单词 | 纪念 |
释义 | 〔anniversary〕Often used to modify another noun:纪念,周年纪念:常用于修饰另一个名词:〔Altdorf〕A town of central Switzerland near the southeast tip of the Lake of Lucerne. A statue commemorates the legendary exploits of William Tell, marking the spot where he supposedly shot an apple off his son's head. Population, 8,200.奥特多夫:瑞士中部的一镇,在卢塞恩湖东南端附近。这里有座纪念著名功勋人物威廉·泰尔的雕像,标记出据说他曾用箭射下他儿子头上的苹果的地点,人口8,200〔remembrance〕Something serving to celebrate or honor the memory of a person or an event; a memorial.纪念:为庆祝或尊重某人或某事件的物品;纪念品〔observe〕"It [July 2, 1776] ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance . . . It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade . . .from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore" (John Adams).See also Synonyms at see 1“它[1776年7月2日] 应作为诞生之日来纪念…… 应用壮观的典礼和游行来隆重庆祝……从这片大陆的这头到那头,从此时到永远” (约翰·亚当斯) 参见同义词 see1〔Martinmas〕November 11, the day on which this feast is observed.11月11日,纪念这一节日的日子〔festschrift〕A volume of learned articles or essays by colleagues and admirers, serving as a tribute or memorial especially to a scholar.纪念文集:同事或仰慕者写的尤指送给一位学者作为礼物或纪念的学术性论文或散文的汇编〔Haworth〕A village of northern England west-northwest of Bradford. The Brontë sisters—Charlotte, Emily, and Anne—lived with their father and brother in the parsonage, which now houses a library and museum devoted to family memorabilia.霍沃思:英格兰北部一村庄,位于布雷福德西北偏西。布朗特姐妹(夏洛特、艾米莉和安妮)和她们的父亲及弟弟所住的牧师寓所现在已改为图书博物馆,用来纪念这一家族〔circumcision〕A Christian feast celebrating the circumcision of Jesus. Used withthe. 割礼节:纪念耶稣受割礼的基督教节日。与the 连用 〔Lammas〕A feast formerly celebrated in commemoration of Saint Peter's deliverance from prison.圣彼得逃脱日:旧时用来纪念圣彼得大帝从监狱中获释的节日〔commemorate〕To honor the memory of with a ceremony.See Synonyms at observe 纪念:用某仪式纪念 参见 observe〔transfiguration〕The Christian feast commemorating this event, observed on August 6 and, in the Eastern Orthodox Church, on August 19.耶稣变容节:纪念这个事件的基督教节日,在八月六日举行,对于东正教会,该节目在八月十九日〔Lermontov〕Russian writer who is remembered for the novelA Hero of Our Time (1840) and his many poems. He died in a duel. 莱蒙托夫,米克海尔·尤里耶维奇:(1814-1841) 俄国作家。因其小说《当代英雄》 (1840年)和众多诗作而受到纪念。他死于一场决斗 〔memorandum〕from Latin [neuter sing. gerundive of] memorāre [to bring to remembrance] * see memorable 源自 拉丁语 memorāre的中性单数动形词 [纪念,记住] * 参见 memorable〔watt〕One might well ask how many European scientists it takes to turn on a light bulb.If we think in terms of the names used for various units in the International, or meter-kilogram-second, System,a fair number are involved.Alphabetically arranged, these units are theampere, named for the French scientist Andr? Marie Ampère (1775-1836); thecoulomb, after the French scientist Charles A. de Coulomb (1736-1806); thefarad and the faraday, after the British scientist Michael Faraday (1791-1867); thejoule, after the British scientist James P. Joule (1818-1889); thenewton, after the British scientist Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727); theohm, after the German scientist Georg S. Ohm (1789-1854); thevolt, after the Italian scientist Count Alessandro