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单词 管状
释义 〔quillwort〕Any of several vascular, spore-bearing, aquatic or marsh plants of the genusIsoetes having short rhizomes and quill-like leaves. 水韭:一种水韭 属的、有维管的、含孢子的水生或沼生的植物,长有短根茎和羽管状的叶子 〔pipe〕A vertical, cylindrical vein of ore.管状脉:直立的管状矿脉〔sigmoidoscope〕A tubular instrument for visual examination of the sigmoid flexure.乙状结肠镜:一种用来对乙状结肠进行视觉观测的管状仪器〔bouvardia〕Any of several Mexican and Central American shrubs or herbs of the genusBouvardia cultivated for their showy, narrowly tubular, variously colored flowers grouped in terminal cymes. 鲍伐德属灌木:一种鲍伐德 属墨西哥和中美洲灌木或草本植物,因其花艳丽、窄管状、颜色各异,在末端形成伞状花序而培植 〔stem〕The tubular glass structure mounting the filament or electrodes in an incandescent bulb or vacuum tube.晶体管管座:将灯丝或电极装入白炽灯泡或真空管的管状玻璃结构〔Breuer〕Hungarian-born American architect and furniture designer who was associated with the Bauhaus in the 1920's. He is known for his chairs with tubular steel frames.布罗伊尔,马塞尔·拉约斯:(1902-1981) 匈牙利裔美籍建筑师和家具设计师,20世纪20年代时与包豪斯建筑学派有联系,以设计管状钢架的椅子而著称〔primrose〕Any of numerous plants of the genusPrimula, having well-developed basal leaves and tubular, variously colored flowers grouped in umbels or heads with a funnel-shaped or salverlike corolla and a tube much longer than the calyx. 报春花:一种报春花 属植物,有发育完全的基生叶,花呈管状,有各种颜色,簇生的伞形花序或头状花序,花冠呈漏斗形或托盘状,有一个比花萼还长的花冠筒 〔tubeworm〕Any of various annelids living within tubular cases that they secrete or glue together from grit.管虫:生长在管状容器内的各种环虫,它们分泌并粘在一起以防止砂粒〔kaleidoscope〕A tube-shaped optical instrument that is rotated to produce a succession of symmetrical designs by means of mirrors reflecting the constantly changing patterns made by bits of colored glass at one end of the tube.万花筒:一种管状光学仪器,经旋转可产生连续不断的对称图案。这是由于管一端的有色玻璃碎片经过镜子的反射形成不断变化的图形〔protostele〕A stele that has a solid core of vascular tissue.原生中柱:一种有管状组织的实心中柱〔aconite〕Any of various, usually poisonous perennial herbs of the genusAconitum, having tuberous roots, palmately lobed leaves, blue or white flowers with large hoodlike upper sepals, and an aggregate of follicles. 乌头:一种毛茛 属通常有毒的多年生草本植物,有管状的根,掌状裂叶,蓝色或白色的冠状萼片的花,和骨突的集合 〔tubing〕Tubular fabric, such as that used for making pillowcases.管形材料:用于制作枕套的管状纤维〔nephridium〕A tubular excretory organ in many invertebrates, such as mollusks and earthworms.肾管:许多脊椎动物,比如软体动物和蚯蚓的管状排泄器官〔mirliton〕from French [toy reed flute, tube-shaped pastry] 源自 法语 [玩具芦笛,管状糕点] 〔penne〕Short, tubular pasta with diagonally cut ends.佩内:一种末端对角切开的短且呈管状的意大利面食〔laparoscope〕A slender, tubular endoscope that is inserted through an incision in the abdominal wall to examine or perform minor surgery within the abdominal or pelvic cavities.腹腔镜:细长管状内诊镜,通过食管进入腹腔以检查腹腔或骨盆或在其中实施手术〔shearwater〕Any of various oceanic birds of the genusPuffinus, having a short, hooked bill with tube-shaped nostrils and long, slender wings that appear to shear the water as the bird flies along the surface. 海鸥:任一种鹱属 的海鸟,生有短而呈钩状的嘴,有管状鼻孔和长而细的翼,当鸟沿水面飞行时,翼好象剪过水面 〔tubulate〕Formed into or resembling a tube; tubular.形成或类似管子的;管状〔turtleneck〕A high, tubular, turned-down collar that fits closely about the neck.