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单词 粗壮
释义 〔pyknic〕Having a short, stocky physique.矮壮的:生有矮而粗壮体形的〔rugged〕Having a sturdy build or strong constitution:粗壮的,身体强健的:〔burly〕Heavy, strong, and muscular; husky.See Synonyms at muscular 粗壮的,结实的:重的,强壮的,结实的;结实强健的 参见 muscular〔physique〕a stocky build;一个粗壮身材的人;〔strawflower〕A stout Australian plant(Helichrysum bracteatum) having flower heads with showy, variously colored bracts that retain their color when dried. 蜡菊:一种粗壮的澳大利亚植物(蜡菊) ,其头状花序有鲜艳且颜色各异的苞片,在花变干时色泽不变 〔gorilla〕The largest of the anthropoid apes(Gorilla gorilla) native to the forests of equatorial Africa, having a stocky body and coarse, dark brown or black hair. 大猩猩:栖居在赤道非洲的最大的类人猿(大猩猩) ,体型粗壮,头发很粗,呈深棕色或黑色 〔portly〕Comfortably stout; corpulent.See Synonyms at fat 粗壮的;肥胖的 参见 fat〔madwort〕A low-growing Eurasian plant(Asperugo procumbens) having rough stems and small blue flowers. 糙草:一种产于欧亚大陆(糙草 糙草属) 的矮生植物,长有粗壮的茎杆并开蓝色的小花 〔chunky〕Short and thick; stocky.矮胖的;粗壮〔robust〕Powerfully built; sturdy.See Synonyms at healthy 粗壮的;结实的 参见 healthy〔yucca〕Any of various evergreen plants of the genusYucca, native to the warmer regions of North America, having often tall stout stems and a terminal cluster of white flowers. 丝兰:一种丝兰 属常绿植物,原产于北美的温暖地带,枝干长而粗壮,开有白花的顶生花簇 〔rugged〕a rugged trapper who spent months in the wilderness.在旷野中数月的粗壮的捕兽者〔meaty〕Heavily fleshed.多肉的,粗壮〔healthy〕 Hale stresses freedom from infirmity, especially in elderly persons,whilerobust emphasizes healthy strength and ruggedness: Hale 强调老年人不虚弱的,而robust 则强调健康的力量和粗壮〔Simmental〕Any of a Swiss breed of large, muscular cattle, having a reddish body and a white face and raised for meat and milk.西门塔尔牛:一种瑞士种肌肉粗壮的牛,身体为浅红色,脸为白色,因其肉和奶而喂养〔fat〕"a portly, rubicund man of middle age" (Winston Churchill). “一个粗壮的红脸膛中年人” (温斯顿·丘吉尔)。 〔beefy〕Muscular in build; brawny:结实:肌肉结实发达;粗壮的:〔rude〕Vigorous, robust, and sturdy.健全的,强壮的:有活力的、粗壮的和强健的〔thick〕Heavy in form, build, or stature; thickset:粗的:形状、结构或身材粗壮的;结实的:〔fat〕Portly andstout are sometimes used as polite terms to describe fatness. In stricter applicationportly refers to a person whose bulk is combined with a stately or imposing bearing, andstout, to a person with a thickset, bulky figure: Portly 和stout 有时用作描述肥胖的礼貌用词。 在更严格的用法中,portly 指身体与一种庄严的或强加的忍耐力联系在一起的人, 而stout 指身材矮胖、粗壮的人: 〔tapir〕Any of several large, chiefly nocturnal, odd-toed ungulates of the genusTapirus of tropical America, the Malay Peninsula, and Sumatra, related to the horse and the rhinoceros, and having a heavy body, short legs, and a long, fleshy, flexible upper lip. 貘:任一种生活于热带美洲、马来半岛和苏门答腊岛的貘 属的个体较大,主要在夜间活动且具有奇数足趾的有蹄类哺乳动物,它和马、犀牛有亲缘关系,长有粗壮的躯体,短短的腿和一块长而多肉的富有弹性的上唇 〔aardvark〕A burrowing mammal(Orycteropus afer) of southern Africa, having a stocky, hairy body, large ears, a long tubular snout, and powerful digging claws. 土豚,非洲食蚁兽:一种生长于南非的穴居哺乳动物(非洲土豚 土豚属) ,身体粗壮且多毛,大耳朵,长有管状的鼻子和用来挖洞的强有力的爪子 〔roller〕Any of various Old World birds of the family Coraciidae, having bright blue wings, stocky bodies, and hooked bills. They are noted for their aggressiveness and their habit of rolling and twisting in flight, especially during the breeding season.佛法僧:任一种长有艳丽的蓝色翅膀、粗壮的躯体及钩形喙的佛法科东半球鸟,该鸟以喜好攻击且尤其习惯于繁殖季节在飞行中翻滚旋转而出名〔Hoosier〕As the fame of Indiana basketball grows ever greater,perhaps a larger number of people have become curious about the origins of the wordHoosier, the nickname for a native or resident of Indiana. As more than one of the curious has discovered,the origins are rather opaque.The most likely possibility is thatHoosier is an alteration of hoozer, an English dialect word recorded in Cumberland,a former county of northwest England, in the late 19th century and used to refer to anything unusually large.The transition betweenhoozer and Hoosier is not clear. The first recorded instance ofHoosier meaning "Indiana resident" is dated 1826; however, it seems possible that senses of the word recorded later in theDictionary of Americanisms, including "a big, burly, uncouth specimen or individual; a frontiersman, countryman, rustic,”reflect the kind of use this word had before it settled down in Indiana.随着印第安纳州篮球的名声越来越响,也许很多人对Hoosier, 印第安纳州人或定居者的别称这个词的来源感到好奇。 正如若干好奇者所发现的那样,其来源非常隐晦。最大的可能性是Hoosier 是 hoozer 的变体, 这是记录于坎伯兰的英格兰方言,19世纪后期英格兰西北部以前的一个郡,用来指特别巨大的东西。Hoozer 和 Hoosier 之间的过渡并不清楚。 意思是“印第安那州居住者”的Hoosier 的首次记载是在1826年; 但是可能该词的解释后来收录于美国俗语词典 中, 包括“一个庞大的、粗壮的、野蛮的种类或个体;拓荒者,乡巴佬,庄稼人,”可能反映了它在落户印第安那之前所有的用法〔bruiser〕A large, heavyset man.体形大而粗壮的男人




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