单词 | 祖先 |
释义 | 〔clan〕A division of a tribe tracing descent from a common ancestor.部族:可追溯到同一祖先的部落的一个分支〔legacy〕Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past:遗产:祖先、前人或过去相传下来的某种东西:〔progenitor〕A direct ancestor.See Synonyms at ancestor 祖先:直系的祖辈 参见 ancestor〔ancestry〕Ancestors considered as a group.祖先,列祖列宗〔patrimony〕An inheritance from a father or other ancestor.祖传的财物:从父亲或其他祖先那里继承的东西〔Amaterasu〕The central Shinto deity, a sun goddess believed to be the ancestor of the Japanese royal family.天照大神:神道教最重要的神,即太阳女神,被认为是日本皇室家族的祖先〔pedigree〕A list of ancestors; a family tree.家谱:祖先录;家族树〔voodoo〕A religion practiced chiefly in Caribbean countries, especially Haiti, syncretized from Roman Catholic ritual elements and the animism and magic of Dahomean slaves, in which a supreme God rules a large pantheon of local and tutelary deities, deified ancestors, and saints, who communicate with believers in dreams, trances, and ritual possessions. Also called vodoun 伏都教:一种主要在加勒比海国家尤其是海地流行的宗教,由罗马天主教仪式原理和达荷美奴隶的泛灵论和魔法结合而成,其中一个至高的上帝统治着包括地方神、监护神、神化的祖先及圣者的万神殿,他们与信徒在梦境中、梦幻之境和宗教仪式的领地进行交流 也作 vodoun〔Zebulon〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and Leah and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.泽布伦:旧约中雅各和利亚的儿子,而且是以色列一个部落的祖先〔ancestry〕from ancessour [ancestor] 源自 ancessour [祖先] 〔Deucalion〕A son of Prometheus who with his wife, Pyrrha, built an ark and floated in it to survive the deluge sent by Zeus. The couple became the ancestors of the renewed human race.杜卡里恩:普罗米修斯的一个儿子,他与妻子琶拉制造了诺亚方舟,并乘着它在宙斯引发的大洪水中逃生。这对夫妇成为现在(更新后的)人类的祖先〔cotylosaur〕Any of an extinct order (Cotylosauria) of massive primitive reptiles of the Carboniferous and Permian periods that included the ancestors of all of the reptiles. Also called root reptile Also called stem reptile 杯龙类:任何大的原始爬虫类(杯龙类)的已灭绝种类之一,属于包含所有爬虫类的祖先的石炭纪和二迭纪时代 也作 root reptile 也作 stem reptile〔fatherland〕The land of one's ancestors.故土:某人祖先的国土〔Xuthus〕The ancestor of the Ionian Greeks.薛西斯:希腊爱奥尼亚人的祖先〔mythology〕A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin, history, deities, ancestors, and heroes.神话集:属于某民族并讲他们的发源、历史、信仰、祖先和英雄人物的主要部分或合集〔dryopithecine〕An extinct ape of the genusDryopithecus, known from Old World fossil remains of the Miocene and Pliocene epochs and believed to be an ancestor of the anthropoid apes and human beings. 森林古猿:一种绝种森林古猿属 猿,发现于中新世和上新世东半球化石中,被认为是类人猿和人类的祖先 〔ancestral〕Of, relating to, or evolved from an ancestor or ancestors.祖先的:祖先的,与祖先有关的,祖宗传下的〔narrowback〕A person whose parents were born in the United States and who is considered unfit for the hard physical labor typically performed by those in the country of ancestral origin.不适于继承父母劳动的子女:指其父母生于美国,而他被认为不适合做辛苦的体力劳动的人,这些劳动常为祖先传下的绝活〔sister〕A girl or woman who shares a common ancestry, allegiance, character, or purpose with another or others, specifically:亲如手足的女子:与另一(些)女孩或女人有相同的祖先、事业、性格或目标的女人或女孩,尤指:〔strawberry〕Izaak Walton's 1655 comment,"We may say of Angling as Dr. Boteler said of Strawberries; Doubtless God could have made a better berry, but doubtless God never did,”is perhaps the nicest use of the wordstrawberry in its history. This history goes back much further in English to the Old English period when the word is first recorded.We know thatstrawberry was formed during that period from the Old English ancestors of our words straw and berry. What is not known is why the wordstraw is the first part of this compound. One possibility is that the small, one-seeded fruits on the surface of a strawberry resemble fragments of straw.尹扎卡·沃尔顿在1655年的评论道,“我们可以谈论钓鱼就如同包特勒医生谈论草莓;无疑地,上帝可以创造一种更好的浆果,但毫无疑问他从来没有做”,这一评论可能是strawberry 这个词在其历史上最好的用法。 在英语中,这个词的最早记录历史可更远地追溯到古英语时期。我们知道,strawberry 这个词在那时来自于我们的词语 straw 和 berry 的古英语祖先。 为什么这个复合词的前半部分为straw 无从得知。 一种可能是草莓表面小的单个种子状的果实象稻草的碎片〔Jesse〕In the Old Testament, King David's father and the progenitor of the line of Jesus.耶西:《圣经·旧约》中国王大卫之父,耶稣基督家谱上最早的一代祖先〔polygenesis〕Derivation of a species or type from more than one ancestor or germ cell.