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单词 米兰
释义 〔Monza〕A city of northern Italy north-northeast of Milan. An ancient capital of Lombardy, it is now a major industrial center with diversified manufactures. Population, 122,103.蒙察:意大利北部的一座城市,位于米兰东北偏北方,是伦巴第的古都,现在是一个有多种制造业的主要工业中心。人口122,103〔Kundera〕Czech-born writer best known for his novels, includingThe Joke (1967), The Book of Laughter and Forgetting (1979), and The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1984), all of which exhibit his extreme, though often comical, skepticism. 昆德拉,米兰:捷克裔作家,以其小说闻名,包括《玩笑》 (1967年)、 《笑忘录》 (1979年)和 《生命中不能承受之轻》 (1984年),这些作品体现出常带有喜剧色彩的极端怀疑论 〔Parma〕A city of north-central Italy southeast of Milan. Founded by Romans in 183b.c. , it became a free city in the 12th century and was the center of the duchy of Parma and Piacenza after 1545. It became part of the kingdom of Sardinia in 1860 and of Italy in 1861. Population, 176,750. 巴尔马:意大利中北部一城市,位于米兰东南。由罗马人在公元前 183年建成,于12世纪成为一个自由城,在1545年以后成为巴尔马公国和皮亚琴察公国的中心,该城于1860年成为撒丁尼亚王国的一部分并于1861年成了意大利的国土。人口176,750 〔Varese〕A city of northern Italy northwest of Milan. It is the center of a popular resort area. Population, 90,285.瓦雷泽:意大利北部的一座城市,位于米兰西北部,它是一个受欢迎的避暑地区的中心。人口90,285〔Novara〕A city of northwest Italy west of Milan. The Austrians defeated the Piedmontese here in 1849. Population, 101,635.诺瓦拉:意大利西北米兰西部的城市。1849年奥地利人在这打败皮德蒙特人。人口101,635〔Biella〕A city of northwest Italy west-northwest of Milan. It is a manufacturing center famous for its textiles. Population, 53,572.比耶拉:意大利西北部一城市,位于米兰西北偏西。是以纺织业闻名的制造业中心。人口53,572〔Bergamo〕A city of northern Italy in the foothills of the Alps northeast of Milan. Originally a Gallic settlement, it later became a Lombard duchy. Population, 121,846.贝加莫:意大利北部一城市,位于米兰市东北部的阿尔卑斯山脚下。原为一高卢人村落,后为伦巴第公爵领地。人口121,846〔Sforza〕Family of Milanese political leaders, includingFrancesco (1401-1466), a captain of mercenaries who declared himself duke of Milan (1450). His son Ludovico (1451?-1508) was duke of Milan (1481-1499) and a patron of Leonardo da Vinci. 斯佛萨:米兰政治领袖家族,其中有弗朗西斯科 (1401-1466年),他是雇佣兵首领并声称自己是米兰公爵(1450年)。他的儿子 卢多维克 (1451?-1508年)是米兰公爵(1481-1499年)且是雷翁那多·达·芬奇的资助人 〔Lecco〕A city of northern Italy on Lake Como north-northeast of Milan. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 51,349.拉科:意大利北部一城市,位于科莫湖畔,米兰东北偏北方。它是一个制造业中心。人口51,349〔Vercelli〕A city of northwest Italy west-southwest of Milan. Founded in Roman times, it was ruled by the Visconti family of Milan from 1335 to 1427 and thereafter by the house of Savoy. Population, 51,975.维切利:意大利西北部的一个城市,位于米兰的西南偏西。该城创建于古罗马时代,从1335年起到1427年止受米兰的维斯康第家族的统治,在其后又受制于萨伏伊王室。人口51,975〔Ambrose〕Writer, composer, and bishop of Milan (374-397) who imposed orthodoxy on the early Christian Church.安布罗斯:作家、作曲家、米兰主教(374-397年),曾在早期基督教会中推行正统观念〔Turin〕A city of northwest Italy on the Po River west-southwest of Milan. An important Roman town, it was later a Lombard duchy and the capital of the kingdom of Sardinia (1720-1861). It was also the first capital of the new kingdom of Italy. Population, 1,103,520.都灵:意大利西北一城市,位于波河河畔、米兰西南偏西方。它是罗马时代的一个重要城市,后来成为一个伦巴底公爵领地及撒丁尼亚尼亚王国的首都(1720年-1861年)。它也曾是新意大利王国的第一个首都。人口1,103,520〔Cremona〕A city of northern Italy on the Po River east-southeast of Milan. Originally a Roman colony, it was an independent commune in the Middle Ages until its surrender to Milan in 1334. Population, 80,758.