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单词 福斯特
释义 〔Vorst〕A city of central Belgium, a manufacturing suburb of Brussels. Population, 50,260.福斯特:比利时中部城市,布鲁塞尔的制造业郊区。人口50,260〔Foster〕American songwriter whose popular works, such as "Oh! Susannah" (1848) and "Old Folks at Home" (1851), reflect the sentiment of pre-Civil War America.福斯特,斯蒂芬·科林斯:(1826-1864) 美国作曲家,他的一些流行作品如《哦,苏珊娜!》(1848年)和《家园故老》(1851年)都反映了内战前美国人的情绪〔Faust〕after Johann Faust (1480?-1540?), German magician and alchemist 源自约翰 福斯特 (1480?-1540?),德国魔术师和炼丹术士 〔Dulles〕American diplomat and politician who as U.S. secretary of state (1953-1959) pursued a policy of opposition to the U.S.S.R. largely through military and economic aid to American allies.杜勒斯,约翰·福斯特:(1888-1959) 美国外交官与政治家,1953-1959年任职国务卿期间坚持反苏政策,主要通过向美国的盟国提供军事与经济援助实施这一政策〔goatee〕When assessing American contributions to the English language and to fashion,let us not forget thegoatee. Early comments on this style of beard appear first in American writings,making this word an Americanism.Although the style raises few eyebrows now,the early comments were not favorable:"One chap's . . . rigged out like a show monkey, with a little tag of hair hangin down under his chin jest like our old billy goat, that's a leetle too smart for this latitude, I think.”This 1842 description, found in William Tappan Thompson'sMajor Jones's Courtship, also reveals the etymology of the word.The first actual recorded occurrence of the word, found in Daniel Lee and Joseph H. Frost'sTen Years in Oregon, published in 1844,also sounds disapproving:"A few individuals . . . leave what is called, by some of their politer neighbors, a ‘goaty’ under the chin.”当评价美国人对英语和其习惯的影响时,让我们不要忘记goatee 这个词。 关于这种样式胡子的早期评论出现于美国作品,这使这个词具有美国特色。尽管这个样式现在很少有人异议,但早期的评论却是反对的:“一个小伙子…打扮得象一只表演的猴子,留着一簇蓬乱的胡子,象一只大公羊,我认为这有点太滑稽了”。这是1842年威廉·塔潘·汤普森在《乔恩上校的求婚》 中的描写, 它也表明了这个词的词源。关于这个词最初的真实记录见于丹尼尔·李和约瑟夫·H·福斯特的《在俄勒冈的十年》 , 出版于1844年,它也持反对态度:“一些人…留着一撮被他们礼貌的邻人称作‘山羊胡子’般的胡须”〔massive〕"Local defense must be reinforced by the further deterrent of massive retaliatory power"(John Foster Dulles)See Synonyms at heavy “必须通过威慑大规模报复势力来加强地方防御能力”(约翰·福斯特·杜勒斯) 参见 heavy〔Foster〕American labor leader and radical politician who was a presidential candidate (1924, 1928, and 1932) and national chairman (1945-1956) of the Communist Party of the United States.福斯特,威廉·西布伦:(1881-1961) 美国工人领袖、激进派政治家,曾于1924、1928及1932年当选为总统候选人,并于1945年-1946年担任美国共产党中央主席〔animadvert〕"a man . . . who animadverts on miserly patients, egocentric doctors, psychoanalysis and Lucky Luciano with evenhanded fervor"(Irwin Faust)“一个吝啬、苛刻的病人,自私自利的医生,精神分析学和幸运的卢奇给予公正评价的人”(欧文·福斯特)〔Bloomsbury〕A residential district of north-central London, England, famous for its associations with members of the intelligentsia, including Virginia Woolf, E.M. Forster, and John Maynard Keynes, in the early 20th century.布鲁姆伯利:英国伦敦中北部的居住区,因在20世纪初期与知识界的人物,包括弗吉尼亚·沃尔夫、E.M.福斯特及约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯的关系而闻名于世〔Forster〕British writer whose novels, such asA Room with a View (1908) and Howards End (1910), explore the emotional and moral shortcomings of England's upper classes. 福斯特,埃(德加)·摩(根):(1879-1970) 英国小说家,其作品有《带风景的房间》 (1908年)和 《霍华德别业》 (1910年)等。其作品揭露了英格兰上层社会的感情和道德缺陷 〔Foster〕American abolitionist and suffragist who refused to pay taxes on her family's farm because she, not having the right to vote, was not represented politically.福斯特,艾比盖尔·凯利:(1810-1887) 美国废奴主义者和主张扩大妇女参政权者。由于没有选举权而不享有政治代表权,她拒绝支付其家庭农场的捐税〔solitude〕"The beast and the monk, robbed of the isolation that is life to either, will die" (E.M. Forster). “丧失了于二者而言都意味着生命的与世隔离,野兽与僧人将会死去” (E·M·福斯特)。




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