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单词 红色
释义 〔aloe〕Any of various chiefly African plants of the genusAloe, having rosettes of succulent, often spiny-margined leaves and long stalks bearing yellow, orange, or red tubular flowers. 芦荟:一种主要产于的非洲芦荟 属植物,有肉质多浆的莲座丛,通常叶的边缘带刺并有黄、桔黄或红色管形花的长茎 〔cinnabar〕Red mercuric sulfide used as a pigment.朱红色:用作颜料的红色硫化汞〔rubellite〕The red variety of tourmaline, used as a gemstone.红电气石:用作宝石的一种红色电气石〔carotene〕An orange-yellow to red crystalline pigment, C40H 56, found in animal tissue and certain plants, such as carrots and squash. It exists in three isomeric forms and is converted to vitamin A in the liver. 胡萝卜素:一种桔黄色至红色的晶体色素,C40H 56,发现于动物细胞组织和某些植物中,如胡萝卜和南瓜。其存在于三种同质异构形式中并且可以在肝脏中转变为维生素A 〔bloodroot〕A perennial wildflower(Sanguinaria canadensis), native to forests in eastern North America and having a fleshy rootstock exuding a poisonous red sap, a single lobed leaf, and a solitary white flower in early spring. Also called red puccoon 血根草:一种多年生的野生植物(美洲血根草) ,原产于北美洲东部的森林,根茎鲜艳,叶汁红色且有毒,叶单生,早春开白色单花 也作 red puccoon〔loganberry〕The red fruit of this plant.这种植物的红色果实〔redshank〕An Old World wading bird(Tringa totanus) having long red legs. 红脚鹬:一种生有红色长腿的欧洲凫水鸟(红脚鹬) 〔diamond〕A red, lozenge-shaped figure on certain playing cards.方块:特定的扑克牌上红色菱形图案〔bloodstone〕A variety of deep-green chalcedony flecked with red jasper. Also called heliotrope 鸡血石,血滴石:一种上有红色碧玉斑点的深绿色玉髓 也作 heliotrope〔Hermitage〕A rich, full-bodied, usually red wine produced in southeast France.罗纳葡萄酒:产于法国东南部的一种醇厚的、浓烈的、通常为红色的葡萄酒〔toyon〕An evergreen Californian shrub(Heteromeles arbutifolia), having leathery leaves, small white flowers in large panicles, and red, fleshy, berrylike fruit. Also called Christmas berry 柳叶石楠:美国加利福尼亚州的常绿灌木(柳叶石楠) ,具有坚韧的叶子、由白色小花构成的大圆锥花序以及红色、肉质、浆果状的果实 也作 Christmas berry〔rubious〕Of the color of a ruby; red.红宝石色的,红玉色的;红色〔garibaldi〕A loose, high-necked blouse styled after the red shirts worn by Garibaldi and his soldiers.红色阔罩衫:一种宽松、高领的罩衫,由加里波第及其战士们所穿的红色衬衫而流传下来〔erysipelas〕erusi- [red] * see reudh- erusi- [红色] * 参见 reudh- 〔gules〕The color red, indicated on a blazon by vertical lines.红色:红颜色,在纹章上用平行垂线表示〔moonseed〕Any of several dioecious vines of the closely related generaCocculus and Menispermum, having inconspicuous flowers and red or blackish fruit. 蝙蝠葛属:任一种与防已属 和 蝙蝠葛属 有密切联系的雌雄异体的藤本植物,开显眼的花朵,结红色或黑色果实 〔daltonism〕An inherited defect in perception of red and green; red-green colorblindness.色盲:先天性地分不清红色和绿色;红绿色盲〔ruby〕from Latin rubeus [red] * see reudh- 源自 拉丁语 rubeus [红色的] * 参见 reudh- 〔pomegranate〕The fruit of this tree, having a tough reddish rind, and containing many seeds, each enclosed in a juicy, mildly acidic, red pulp.石榴:这种树的果实,有坚韧的浅红色果皮,并含有许多种子,每粒种子都包在多汁、微酸的红色果浆中〔pimiento〕A garden pepper(Capsicum annuum) having a mild, ripe, red fruit. 灯笼椒,甜椒:一种园地椒(辣椒 辣椒属) ,具有味淡、成熟的红色果实 〔catchfly〕Any of several plants of the generaSilene and Lychnis, native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and having white, pink, red, or purplish flowers and sticky stems and calyxes on which small insects may become stuck. 捕蝇草:一种蝇子草属 和 剪秋罗属 植物,原产地主要在北半球。开白色、粉红色红色或紫色花朵,茎和花萼有粘性,会粘住小昆虫 〔Lindsay〕American playwright and producer who collaborated with Russel Crouse on a number of musical comedies, includingRed, Hot, and Blue (1936) and State of the Union (1946). 