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单词 社会体制
释义 〔pariah〕In the wordpariah, which can be used for anyone who is a social outcast, independent of social position,we have a reminder of a much more rigid social system,where only certain people could be pariahs.The caste system of India placed members of the pariah caste very low in society;until 1949 they were also known asuntouchables. The wordpariah, however, which we have extended in meaning, came into English from Tamil paṛaiyar, the plural of paṛaiyan, the caste name, which literally means “(hereditary) drummer"and comes from the wordpaṛai, the name of a drum used at certain festivals. The word is first recorded in English in 1613.Its use in English and its extension in use probably owe much to the close relationship that developed between Great Britain and India.Indeed, many of the British servants in India were from the pariah caste.pariah 一词能用于任何一个被社会遗弃的人, 不管他的社会地位如何,在这个词中,对我们有一个更严酷的社会体制的暗示,在这种体制下,仅仅某些特定的人才能成为被社会遗弃的人。印度的社会体制把被遗弃者的社会地位订得很低,直到1949年这些人还仍旧被称作是不可接触者 。 然而,我们已经扩展了含义的pariah 一词从泰米尔语 paraiyar 即 paraiyan 的复数转入英语中来, 字面含义是“(世袭)鼓手”,源于一种特定节日用的鼓名parai 。 1613年这个词首次在英语中有所记录。它在英文中的运用和用法的扩展可能很大程度是由于大不列颠和印度的密切关系。的确,在印度许多英国人的佣人都来自于贱民阶层〔establishmentarian〕Of, relating to, or supporting the political or social establishment.现有权力结构的,拥有现在权力结构的,现存社会体制的:现有社会或政治结构的,与之相关的或支持它们的〔polity〕An organized society, such as a nation, having a specific form of government:有组织体制的社会体制:具有一特定管理形式的有组织的社会,如一个国家:〔Tory〕Often tory A supporter of traditional political and social institutions against the forces of democratization or reform; a political conservative. 常作 tory 保守主义者;顽固派:留恋过去的政治和社会体制,反对民主或改革力量的人;政治上的保守主义者〔caste〕A social system or the principle of grading society based on castes.等级制度:以种姓为基础的等级社会的社会体制或原则




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