多源发生说;多细胞繁殖:从一个以上的祖先或初始细胞衍生成为一个物种或一种类型〔diphyletic〕Descended from two ancestral lines or individuals.二祖的:以两个祖先家系或个体遗传的〔spill〕One is not supposed to cry over spilled milk,but at one time the wordspill was associated with many tears. Old Englishspillan, the ancestor of Modern Englishspill, had meanings such as "to destroy, mutilate, kill.”The hints of its future life in connection with substances falling out of containers, often wastefully, were contained in the senses "to waste" and "to shed blood.”But many people, castles, and fortunes were "spilled" before people started spilling milk,at least judging from the recorded evidence.Spill is first recorded in the sense "to cause a substance to fall out of a container" in a work composed in the 14th century.Since then, much water, milk, and gravy have been spilled,while most of the senses having to do with destruction and bloodshed have become obsolete or archaic.对着打翻的牛奶哭是无济于事的,但spill 这个词曾经和眼泪有联系。 古英语单词spillan , 即现代英语单词spill 的祖先, 具有例如“毁灭,破坏,杀死”等意思。而其“浪费”及“使血流出”的含意则暗示着这个古词将来会与通常是浪费性质的从容器中溢出之物发生联系。但在人们开始洒牛奶之前就已“杀死”了许多人命,“毁坏”了许多城堡,“浪费”了许多财富,这一点至少可以从记载下来的证据判断出来。Spill 最初记录下来的意思是“使一物质溢出一容器”, 这一含意出现于14世纪的一本著作中。从那时起,这个词表达人们泼洒了大量的水、牛奶及肉汁,而这个词与毁灭及流血有联系的有关意思则都成了过时用法或古代用法〔Pleistocene〕Of, belonging to, or designating the geologic time, rock series, and sedimentary deposits of the earlier of the two epochs of the Quaternary Period, characterized by the alternate appearance and recession of northern glaciation and the appearance of the progenitors of human beings. See table at geologic time 更新世的:属于或标志第四纪的两个时期中较早时代的地质时期、岩石系列和沉积矿床的,这一时期以互生外貌、北方冰蚀退缩和人类祖先的出现为特征 参见 geologic time〔Simeon〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and Leah and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.西缅:《旧约全书》中雅各和利亚之子,是以色列一支部落的祖先〔totem〕An animal, a plant, or a natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor, or guardian.图腾:一种动物、植物或自然物体,在某一部落或传统民族中作为一氏族或家庭的象征,有时被尊为其创建者、祖先或守护者〔ancestor〕A person from whom one is descended, especially if more remote than a grandparent; a forebear.祖先,祖宗:繁衍后代的人,特别是远于祖父辈;前辈〔patriarch〕Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, or any of Jacob's 12 sons, the eponymous progenitors of the 12 tribes of Israel.祖先:亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各和雅各的十二个儿子等人,是以色列十二个部落的祖先〔hereditary〕Derived from or fostered by one's ancestors:祖传的:从祖先处得来的或由祖先培养的:〔tiki〕A Maori figurine representing an ancestor, often intricately carved from greenstone and worn about the neck as a talisman.毛利人的一种通常用绿岩精细雕成的代表一个祖先的小雕像,戴在脖子上作为护身符〔polyphyletic〕Relating to or characterized by development from more than one ancestral type.多源的:有关从一个以上的祖先类型发展的,或以此为特征的〔Gad〕In the Old Testament, a son of Jacob and the forebear of one of the tribes of Israel.迦得:旧约圣经中雅各的儿子,他是以色列族一个部落的祖先〔preadaptation〕A characteristic evolved by an ancestral species or population that serves an adaptive though different function in a descendant species or population.预适应(性):类或群体的祖先演化而成的特性,可使其后代形成虽不同但具有适应性的功能〔myth〕A traditional, typically ancient story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that serves as a fundamental type in the world view of a people, as by explaining aspects of the natural world or delineating the psychology, customs, or ideals of society:神话;神话故事:一种传统的、通常是古代的故事,它涉及有超自然的生灵、祖先或作为人们世俗目光中重要而典型的英雄人物,如通过解释自然界的方面或描写心理、风俗或社会思想:〔patriarch〕One of the antediluvian progenitors of the human race, from Adam to Noah.祖先:在太古时代的从亚当到诺亚的人类祖先之一〔lineal〕Belonging to or being in the direct line of descent from an ancestor.直系的:属于或成为祖先的直系后代〔evolution〕The theory that groups of organisms change with passage of time, mainly as a result of natural selection, so that descendants differ morphologically and physiologically from their ancestors.进化论:主要由于自然选择的结果,生物体群经历了阶段性的变化,使后代在形态和生理上都与它们的祖先有所不同的理论〔descend〕To come from an ancestor or ancestry:遗传下来,传下:来自祖先:〔origin〕Middle English origine [ancestry] 中古英语 origine [祖先] |
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