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单词 簇生
释义 〔fasciculate〕Arranged in or formed of fascicles; fascicular.丛生的,簇生的:排成或组成簇状的;簇生〔fernery〕A bed or collection of ferns.簇生的蕨:蕨圃或蕨集聚生长在一起〔pokeweed〕A tall North American plant(Phytolacca americana) having small white flowers, blackish-red berries clustered on long, drooping racemes, and a poisonous root. Also called pokeberry ,pokeroot 美洲商陆:一种北美洲高大植物(美洲商陆 商陆属) ,有白色的小花,黑红色浆果簇生著长而下垂的总状花序,和有毒的根 也作 pokeberry,pokeroot〔grapefruit〕[Probably so called because the fruit grows in clusters] [可能因其果实簇生而得名] 〔pussytoes〕Any of several low-growing perennial plants of the genusAntennaria, having leaves with whitish down and clusters of small, white flower heads. 蝶须属,猫爪花:一种生长得较短的多年生植物蝶须属植物 属,长有带白色绒毛的叶片和簇生头状花序的小白花 〔plantain〕Any of various plants of the genusPlantago that produce dense spikes of small greenish flowers, especially either of two Eurasian weeds, P. major or P. lanceolata. Also called ribwort 车前草:一种车前草属 植物,淡绿色小花有簇生的穗状花序,尤指两种欧亚大陆的野草 大车前草 或 矛尖状车前草之一 也作 ribwort〔peperomia〕Any of numerous succulent tropical herbs of the genusPeperomia, having simple, entire, palmately veined leaves and numerous minute, unisexual flowers densely grouped in cylindrical spikes. 豆瓣绿草:一般在热带生长茂盛的草,属于豆瓣绿属 长着简洁、完整、掌状且有纹理的叶子,和稠密簇生的圆柱形穗状花序的单性花 〔bobcat〕A wild cat(Lynx rufus) of North America, having spotted reddish-brown fur, tufted ears, and a short tail. Also called bay lynx 红猫,北美大山猫:北美洲野猫(北美大山猫) ,皮毛有红褐色斑点,有簇生眼,尾短 也作 bay lynx〔thrift〕Any of several densely tufted plants of the genusArmeria, especially A. maritima, having white to pink flower heads with a funnel-shaped scarious calyx. 任一种海石竹草本 类簇生植物,尤指有猩红色花萼及白色到粉红色花蕊的 海石竹属 植物 〔goldenrod〕Any of numerous chiefly North American plants of the genusSolidago, having clusters of small yellow flower heads that bloom in late summer or fall. 一枝黄花:许多主要产于北美的一枝黄花 属植物,簇生成头状花序的小黄花,在夏末和秋季开花 〔barberry〕Any of various shrubs of the genusBerberis having leaves that are often clustered, small yellow flowers, and red, orange, or blackish berries. They are grown as specimen or hedge plants. 小檗:一种小檗属 灌木,有通常是簇生的叶子,小黄花,和红色、橙色,或黑色浆果。因其可作标本或围篱而种植 〔ramie〕A tropical Asian perennial herb(Boehmeria nivea) having broad leaves and densely branched panicles of small, unisexual, apetalous flowers. 苎麻:一种亚洲热带的多年生草本植物(苎麻属 微绿苎麻) ,有宽阔的叶片,簇生分枝的圆锥花序,单性、无花瓣的小花 〔heather〕A low-growing Eurasian shrub(Calluna vulgaris) growing in dense masses and having small evergreen leaves and clusters of small, bell-shaped pinkish-purple flowers. Also called ling 2石南属植物:一种长于欧亚的低矮的密集聚生(帚石南 帚石南属) 灌木,长有小且常绿的叶子和小簇生、铃状的粉紫色花 也作 ling2〔pipsissewa〕Any of several evergreen plants of the genusChimaphila, especially the Eurasian species C. umbellata, having white or pinkish flowers grouped in a terminal corymb. Also called prince's pine 梅笠草:一种鹿蹄草科梅笠草 属的长青植物,特别指欧亚种类的 伞形梅笠草 ,有白色或粉白色的簇生伞状花序 也作 prince's pine〔cespitose〕Growing in tufts or clumps.簇生的或丛生的〔primrose〕Any of numerous plants of the genusPrimula, having well-developed basal leaves and tubular, variously colored flowers grouped in umbels or heads with a funnel-shaped or salverlike corolla and a tube much longer than the calyx. 报春花:一种报春花 属植物,有发育完全的基生叶,花呈管状,有各种颜色,簇生的伞形花序或头状花序,花冠呈漏斗形或托盘状,有一个比花萼还长的花冠筒 〔ironweed〕Any of various plants of the genusVernonia, having alternate leaves and clusters of purplish flower heads. 斑鸠菊:斑鸠菊 属植物,有互生叶和簇生的紫色头状花序 〔privet〕Any of several shrubs of the genusLigustrum, especially L. vulgare or L. ovalifolium, having opposite leaves and clusters of white flowers and widely used for hedges. 女贞:女贞 属一种灌木,尤指 欧洲女贞 或 女贞 ,叶对生,有簇生的白花,多用作绿篱 〔pinaster〕A Mediterranean pine tree(Pinus pinaster) having a characteristic pyramidal form and needles clustered in fascicles of two. 海松:一种地中海松树(海岸松 松属) ,具有金字塔形状和成对簇生的松针 〔eryngo〕Any of several plants of the genusEryngium having spiny leaves and dense clusters of small bluish flowers. 甜海冬根:刺芹属 的几种植物,尤指海滨刺芹,具有刺状树叶和稠密簇生的浅蓝色小花 〔chamise〕An evergreen shrub,(Adenostoma fasciculatum) in the rose family, native to California, having small needlelike leaves in fascicles and clusters of small white flowers. 蔷薇属灌木:一种蔷薇科常绿灌木(手杖木) ,原产于加利福尼亚州,有聚成伞状的小针叶和簇生的白色小花




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