克雷默那:意大利北部的一个城市,位于波河沿岸,米兰市的东南偏东方。它原先是罗马的一个殖民地,在中世纪时期是一个独立的行政区,直至1334年它被米兰兼并。人口80,758〔Brescia〕A city of northern Italy east of Milan. It was a Gallic town, a Roman stronghold, and a free city from 936 to 1426. Population, 206,460.布里西亚:意大利北部一城市,位于米兰以东。该市曾是高卢的一个小镇,古罗马时期的要塞,从936到1426年间是一个自由市。人口206,460〔Vigevano〕A city of northwest Italy southwest of Milan. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 65,228.维杰瓦诺:意大利西北的一座城市,位于米兰西南。它是制造业中心。人口65,228〔Visconti〕Milanese leader who conquered Siena (1399), Perugia (1400), and Bologna (1402) and was a noted patron of the arts.维斯孔蒂,吉安·加利罗:(1351?-1402) 米兰领袖,曾征服了锡耶纳(1399年)、佩鲁贾(1400年)和波洛尼亚(1402年),并以其对艺术的支持闻名〔Locarno〕A town of southern Switzerland at the northern end of Lake Maggiore. First mentioned in 749, it passed to Milan in 1342 and was taken by the Swiss in 1512. The Locarno Pact between Germany and various European powers was signed here on December 1, 1925, in an effort to promote peace and maintain existing territorial borders. The city is today a popular resort. Population, 14,300.洛迦诺:瑞士南部一镇,位于马奏列湖北端。在749年被首次提到,1342年被转让给米兰公国并于1512年被瑞士占领。1925年12月1日德国和其他欧洲国家在此签订《洛迦诺公约》,以此来促进和平并维持现存领土边界。今天该城是一著名游览胜地。人口14,300〔Giulini〕Italian conductor best known for his work conducting opera. He served as conductor at La Scala in Milan (1951-1956) and Covent Garden in London (1958-1967) prior to leading the Los Angeles Philharmonic (1978-1984).朱利尼,卡罗·玛利亚:意大利指挥家,以其指挥歌剧的作品最为著称于世,在领导洛杉矶爱乐交响乐团(1978至1984年)之前,他曾经服务于米兰史卡拉交响乐团(1951至1956年)及位于伦敦哥芬特花园剧院(1958至1967年)担任指挥〔Casoria〕A city of southern Italy, a suburb of Milan. Population, 68,355.凯瑟瑞尔:意大利南部一城市,米兰的一个郊区。人口68,355〔Milan〕A city of northern Italy northeast of Genoa. Probably of Celtic origin, it was taken by the Romans in 222b.c. and has been an important commercial, financial, cultural, and industrial center since medieval times because of its strategic location. Population, 1,634,638. 米兰:意大利北部一城市,位于热那亚东北。可能由塞尔特人所建,公元前 222年被罗马人占领,因其处于战略要地,自中世纪以来一直是一个重要的商业、金融、文化和工业中心。人口1,634,638 〔Seveso〕A town of northern Italy northwest of Milan. In July, 1976, a ruptured valve at a chemical plant here released a cloud of dioxin, injuring many people.西佛梭:意大利北部米兰西北的城镇。1976年7月,当地一座化工厂阀门破裂,释放出的戴奥辛云伤害了许多人〔Piacenza〕A town of northern Italy on the Po River southeast of Milan. Founded by Romans as Placentia in 218b.c. , it was occupied by Goths, Franks, and Lombards and became a free city and part of the Lombard League in the 12th century. Population, 108,177. 皮亚琴察:意大利北部一小镇,位于波河河畔、米兰东南。公元前 218年由罗马人建立,称普拉森舍,先后被哥特人、法兰克人和伦巴第人占据,12世纪时成为自由市和伦巴第同盟的一部分。人口108,177 〔Rho〕A city of northern Italy, an industrial suburb of Milan. Population, 50,740.罗镇:意大利北部的一个城市,米兰的一个工业郊区。人口50,740〔Garda〕A lake of northern Italy east of Milan. Its shoreline is dotted with resorts and vineyards.加尔达湖:意大利北部一个湖泊,位于米兰东部。它的岸边分布有许多旅游胜地和葡萄园〔Pavia〕A city of northwest Italy south of Milan. Originally a Roman stronghold known as Ticinum, it served as capital of the Lombard kings before 1359 and later became a leading Italian city-state. Population, 85,056.帕维亚:意大利西北部一城市,位于米兰南面。以前是罗马一要塞,名为提契南,1359年前为伦巴底国王首府,后来成为重要的意大利城邦。人口85,056




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