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单词 科尔
释义 〔sleaze〕"His record of public service is untouched by any stain of shadiness or sleaze"(James J. Kilpatrick)“他的公共服务记录没有任何污点或不名誉之事”(詹姆斯J.科尔帕里克)〔identify〕In the sense "to associate or affiliate (oneself) closely with a person or group,”identify has developed two distinct subsenses. In one, the verb suggests a psychological empathy with the feelings or experiences of another person,as inMost young readers readily identify (or identify themselves ) with Holden Caulfield. This usage derives originally from psychoanalytic writing,where it has a specific technical sense,but like other terms from that field,it was widely regarded as jargon when introduced into the wider discourse.In particular,critics seized on the fact that in this sense the verb was often used intransitively,with no reflexive pronoun.As Wilson Follett wrote in 1966,"The critic . . . could help restore the true notion in these words if he would give upidentifying at large and resume identifying himself with Ivan Karamazov, Don Quixote, Mary Poppins, or whomever.” In recent years, however, this use ofidentify with without the reflexive has become a standard locution. Eighty-two percent of the Usage Panel accepts the sentenceI find it hard to identify with any of his characters; whereas only 63 percent now accepts this same usage when the reflexive pronoun is used,as inI find it hard to identify myself with any of his characters. · Omission of the reflexive with this use ofidentify serves among other things to distinguish it from use of the verb to mean "to associate (oneself) with the goals, interests, or principles of a group.” This use of the verb can be traced back to the 18th century,but it is now somewhat less acceptable to the Panel than the first sense under discussion:58 percent of the Panel accepts the sentenceShe identified herself with the campaign against drug abuse, and only 40 percent acceptsShe identified with the campaign against drug abuse, where no reflexive pronoun is used. 在“使(自己)密切联系或依附于别人”这一意思中的。identify 一词又有两种不同的含义。 第一,这个动词表现了对其他人的感情或经历在心理上的认同,例如大多数青年读者很快认同了 (或 identify themselves ) 霍尔顿·科尔菲德。 这种用法来源于有关心理分析的著作,在这些著作中,这个词具有特殊的科技含义,不过就象从该领域引入的其它词语一样,这个词在日常生活使用中还带有专业术语的痕迹。特别指出的是,批评家们在发现这个词常常作为不及物动词来用,后面不带反身代词。正如威尔逊·福勒特1966年写到的,“如果评论家们很早就全面放弃identifying 而重新使用 identifying himself with 伊万·卡拉玛佐夫、堂吉诃德、玛丽·波普斯等人物,那就会有助于探询出这些词的真实含意。” 不过,近年来使用identify with 中间不加反身代词已成为一种标准搭配。 用法专题小组中82%的成员认为我觉得很难认同于他小说中的人物 一句是正确的; 而现在只有63%的成员接受使用反身代词来表达同一意思的句子,即I find it hard to identify myself with any of his characters。 省略反身代词以及其它一些方法,使identify 这种用法区别于它作为动词在“与某个集团的目标、利益或原则相联系”一句中的意思。 它作为动词的用法可追溯到18世纪,不过对于用法专题小组来说它没有第一种解释那样被易于接受:58%的小组成员接受她支持反对滥用药物的运动 这一说法, 只有40%的成员接受不要反身代词的She identified with the campaign against drug abuse 这一说法 〔melt〕"Here individuals of all races are melted into a new race of men"(Michel Guillaume Jean de Crèvecoeur)“在这里,各种族的成员融合在一起形成一个新的人类种族”(米歇尔·纪尧姆·让·德·克雷夫科尔)〔Cole〕American singer and pianist who recorded such popular ballads as "Unforgettable" and "Mona Lisa.”科尔,纳“金”:(1919-1965) 美国歌唱家、钢琴家,录制有《不能忘记》和《蒙娜丽莎》等通俗歌谣〔Bowen〕Irish-born British writer best known for her novels about the upper middle class, notablyThe House in Paris (1935) and The Heat of the Day (1949). 