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单词 紧急
释义 〔imperative〕Impossible to deter or evade; pressing:必要的,紧急的:不可能防止或逃避的;紧急的:〔dire〕Urgent; desperate:紧急的;急需的:〔press〕To require haste; be urgent.催逼:需要急速的;紧急〔pressing〕Demanding immediate attention; urgent:紧迫的,迫切的:要求即刻主义的,紧急的:〔exigency〕The state or quality of requiring much effort or immediate action.紧急(状态),危急(关头):要求付出更多努力或立即行动的性质或状态〔paramedical〕Of, relating to, or being a person trained to give emergency medical treatment or assist medical professionals.紧急护理的,医务辅助人员的:属于、有关或是受过进行紧急医务护理或辅助专职医护人员训练的人的〔WAVES〕Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service.(美国海军)志愿紧急服役妇女队〔priority〕Precedence, especially established by order of importance or urgency.领先,优先:尤指按重要性或紧急程度的顺序建立的优先地位〔emergency〕A condition of urgent need for action or assistance:紧急:急需行动或帮助的状况:〔alarum〕A warning or an alarm, especially a call to arms:紧急战斗号令:警告或警报,尤其指紧急武装的号令:〔cry〕An urgent entreaty or appeal.哀求,恳求:紧急请求或呼吁〔imperious〕Urgent; pressing.紧急的;迫切的〔Wave〕A member of the women's reserve of the U.S. Navy, organized during World War II, but now no longer a separate branch.志愿紧急服役妇女队:美国海军妇女预备队成员,二战期间组建,但现在不再是独立的分支〔peremptory〕Having the nature of or expressing a command; urgent:强求或命令的;紧急的:有下命令的天性的;急切要求的:〔stare〕To be imminent or unavoidable:面临:紧急的或不可避免的:〔imperative〕imperative needs.See Synonyms at urgent 紧急的需要 参见 urgent〔emergency〕emergency food rations.紧急时备用应急的食物配量〔emergent〕Demanding prompt action; urgent.紧急的:要求迅速行动的;急切的〔shunt〕urgent problems that society can no longer shunt aside.社会再也无法回避的紧急问题〔scrip〕Paper money issued for temporary emergency use.临时紧急通货:为临时紧急使用发行的纸币〔exigency〕A pressing or urgent situation.See Synonyms at crisis 紧急情况:紧急或迫切的情况 参见 crisis〔double〕had to double back to touch the missed base.必须紧急转身回头触垒〔press〕The haste or urgency of business or matters.事态紧迫:生意或事务的急促或紧急〔enforce〕invoke emergency powers. 求助紧急备用部队。 〔bulwark〕 Barricade pertains broadly to a barrier to passage but usually implies hasty construction to meet an imminent threat. Barricade 更确切地说是阻塞通道的障碍物,但更多指用于应付紧急威胁的仓促建筑。〔run〕A series of unexpected and urgent demands, as by depositors or customers:争购,挤兑:存款人或顾客等的令人意外且紧急的提款要求:〔ECCS〕Emergency core cooling system.核心紧急冷却系统〔exigent〕Requiring immediate action or remedy.See Synonyms at urgent 紧急的:需要立即行动或补救的 参见 urgent〔speed〕Hasten suggests urgency and often eager or rash swiftness: Hasten 有紧急之意,经常表示因焦急或草率而快速: 〔dire〕a dire economic forecast; dire threats.紧急经济预报;严重威胁〔UNICEF〕United Nations Children's Fund (formerly United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund).联合国儿童基金(以前为联合国国际儿童紧急基金)〔duck〕An amphibious truck used in emergencies, as to evacuate flood victims.紧急时使用的水陆两用车,用于疏散洪水灾民〔paramedic〕A person who is trained to give emergency medical treatment or assist medical professionals.护理人员,医务辅助人员:一种受过进行紧急医务护理或辅助专职医护人员训练的人〔imminent〕About to occur; impending:紧急的:马上要发生的;迫近的:




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