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单词 纳西
释义 〔Bozeman〕A city of southwest Montana east-southeast of Butte. Settled in the 1860's, it is a gateway to Yellowstone National Park. Population, 22,660.博兹曼:蒙大纳西南部一城市,位于布特东南偏东。始建于19世纪60年代,是黄石国家公园的入口。人口22,660〔echo〕One might think that our wordecho is from the name of the nymph Echo, whom Greek mythology associates with echoes.According to one version of her story,she was torn to pieces by shepherds driven to this act by the god Pan, who was hopelessly in love with her.Pieces of Echo hidden in the ground still respond to Pan's frenzied cries,producing the phenomena known as echoes.A second version of her tale has it that Echo, as a penalty for distracting Hera from observing Zeus's infidelities, lost all power of speech,except the ability to reply.This defect lost her the love of Narcissus,which caused Echo to pine away until only her voice was left.The hapless nymph, however, cannot even claim credit for echoesbecause the Greek wordēkhō, the source of Englishecho, existed with our common noun sense before any mention of Echo is found.Our wordecho is first recorded in Middle English in a work composed in 1340. 您可能想到echo 这个词来自仙女埃科的名字, 她在希腊神话中与回声有关。关于她的故事,有一种说法认为,神潘爱她无望,便指使牧羊狗将她撕成碎片。她的碎片藏在地下时仍在回答潘的疯狂叫喊,于是产生了回声。另一种说法是,埃科使得赫拉察觉不到宙斯的不忠,作为惩罚被剥夺了说话的能力,只能重复别人的话。这个缺陷使她失去了纳西色斯的爱情,于是埃科不断憔悴消损,最后只留下她的声音。可惜的是这位不幸的女神并不能因为制造了回声这个词而居功,因为希腊语ekho , 即英语中echo 的来源, 早在任何关于埃科的故事之前就存在了。我们现在的词echo 最早是在1340年出现于中世纪英文作品中 〔Faenza〕A city of north-central Italy southwest of Ravenna. It is noted for its richly colored pottery, produced here since the 12th century. Population, 39,700.法恩扎:意大利中北部的一座城市,位于拉韦纳西南部。12世纪以来,这里由于出产色彩华丽的陶器而闻名。人口39,700〔Butte〕A city of southwest Montana south-southwest of Helena. It has been a mining center since its settlement in the 1860's and enjoyed its greatest importance after the discovery of copper deposits in 1880. Population, 33,336 .比尤特:美国蒙大纳西南部一个城市,位于赫勒拿西南偏南。自19世纪60年代建立后,一直是一个矿业中心,自1880年发现铜矿藏之后,占有极重要地位。人口33,336〔Echo〕A nymph whose unrequited love for Narcissus caused her to pine away until nothing but her voice remained.艾科:单恋纳西索斯的仙女,憔悴消损最后只留下声音〔Whitman〕American frontier missionary who with his wifeNarcissa Prentiss (1808-1847) established a missionary post in the Oregon region (1836), where they introduced Christianity, schooling, and medical advances to the Native Americans. 惠特曼,马库斯:(1802-1847) 美国边远地区携带妻子的传教士纳西萨·普伦蒂斯 (1808—1847年),在俄勒冈地区建立了一个传教地(1836年),在那里向美国土著人介绍基督教、教育和医术 〔Nash〕American writer known for his droll epigrammatic verse, much of which appeared in theNew Yorker. 纳西,奥格登:(1902-1971) 美国作家,因写没有固定韵律的幽默诗而闻名,其中大多数发表在《纽约人》 杂志上




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