Volta (1745-1827); and thewatt, after the British scientist James Watt (1736-1819). Definitions such as that ofohm, "a unit of electrical resistance equal to that of a conductor in which a current of one ampere is produced by a potential of one volt across its terminals,” take on more human connotations when we think of how human contributions to the study of electricity are memorialized in them.The dates of first recorded use of the terms in English are as follows:ampere, 1881; coulomb, 1881; farad, 1861; faraday, 1904; joule, 1882; newton, 1904; ohm, 1870 (suggested in 1861); volt, 1873; and watt, 1882. 有人可能会问经过了多少位欧洲科学家才点亮了灯泡。如果我们以国际单位制或米—千克—秒单位制中各种单位之名称的形式来考虑的话,相当数量的人被包括了。这些单位按字母顺序排列是安培, 以法国科学家安德烈·马里耶·安培(1775—1836年)命名; 库仑, 以法国科学家夏尔·埃·德库仑(1736-1806年)命名; 法拉 和 法拉第, 以英国科学家迈克尔·法拉第(1791—1867年)命名; 焦耳 以英国科学家詹姆斯·皮·焦耳(1818—1889年)命名; 牛顿, 以英国科学家伊萨克·牛顿爵士(1642—1727年)命名; 欧姆, 以德国科学家格奥尔格·斯·欧姆(1789—1854年)命名; 伏特, 以意大利科学家亚历山德罗·沃尔塔伯爵(1745—1827年)命名; 瓦特, 以英国科学家詹姆士·瓦特(1736—1819年)命名。 定义诸如欧姆, “电阻单位,等于一伏特电压加于导体两端在导体内部产生一安培电流之导体电阻”, 当我们想到人们对电学做出的贡献是怎样在这之中得到纪念的时候,就带上了更多的人文内涵。英语中首次有记录的使用这些说法的时间如下:安培, 1881; 库仑, 1881; 法拉, 1861; 法拉第, 1904; 焦耳, 1882; 牛顿, 1904; 欧姆, 1870(在1861年建议使用); 伏特, 1873;和 瓦特, 1882 〔commemorative〕Honoring or preserving the memory of another.纪念性的:纪念另一事或保存其记忆的〔cachet〕A commemorative design stamped on an envelope to mark a postal or philatelic event.纪念邮戳,首日封:一信封上贴上一种有纪念意义的图案,以纪念集邮或邮政上的一个事件〔tope〕A dome-shaped monument, used to house Buddhist relics or to commemorate significant facts of Buddhism or Jainism. Also called stupa 圆顶塔,印度塔:一种圆顶形纪念碑,用来保存佛教遗物或纪念佛教或耆那教中的重大事情 也作 stupa〔Borglum〕American sculptor noted for his monumental works, particularly the busts of four U.S. Presidents on Mount Rushmore.博格鲁姆,格曾:(1867-1941) 美国雕刻家,以其纪念作品闻名,尤指拉什莫尔山上的四位美国总统塑像〔after〕With the same or close to the same name as; in honor or commemoration of:纪念,以…命名:与…名字有相同或相近的名字;为纪念…:〔dirge〕The history of the worddirge illustrates how a word with neutral connotations, such asdirect, can become emotionally charged because of a specialized use. The Latin worddīrige is a form of the verb dīrigere, "to direct, guide,” that is used in uttering commands.In the Office for the Deaddīrige is the first word in the antiphon for the first nocturn of matins. The complete opening words of this antiphon are"Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam,” "Direct, O Lord, my God, my way in thy sight.” The part of the Office for the Dead that begins with this antiphon was namedDīrige in Ecclesiastical Latin, a use ofdirige as an English word that is first recorded in a work possibly written before 1200. Dirige was then extendedto refer to the chanting or reading of the Office for the Deadas part of a funeral or memorial service.In Middle Englishthe word was shortened todirge, although it was pronounced as two syllables.After the Middle Agesthe word took on its more general senses of "a funeral hymn or lament" and "a mournful poem or musical composition"and developed its one-syllable pronunciation.dirge 一词的历史表明一个中性词, 如direct 如何因特殊用法而带上了感情色彩。 