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单词 程度
释义 〔die〕To cease existing, especially by degrees; fade:消失,消逝:不再存在,特别是指程度;消失:〔grand〕Large and impressive in size, scope, or extent; magnificent.宏大的,雄伟的:尺寸、范围或程度大而给人深刻印象的;壮丽雄伟的〔raise〕To increase in intensity, degree, strength, or pitch:提高,增强,增大:在强度、程度、力量或音调方面增加:〔mighty〕Imposing or awesome in size, degree, or extent:巨大的:体积、程度或广度上巨大或可畏的:〔penetration〕The degree to which a commodity, for example, is sold or recognized in a particular market.畅销度:一种商品在例如某一特定市场的销售或被认可的程度〔attenuate〕To lessen the density of; rarefy.稀释:减弱集中程度;使变稀薄〔far〕To a considerable degree; much:相当地:到相当的程度;很多:〔hectic〕In the Usage Panel survey done for the first edition of theAmerican Heritage Dictionary (1969), 92 percent of the Panel approved of the use ofhectic in its most familiar sense, "characterized by feverish activity, confusion, or haste.”The question was put to the Panelbecause in earlier usage that sense was sometimes deprecated as a loose extension of the term's meaning in medicine.Unless one has some medical knowledgeone probably does not know the older medical uses of the term,for example, "relating to an undulating fever, such as those accompanying tuberculosis,”and unless one has some acquaintance with Middle Englishone would not recognize the first recorded instance of the word,etik, in a text written before 1398. The Middle English term comes from the Old French development of the Late Latin wordhecticus, whose form helped reshape our word in the 16th century.Late Latinhecticus in turn comes from Greek hektikos, "formed by habit or forming habit" and "consumptive,” developing the last sense because of the chronic nature of tuberculous fevers.Thus a word that once simply meant "habitual"eventually had an English descendant used to refer to circumstances that would be undesirable if they were habitual.在针对美国经典辞书 (1969年)第一版对用法专题使用小组的调查中, 92%的成员赞成hectic 一词最常用的意思, “以紧张的活动、忙乱或慌忙为特征的”。之所以要向这些成员提这个问题,是因为作为该词医学含义的模糊延伸,这个意义有时不为人们所接受。除非某人有医学方面的知识,否则他就很可能不知道这个词在医学方面的古老用法,比如“和起伏不定的热病有关的,如肺结核的伴随症”。另外,除非某人对中古英语有一度程度的了解,否则他也认不出1398年以前的一个文本中该词的首例etik 。 这个中古英语单词是由古法语经后期拉丁语hecticus 一词的发展而来的, 其形式在16世纪帮助重新形成了这个单词。而后期拉丁语中的这个词hecticus 又是由希腊语中的 hektikos 一词而来,这个词在希腊语中意指“由习惯形成的或形成习惯的”及“患肺痨的,肺痨的”, 之所以得到最后的意思,是出于肺痨病的特性。这样一来,原来只是表示“习惯性的”这个词,传到英语中最后竟变成了指一旦成为习惯则不被人所喜爱的情形〔abate〕To fall off in degree or intensity; subside.减弱,缓和,消退:降低程度或强度;消退〔progressivity〕The quality or degree of being progressive:进步:处于进步状态的性质或程度〔heighten〕To raise or increase the quantity or degree of; intensify.增加,增强:升高或增加数量或程度;增强〔divergence〕The degree by which things diverge.分歧:事情分叉(叉开)的程度〔toll〕The amount or extent of loss or destruction, as of life, health, or property, caused by a disaster.代价:如生命健康或财产方面等实际造成的损失或毁坏的数量或程度〔too〕To a regrettable degree:实在:达到使人担心的程度地:〔obsessive〕Excessive in degree or nature:急迫的:在程度或性质上连续的:〔criticality〕The quality, state, or degree of being of the highest importance:临界状态:接近顶尖重要的性质、状态或程度〔further〕More distant in degree, time, or space:更远的:在程度上更深的、时间上更往前的或空间上更远的:〔bioavailability〕The degree to which a drug or other substance becomes available at the physiological site of activity after administration.生物药效率,生物利用度:药物或其他物质使用后的生理活性程度〔equal〕Adequate in extent, amount, or degree.足够的:有足够长度、数量或程度〔tiptop〕The highest degree of quality or excellence.头等:质量或优秀程度最高的〔level〕A relative degree, as of achievement, intensity, or concentration:程度,水平:成就、强度或浓度的相对高低:〔death〕Execution.气坏,伤透:压制或激怒(某人)到无法忍耐的程度〔map〕Something that suggests such a representation, as in clarity of representation.类似地图的事物:能显示这种图示的东西,如在图象明晰程度等方面能显示〔shrink〕The degree to which something shrinks; shrinkage.收缩量:某物收缩的程度;收缩量〔far〕To an advanced point or stage:进一步的阶段:到达前面的一点或程度〔major〕Great in number, size, or extent:多的,大的:数目、尺寸或程度上很大的:〔far〕To or at a specific distance, degree, or position:到一特定的距离:到达某一特定的距离、程度或位置:〔depression〕A lowering in amount, degree, or position.降低,削弱:数量、程度或地位的降低〔hair〕A precise or exact degree:精确,准确:精确或准确的程度〔selectivity〕Abbr. sel.The degree to which an electronic receiver is selective.缩写 sel.选择性:电子接收器的选择性所达到的程度〔slope〕The amount or degree of such deviation.斜度,坡度:这种偏离的数量或程度〔lift〕The extent or height to which something is raised or rises; the amount of elevation.提升高度:某物升高或被提高的高度或程度;提高的量〔despair〕Discouragement denotes loss of confidence or courage in the face of obstacles but is the weakest of these terms: Discouragement 是指在面对阻碍时丧失信心或勇气,但在这些词中,它“失望”的程度是最轻的: 〔gallery〕The general public, usually considered as exemplifying a lack of discrimination or sophistication:群众平民,社会大众:一般的公众,通常缺乏辨别力和老练程度〔affect〕Influence implies a degree of control or sway over the thinking and actions, as well as the emotions, of another: influence 暗含对他人感情,思想以及行为的控制及左右的程度〔summit〕The highest level or degree that can be attained.顶点,极点:能够达到的最高的水平或程度〔worst〕In the worst manner or degree.最坏地:以最坏的方式或达到最坏的程度〔more〕A greater or additional quantity, number, degree, or amount:较大或附加的数量、数字、程度或总量:〔grade〕To arrange in steps or degrees.安排:按步骤或程度排列〔ordinary〕Of no exceptional ability, degree, or quality; average.一般的:没有超乎寻常的能力、程度或品质的;一般的




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