林赛,霍华德:(1889-1968) 美国剧作家和电影制片人,与拉塞尔·克鲁斯合作了一系列音乐喜剧,包括《红色,亮蓝色》 (1936年)和 《联邦》 (1946年) 〔brazilwood〕The reddish wood of certain tropical trees or shrubs in the pea family, especially a Brazilian treeCaesalpinia echinata, whose wood is used for violin bows and as a source of a red or purplish dye. 巴西苏木:某些豆科热带树木或灌木的红色木头,尤指云实属 巴西木,其木头用于做小提琴弓或一种红色或紫色染料的原料 〔uredinium〕A reddish, pustulelike structure that is formed on the tissue of a plant infected by a rust fungus and produces uredospores.夏孢子堆:一种微红色的脓疱状结构,主要形成于受锈菌感染的植物组织上,并产生夏孢子〔kaki〕A Chinese tree(Diospyros kaki) having large, edible, orange to reddish fruit with orange flesh and an enlarged, persistent calyx. 柿树:一种中国柿树,(柿树属柿) ,有大的、可食的桔黄色至红色的果实,果肉呈桔黄色;带有扩大的宿存花萼 〔clarkia〕Any of various annual, chiefly western North American plants of the genusClarkia, several of which are cultivated for their showy red, purple, pink, or white flowers. 克拉花:一种钩瓣属 的一年生植物,主要分布于北美西部,其中几种因其艳丽的红色、紫色、粉红或白色花而被栽培 〔cherry〕The yellow, red, or blackish fruit of any of these plants.樱桃:这些植物所结的黄色、红色或近于黑色的果实〔carnallite〕A white, brownish, or reddish mineral, KCl·MgCl2·6H 2O, an ore of potassium, used to manufacture potash salts. 光卤石:一种白色、棕褐色或微红色矿物质,KCl·MgCl2·6H 2O,钾矿石,用于制造钾盐 〔potentilla〕Any of numerous herbs or shrubs of the genusPotentilla, of the North Temperate Zone, having pinnately or palmately compound leaves and yellow, white, or red flowers with many pistils. 委陵菜:一种北温带委陵菜属 草本植物或灌木,具羽状或掌状复叶,花为黄色、白色或红色,有许多雌蕊 〔erythrite〕A reddish secondary cobalt mineral, CO3(AsO 4) 2·8H 2O, found in veins bearing cobalt and arsenic and used in coloring glass. 钴华:一种次生的红色钴矿,CO3(AsO 4) 2·8H 2O,在矿脉里发现,并含有钴和砷,用作生产彩色玻璃 〔quinalizarin〕A red crystalline compound, C14H 8O 6, used to dye cotton. 醌茜素:一种红色结晶化合物,C14H 8O 6,用来染棉布 〔toothwort〕A parasitic European plant(Lathraea squamaria) having scaly cream-colored or pink stems and pinkish flowers. 齿草:一种寄生的欧洲植物,(石芥花 赤鳞草属) ,有鳞状奶脂色或粉红色的茎和微红色的花 〔manzanita〕Any of several evergreen shrubs or small trees of the genusArctostaphylos of the Pacific coast of North America, especially A. manzanita, bearing white or pink flowers in drooping panicles and producing red berrylike drupes. 熊果树:任一种产于北美太平洋沿岸的熊果树属 的常绿灌木或小树,尤指 熊果树, 开有垂落圆锥花冠形的白色或粉色花,结红色浆果状的核果 〔bryony〕Any of various Eurasian tendril-bearing vines of the genusBryonia, having red or black berries and tuberous roots formerly used as medicine. 泻根:生长在欧亚大陆,生有卷须的泻根属 的藤类植物,结红色或黑色果实,其块根原用作药物 〔redheaded〕Having a red head:红头的:头部为红色的:〔rockrose〕Any of various plants of the generaCistus or Helianthemum having small roselike yellow, white, or reddish flowers. 岩蔷薇,半日花:任何一种开类似玫瑰的黄色、白色或红色小花的岩蔷薇 或 半日花 属植物 〔rubricate〕from Latin rūbrīcātus [rubricated] 源自 拉丁语 rūbrīcātus [用红色标明的] 〔cuprite〕A natural red secondary ore of copper, essentially Cu2O, that forms as a result of weathering. 赤铜矿:一种天然的红色次生铜矿,其基本元素为Cu2O,作为风化的产物而形成 〔cubanelle〕A cultivar of the tropical pepperCapsicum annuum having long, sweet, pale green to red fruits used in cooking. 小古巴椒:热带辣椒的培育品种甜椒 ,具有味甜、浅绿色至红色的长型果实,用于烹饪 〔rosy〕Having the characteristic pink or red color of a rose.玫瑰色的:带有玫瑰的粉色或红色特征的




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