鲍恩,伊丽莎白·多罗西·科尔:(1899-1973) 爱尔兰裔英籍作家,因描写中上层阶级生活的小说而闻名,最著名的有《巴黎之屋》 (1935年)和 《热天》 (1949年) 〔coracle〕A small, rounded boat made of waterproof material stretched over a wicker or wooden frame.科拉科尔小艇:一种在枝条或木制构架上蒙上防水材料做成的圆型小艇〔vintage〕played songs that were vintage Cole Porter.弹奏的是最好的科尔·波特的曲子〔pabulum〕"TV . . . gobbled up comedy material and spat it out as pabulum"(Ralph Corliss)“电视…吞噬了喜剧材料,并把它们作为精神养料象雨点般地播放出来”(拉尔夫·科尔里斯)〔dialogue〕In recent yearsthe verb sense ofdialogue meaning "to engage in an informal exchange of views" has been revived, particularly with reference to communication between parties in institutional or political contexts.Although Shakespeare, Coleridge, and Carlyle used it,this usage today is widely regarded as jargon or bureaucratese.For example, 98 percent of the Usage Panel rejects the sentence 近些年来,dialogue 的“进行非正式的意见交换”的动词含意已经被修改了, 特别在指关于机构或政治方面党派之间的交往时。尽管莎士比亚,科尔里奇,卡莱尔用过它,但是今天这种用法普通被认为难懂或者是一种官腔。例如:百分之九十八的用法专题使用小组的成员拒绝这种句子 〔Waterville〕A city of southern Maine north of Augusta. Settled in 1754, it is a trade and manufacturing center and the seat of Colby College (founded 1813). Population, 17,173.沃特维尔:美国缅因州南部城市,在奥古斯塔以北。1754年有人定居,是贸易和制造业中心,并是科尔比大学(建于1813年)所在地。人口17,173〔desolate〕"Here we have no wars to desolate our fields"(Michel Guillaume Jean de Crèvecoeur)“这里,没有战争来摧毁我们的土地”(米歇尔·纪尧姆·让·德·克雷夫科尔)〔Castiglione〕Italian diplomat and writer best known forIl Cortegiano (1528), which describes the perfect courtier. 卡斯第里欧尼,巴尔达萨雷:(1478-1529) 意大利外交家和作家,最有名的是描绘完美朝臣的作品《科尔泰贾诺》 (1528年) 〔trend〕"The gender gap was trending down"(James J. Kilpatrick)“性别之间愈来愈没有距离”(詹姆斯J.科尔帕里克)〔effluence〕"tremendous emotional effluences that affected blocks of people at a time, causing them to walk faster"(Coleman Dowell)“极度的感情流露影响了当时的许多人,使他们走得更快了”(科尔蔓·道尔)〔Kutaisi〕A city of southern European U.S.S.R. west-northwest of Tbilisi. The capital of ancient Colchis in the eighth century, it was taken by the Russians after 1773. Population, 214,000.库塔伊西:苏联南欧部分一城市,位于第比利斯西北偏西,是8世纪古科尔齐斯的首都,1773年以后,被俄罗斯占据。人口214,000〔Medea〕A princess and sorceress of Colchis who helped Jason obtain the Golden Fleece, lived as his consort, and killed their children as revenge for his infidelity.美狄亚:科尔喀斯国的公主及女巫,她帮助伊阿宋取得了金黄色的羊毛织物,做了伊阿宋的妻子,又因伊阿宋的不忠诚而杀了他们的子女以图报复〔currach〕A coracle.克勒克艇:一种科拉科尔小艇〔wimp〕"the impression that he is a colorless, indecisive wimp, and not a leader among men"(James J. Kilpatrick)“他是一个缺乏个性、没有主见的儒弱者,而不是人群中的领导者”(詹姆斯J.科尔帕里克)〔darling〕"Metaphysics and poetry . . . are my darling studies"(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)“玄学和诗歌是我衷爱的学科”(塞缪尔·泰勒·科尔里奇)〔chiasmus〕"Each throat/Was parched, and glazed each eye"(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)“每个人都嗓子冒烟、目光呆滞”(塞缪尔·泰勒·科尔里奇)〔Cole〕American painter acknowledged as the leader of the Hudson River School, America's first painting movement.科尔,托马斯:(1801-1848) 美国画家,作为哈得孙河流派,美国第一次绘画运动的领导者为人们所熟知〔Napier〕British general, civil engineer, and colonial administrator in India who also led military expeditions into Ethiopia and China.纳皮尔,罗伯特·科尔内利斯:(1810-1890) 英国将军、土木工程师和印度殖民总督。曾指挥军队远征埃塞俄比亚和中国〔cordierite〕after Pierre L. Cordier (1777-1861), French geologist 源自皮埃尔·L 科尔迪耶 (1777-1861年),法国地质学家 〔rouge〕"Their job is to rouge up the war . . . to turn the horror into cheering press releases"(Richard Corliss)“他们的工作就是渲染战争…把恐惧变成愉快的压力释放”(理查德·科尔里斯)




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