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单词 简直
释义 〔abide〕can't abide such incompetence.See Synonyms at bear 1这样无能,简直令人无法忍受 参见 bear1〔trite〕Stereotyped refers to what is so lacking in originality or creative force that it seems a mechanical reproduction: Stereotyped 指的是某些东西极端缺乏新意或创造性,简直就象是机械的再生产: 〔contain〕I could hardly contain my curiosity.我简直无法克制我的好奇心〔stir〕"His wrath so stirred within him, that he could have struck him dead"(Charles Dickens)“愤怒在他的心中澎湃,简直想把他打死”(查尔斯·狄更斯)〔hell〕The boss is hell when a job is poorly done.每当工作做得不好时,那老板简直成了魔鬼〔fantabulous〕"a really fantabulous find, just magnificent"(Mel Fisher)“极好的发现,简直妙极了”(梅尔·费希尔)〔mend〕You can't tell where the mend is.你简直看不出补丁在哪儿〔go〕"A record number of . . . banks went belly up"(New Republic)“银行的破产数目简直创纪录了”(新共和国)〔thinkable〕plans that were not even thinkable.简直无法想象的计划〔millstone〕This job is a millstone around my neck.这个工作简直对我是一种负担〔fairly〕The walls fairly shook with their bellowing.他们的吼叫简直把墙都撼动了〔just〕Simply; certainly:完全地,简直〔simply〕Absolutely; altogether:完全地;简直〔midlife〕"a midlife lull when it was feared he was finished"(Curtis Wilkie)“一种中年的消沉,人们简直担心他已经完了”(柯蒂斯·威尔基)〔botch〕"I have made a miserable botch of this description"(Nathaniel Hawthorne)“我这段描写简直搞得糟透了”(纳撒尼尔·霍索恩)〔scroll〕"The information scrolls so fast it's unreadable"(Creative Computing)“信息显示得太迅速了,简直没法看”(创意测算)〔mirth〕Her glee knew no bounds when she crossed the finish line first); it may suggest spiteful pleasuresuch as that experienced at another's bad fortune ( 当她第一个冲过终线时她简直高兴极了); 这一词也暗含一种不高尚的欢乐,如当别人倒霉时幸灾乐祸的愉快(




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