高翻领:一种高的管状的领子,可翻下,紧紧地包住脖颈〔cannular〕Of, relating to, or resembling a tube; tubular.管子的,管状的:属于、关于或类似管子的;管状〔bronchiole〕Any of the fine, thin-walled, tubular extensions of a bronchus.细支气管:支气管的任何细小、壁薄、管状的延伸部分〔fistulous〕Tubular and hollow, as the leaves of a scallion.管状的,中空的:如韭葱的叶子的中空如管的〔proboscis〕The slender, tubular feeding and sucking organ of certain invertebrates, such as insects, worms, and mollusks.喙:某些无脊椎动物,如昆虫、蠕虫和软体动物细长的管状进食和吮吸器官〔pipe〕A tubular wind instrument, such as a flute.管乐器:管状吹奏乐器,如笛子〔tubulous〕Shaped like a tube; tubular.管形的;管状〔skirret〕An eastern Asian plant(Sium sisarum) having a cluster of tuberous, sweetish, edible roots. 泽芹:一种亚洲东部的草本植物(泽芹 毒人参属) ,具有管状、甜味可食的根簇 〔fistulous〕Made of or containing tubular parts.管状部分的:由管状零件构成的或含有管状部分的〔fern〕Any of numerous flowerless, seedless vascular plants having roots, stems, and fronds and reproducing by spores.蕨,蕨类植物:数量较大的有根、茎以及复叶的无花、无子管状植物,通过孢子再生〔ascidium〕A pitcher-shaped or bottle-shaped part or organ, such as the hollow tubular leaf of a pitcher plant.瓶状体:罐状或瓶状的部分或器官,如某些瓶状叶植物的中空管状叶子〔periscope〕Any of various tubular optical instruments that contain reflecting elements, such as mirrors and prisms, to permit observation from a position displaced from a direct line of sight.潜望镜:一种管状镜,包含折射物,如镜子和棱镜,用以观察与视线不在同一直线上的位置〔thimble〕Any of various tubular sockets or sleeves in machinery.套管:机器上任一种管状轴孔或套〔pipefish〕Any of various slim, elongated fishes of the family Syngnathidae, living in temperate and warm seas and characterized by a tubelike snout and an external covering of bony plates.海龙,杨枝鱼:一种细长的海龙科鱼,生活在温暖平静的海域,长有其管状鼻和骨盘的表面覆盖物〔fulgurite〕A slender, usually tubular body of glassy rock produced by lightning striking and then fusing dry sandy soil.闪电熔岩:一种因雷击而熔化于沙土形成的细长的通常为管状的光滑岩石体〔mostaccioli〕Short, tubular pasta with slanted ends.意大利通心粉:一种具有倾斜的末端的短的、管状的糊状物〔solenodon〕A large ratlike insectivorous mammal of the family Solenodontidae, especiallySolenodon paradoxus of Hispaniola and S. cubanus of Cuba, characterized by a long tubular snout and a long, stiff, scaly tail. 沟齿鼠:一种属于沟齿科、以昆虫为食的、象老鼠的大型哺乳动物,尤其是希斯帕纽拉岛的海地沟齿鼠 和古巴的 古巴沟齿鼠 ,长有管状鼻子以及僵硬的带鳞长尾巴 〔monadelphous〕Related to or being stamens with all the filaments united into a single tubelike group.雄蕊单体的:与所有花丝结成单一管状组的雄蕊单体的或与之有关的〔squawroot〕An eastern North American plant(Conopholis americana) parasitic on the roots of oaks and other trees and having tubular yellowish flowers and a stem covered with brownish scales. 美类叶升麻根:寄生于橡树和其它树的根上的一种北美东部产(美洲黄鳞草) 植物,长有管状浅黄色花朵和布满褐色鳞片的枝干 〔cystoscope〕A tubular instrument equipped with a light and used to examine the interior of the urinary bladder and ureter.膀胱镜:装有灯的管状仪器,用来检查膀胱内部和输尿管〔pipe〕A hollow cylinder or tube used to conduct a liquid, gas, or finely divided solid.管子,导管,输送管:用来输导液体、气体或固体细末的管状中空圆柱体〔aardvark〕A burrowing mammal(Orycteropus afer) of southern Africa, having a stocky, hairy body, large ears, a long tubular snout, and powerful digging claws. 土豚,非洲食蚁兽:一种生长于南非的穴居哺乳动物(非洲土豚 土豚属) ,身体粗壮且多毛,大耳朵,长有管状的鼻子和用来挖洞的强有力的爪子




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