拉丁词dirige 是动词 dirigere, “指示,指导”的一种形式, 用于发布命令。在为死者每日七次的祈祷中,dirige 是为第一次宵祷而启应轮流吟唱颂歌的首词。 这个颂歌完整开始语是"Dirige, Domine, Deus meus, in conspectu tuo viam meam,” “指引吧,我的主,我的上帝,您可看到我的行为” 。 以这首颂歌开始的为死者的祈祷部分过去用教会拉丁文被命名为Dirige , dirige 作为英语单词的一种用法, 此词可能第一次被记录在1200年前的作品中。 Dirge 是那时词义的延伸,用来指为死者的祈祷时的唱歌或读经,作为葬礼或纪念的一部分。在中古英语中,该词缩写为dirge , 尽管它作为两个音节发音。中世纪后,该词有了更广的意义,指“哀乐,挽歌”和“悼念性的诗或其他音乐作品”,并且发展了它的单音节发音〔memory〕The fact of being remembered; remembrance:追思:被记住的事实;纪念:〔solemnize〕To celebrate or observe with dignity and gravity.See Synonyms at observe 隆重庆祝:威严、庄重地庆祝或纪念 参见 observe〔Succoth〕Hebrew sukkôt [(feast of) booths (commemorating the temporary shelters of the Jews in the wilderness)] [pl. of] sukkâ [booth] 希伯来语 sukkôt [帐篷(节)(纪念犹太人在野外的临时避难所)] sukkâ 的复数 [棚] 〔Shavuot〕A feast held on the sixth and seventh days of Sivan in commemoration of the revelation of the Law on Mount Sinai and the celebration of the wheat festival in ancient times. Also called Pentecost 五旬节:在犹太教历第六和第七天进行庆祝的节日,是纪念西奈山上的律法启示,并庆祝古时的麦收节 也作 Pentecost〔ogham〕An alphabetic system of inscribed notches for vowels and lines for consonants used to write Old Irish, chiefly on the edges of memorial stones, from the fifth to the early seventh century.欧甘文字:V形刻痕代表元音,线形刻痕代表辅音的字母系统。这一字母系统是用以书写古爱尔兰语的,在5世纪至7世纪早期主要刻在纪念石碑的边缘部分〔Passover〕A holiday beginning on the 14th of Nisan and traditionally continuing for eight days, commemorating the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.逾越节:开始于犹太教历七月十四日,并按惯例持续八天的节日,用来纪念犹太人从埃及的奴役下解放出来〔tricentennial〕A tercentenary event or celebration.三百周年的庆祝活动或纪念〔Dionysia〕Ancient Greek festivals held seasonally, chiefly at Athens, in honor of Dionysus, especially those held in the fall and connected with the development of early Greek drama.酒神节:古希腊主要在雅典举行的季节性节日,以纪念狄俄尼索斯尤其是秋季举行,并同早期希腊戏剧发展有关〔Zwinglian〕Of or relating to Ulrich Zwingli or to his theological system, especially his doctrine that the physical body of Jesus is not present in the Eucharist and that the ceremony is merely a symbolic commemoration of Jesus's death.茨温利的,茨温利教义的:乌尔里希·茨温利的、或其神学理论学说的;或与上述有关的,尤指他的教义:耶稣本人并没有在圣餐中出现,而且仪式只是对耶稣之死的象征性纪念〔Hepworth〕British sculptor best known for herSingle Form (Memorial to Dag Hammarskjöld) at the United Nations Plaza in New York City. 赫普沃思,芭芭拉:(1903-1975) 英国雕刻家,以纽约市联合国大厦前的《独影(纪念戴各·哈马啥尔德)》 而著名 〔uranium〕The element uranium, whose discovery has been so vital to our nuclear age, owes its name to a preceding scientific discovery, that of the planet Uranus.Sir William Herschel, who discovered Uranus in 1781, named the planetGeorgium sidus, "the Georgian planet,” in honor of George III.Some also called itHerschel, but convention prevailed and the planet came to be calledUranus (the form in Modern Latin and English),the name of a heavenly deity like the rest of the planets.Called Uranus in Latin mythology and Ouranos in Greek,this god of the heavens was chosen because he was the father of Saturn (Greek Cronos), the deity of the planet next in line,who was the father of Jupiter (Greek Zeus), the deity of the next planet.The name of this new planet was then used in the name of a new chemical element,uranium, discovered eight years later by M.H. Klaproth. Klaproth, a German scientist, gave it the Latin nameuranium in honor of the discovery of Uranus. Uranium passed into English shortly thereafter, being first recorded in the third edition of theEncyclopedia Britannica, published in 1797. 