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单词 空间
释义 〔slot〕A gap between a main and an auxiliary airfoil to provide space for airflow and facilitate the smooth passage of air over the wing.(飞机的)翼缝:主机翼与辅机翼之间的沟,用于提供空气流动的空间和帮助空气平稳地流过机翼〔place〕The particular portion of space occupied by or allocated to a person or thing.场所,住所:由某人或物占据的特定的空间〔space〕The region of this expanse beyond Earth's atmosphere.太空:地球大气层以外的空间部分〔clear〕A clear or open space.间隙:空旷或开放的空间〔distribution〕A spatial or temporal array of objects or events:事物分布排列:事物或事件的空间或时间的排列,分布:〔headspace〕The volume left at the top of a filled jar, tin, or other container before sealing.预留空间:罐子或其它器皿装物后封盖前顶部留下的空间〔impenetrability〕The inability of two bodies to occupy the same space at the same time.不可入性:两个物体不能在同一时间占据同一个空间〔proximate〕Closely related in space, time, or order; very near.See Synonyms at close 紧接的:在空间、时间或次序上紧密联结的;非常接近的 参见 close〔radiator〕A heating device consisting of a series of connected pipes, typically inside an upright metal structure, through which steam or hot water is circulated so as to radiate heat into the surrounding space.散热器:一种由一系列连接的管道组成的加热器,尤用于直立的金属结构内,蒸汽或热水在其内部循环以向周围空间释放热量〔aerospace〕Of or relating to Earth's atmosphere and the space beyond.航空与航天空间的:属于或关于地球大气层及其外层空间〔clearance〕An intervening space or distance allowing free play, as between machine parts.空隙,间隙:允许自由运动所介入的空间或距离,如在机器零件之间的〔corridor〕Restricted airspace for the passage of aircraft.航空跑道:飞机通过的有限空间〔extensity〕The attribute of sensation that enables one to perceive space or size.扩展感觉性:使人能觉察到的空间或大小的感觉的性质〔on〕In their uses to indicate spatial relations,on and upon are often interchangeable: 在用于表示空间的关系上,on 和 upon 经常可以互换: 〔caprice〕"Talk of space stations, space manufacturing or space defense will be whimsy until the cost of reaching orbit comes down" (Gregg Easterbrook). “关于空间站、空间加工业或空间防御的高辩阔论在进入轨道所需的成本降低之前只是异想天开” (格里格·衣斯特布鲁克)。〔volume〕The amount of space occupied by a three-dimensional object or region of space, expressed in cubic units.体积:一个三维物体或空间地区所占的空间,用立方单位表示〔last〕 Terminal applies to what marks or forms a limit or boundary, as in space, time, or development: Terminal 意指在时间、空间或事物的发展过程中,标志或形成一种限制或界限的东西: 〔punctual〕Confined to or having the nature of a point in space.点的:局限于空间上一点的或具有空间上点的性质的〔this〕Being just mentioned or present in space, time, or thought:这个:刚提及的或在空间、时间或观念上是当前的:〔crowd〕To congregate in a restricted area; throng:聚集:在有限的空间里聚集;群集:〔plenum〕A space completely filled with matter.充满物质的空间〔lift〕The distance or space through which something is raised or rises.扬程:某物升高或被提高所经过的距离或空间〔cloud〕A mass, as of dust, smoke, or steam, suspended in the atmosphere or in outer space.烟云,烟尘:灰尘、烟或蒸汽组成的一团,悬垂于大气或外部空间〔positive〕Driven by or generating power directly through intermediate machine parts having little or no play:直接的:直接由有很少或完全没有转动空间的中级机器设备启动或产生动力的:〔hiatus〕A gap or an interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break:裂口,空隙:空间、时间或连续性的缺口或间断;裂缝:〔off〕At a certain distance in space or time:一段时间,一段距离:在时间上或空间上有一定距离:〔stokehole〕The space about the opening in a furnace or boiler.炉膛口:火炉或锅炉开口附近的空间〔microgravity〕An environment in which there is very little net gravitational force, as of a free-falling object, an orbit, or interstellar space.微重力:对于自由落体、轨道、或是星球间空间有着非常微弱净重力的环境〔admit〕To have room for; accommodate.为…留出空间;容纳〔lebensraum〕Raum [space] from Middle High German roum from Old High German rūm * see reuə- Raum [空间] 源自 中古高地德语 roum 源自 古高地德语 rūm * 参见 reuə- 〔span〕To extend across in space or time:跨越时间或空间〔visuospatial〕Of or relating to visual perception of spatial relationships among objects:视觉空间的:属于或关于物体间空间视感的:〔side〕The space immediately next to something. Often used in combination:旁边:紧靠着某物的空间。经常用在复合词中:〔wedge〕To crowd or squeeze into a limited space.挤入,插入:挤入或插入到有限的空间〔lander〕A space vehicle designed to land on a celestial body, such as the moon or a planet.着陆器:一种用于在诸如月亮或行星等天体上着陆的空间机械器具〔parvis〕One of the porticoes or colonnades surrounding such a space.柱廊,门廊:环绕这样一块空间的门廊或柱廊中的一个〔willow〕A textile machine consisting of a spiked drum revolving inside a chamber fitted internally with spikes, used to open and clean unprocessed cotton or wool.打棉机:一种由装刺的鼓组成的纺织机器,鼓在内部装有大钉的密闭空间内转动,用于打开和清理未加工的棉花或羊毛〔charge〕The net measure of this property possessed by a body or contained in a bounded region of space.静电荷:物体所带有的或一固定区域空间内含有的净电荷〔MOO〕An object-oriented MUD.面向对象的虚拟多用户空间〔dedicated〕"The satellite beams the information down to Earth, where it is sent through dedicated telephone wires to the Space Telescope Science Institute"(Boston Globe)“卫星把信息传送到地球上后,通过专用电话线发送到空间望远镜科学研究机构”(波士顿环球)




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