional, between two sets of numbers as a set of points having coordinates determined by the relationship. Also called plot 图:表示两组数的关系,通常为函数关系的图,如由这种关系确定一系列有坐标的点 也作 plot〔saccharimeter〕An instrument that determines the concentration of sugar in a fermenting solution from carbon dioxide measurements.糖量计:通过测量发酵溶液中的二氧化碳含量来确定糖在此溶液中的浓度的一种仪器〔uncertainty〕Something uncertain:不确定的事物:〔level〕An instrument for ascertaining whether a surface is horizontal, vertical, or at a 45° angle, consisting essentially of an encased, liquid-filled tube containing an air bubble that moves to a center window when the instrument is set on an even plane. Also called spirit level 水准仪:用来确定一个层面是水平的、垂直的或是呈45度角的仪器,主要由一个密封的、充满液体的玻璃管构成,管内有一个气泡,当仪器放在一个水平面上时,气泡移至中间的观测口 也作 spirit level〔shape〕To take on a definite shape or form. Often used withup or into. 用…形式:采用一种确定的形式或格式。常与up 或 into 连用 〔month〕One of the 12 divisions of a year as determined by a calendar, especially the Gregorian calendar. Also called calendar month 月份:由日历确定、尤指由公历确定的将一年分为十二份之一 也作 calendar month




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