元素铀的发现对现今的核子时代是至关重要的。它的名称是据在它之前发现的天王星命名的。威廉·赫歇尔爵士于1781年发现了天王星,并起名为Georgium sidus, “乔治的行星”, 用来纪念乔治三世。有人称之为赫歇尔, 但传统的力量更巨大,最终这颗行星被称之为Uranus (现代拉丁文和英语形式),如用其余的行星一样是用天神的名字命名的。在拉丁神话中被称作优拉纳斯神,而在希腊神话中被作优拉诺斯神,之所以选中这个天神因为他是萨图恩(希腊神话中为克洛诺斯)的父亲,而萨图恩是和他临近的行星;他还是朱庇特(希腊神话中的宙斯)的父亲,而宙斯又是下一颗临近的行星。这颗新行星的名字又用来命名一种新发现的化学元素,铀 是由M.H.克拉普罗特八年后发现的。 克拉普罗特这位德国科学家给予它铀 这种拉丁字母是为了纪念 天王星的发现。 Uranium在这之后不久进入英语, 首次出现于1797年出版的大不列颠百科全书 的第三版中 〔Gettysburg〕A town of southern Pennsylvania east-southeast of Chambersburg. It was the site of a major Union victory in the Civil War (July 1-3, 1863), which checked Robert E. Lee's invasion of the North. The battle and Abraham Lincoln's famous Gettysburg Address (delivered at the dedication of a cemetery here on November 19, 1863) are commemorated by a national park. President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farm, a national historic site, is also in Gettysburg. Population, 7,194.葛底斯堡:宾夕法尼亚南部钱伯斯堡东南偏东的一城镇。是美国内战(1863年7月1日-3日)中一次较重要的联邦军胜利遗址,这次胜利抑制了罗伯特·E·李对北方的入侵。建立了一座国家公园以纪念这次战役和阿伯罕姆·林肯的葛底斯堡演讲(发表于1863年11月19日在此举行的公墓落成典礼的献辞上)。德怀特·D·艾森豪威尔总统的农场,一个具有历史意义的遗址也在葛底斯堡。人口7,194〔Sucre〕The constitutional capital of Bolivia, in the south-central part of the country southeast of La Paz. Founded in 1538 as Chuquisaca, it was renamed in 1840 to honor the first president of the country. Population, 86,609.苏克雷:玻利维亚宪法规定的首都,位于该国的中南部,拉巴斯东南方。建于1538年,当时的名称是丘基萨卡,1840年更名以纪念国家第一任总统,人口86,609〔Succoth〕A harvest festival commemorating the booths in which the Israelites resided during their 40 years in the wilderness, lasting for either 8 or 9 days and beginning on the eve of the 15th of Tishri.住棚节:一种庆丰收的节日,纪念古以色列人在旷野流浪40年居住的帐篷,从犹太历元月十五日开始,持续8或9天〔Seder〕The feast commemorating the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, celebrated on the first two nights of Passover.逾越节家宴:纪念犹太人出逃埃及的节日宴,在逾越节的前两个晚上庆祝〔pantheon〕A public building commemorating and dedicated to the heroes and heroines of a nation.祠庙:纪念和供奉一个民族的英雄的公共建筑〔Tenebrae〕The office of matins and lauds sung on the last three days of Holy Week, with a ceremony of candles.纪念耶稣受难的赞美诗晨祷:在复活节前一周最后三天的早课经和赞美经,伴随有烛光仪式〔Easter〕A Christian feast commemorating the Resurrection of Jesus.复活节:纪念耶稣复活的基督教节日〔Hanukkah〕An eight-day festival beginning on the 25th day of Kislev, commemorating the victory in 165b.c. of the Maccabees over Antiochus Epiphanes (c. 215-164 b.c. ) and the rededication of the Temple at Jerusalem. Also called Feast of Dedication ,Feast of Lights 犹太圣节:一种从(犹太历)三月的第二十五天开始并持续8天的节日,以纪念公元前 165年马卡比一家战胜安提俄克斯·埃皮费尼(C.215-164 公元前 )和为位于耶路撒冷的神殿的献身 也作 Feast of Dedication,Feast of Lights〔commemorative〕Something that honors or preserves the memory of another.纪念品:纪念或保持另一事的某事 |
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