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单词 纽约人
释义 〔infantilize〕"It creates a crisis that infantilizes them—causes grown men to squabble like kids about trivial things"(New Yorker)“眼下形成一种幼儿化危机——成年人象小儿似的为一些琐事争吵”(纽约人)〔gonzo〕"a hyperkinetic, gonzo version of Graham Greene"(New Yorker)“格雷厄姆·格林洒脱之致的表演”(纽约人)〔Kafkaesque〕"Kafkaesque fantasies of the impassive interrogation, the false trial, the confiscated passport . . . haunt his innocence"(New Yorker)“冷漠的质问,虚妄的审判,被没收了的护照等卡夫卡式幻想,侵扰着他简单的头脑”(纽约人)〔Fadiman〕American writer and editor. A book reviewer for theNew Yorker (1933-1943), he hosted the Information Please! radio program (1938-1948) and has edited numerous anthologies. 法迪曼,克利福顿·保罗:(生于 1904) 美国作家和编辑。他曾任《纽约人》 (1933-1943年)的书评人,主持过 《信息征请》 广播节目(1938-1948年)并且编辑了许多诗集 〔Ross〕American publisher who founded and edited (1925-1951) theNew Yorker magazine. 罗斯,哈罗德·华莱士:(1892-1951) 美国出版商,创办并编辑了《纽约人》 周刊(1925-1951年) 〔honcho〕"some of the big-name honchos . . . featured in the glossy . . . magazines"(New Yorker)“一些被亮泽时髦的…杂志报道过的大名鼎鼎的老板…”(纽约人)〔Kael〕American movie critic. She began writing for theNew Yorker in 1968. 克尔,保莱恩:(生于 1919) 美国电影评论家。她于1968年开始为《纽约人》 写稿 〔Parker〕American writer noted for her satirical wit. She was drama critic forVanity Fair (1916-1917) and book critic for the New Yorker (1927-1933). 帕克,多罗斯·罗斯柴尔德:(1893-1967) 因其讽刺性的机智而闻名的美国作家。是《名利场》 的戏剧评论员(1916-1917年)和 《纽约人》 的著作批评家(1927-1933年) 〔Nash〕American writer known for his droll epigrammatic verse, much of which appeared in theNew Yorker. 纳西,奥格登:(1902-1971) 美国作家,因写没有固定韵律的幽默诗而闻名,其中大多数发表在《纽约人》 杂志上 〔borax〕"today's glinty borax"(New Yorker)“现代华而无味的商品”(纽约人)〔hick〕"New Yorkers had a horrid way of making people feel like hicks"(Louis Auchincloss)“纽约人的讨厌之处在于他们总能使人觉得自己象乡下佬”(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)〔preacher〕River navigation in America has its own lexicon,including words for hazards encountered in riverboat travel.Large uprooted trees that had drifted down the river and become stuck in the riverbedwere sometimes known by their peculiar and dangerous characteristics.John McPhee writes for theNew Yorker : "One kind . . . known as asawyer, sawed up and down with the vagaries of the current . . .In the Yukon River, such logs—eternally bowing—are known aspreachers. In the Mississippi . . . they were allsnags. ” 在美国内河航运业有它自己的专门词汇,包括用于表示船只在航行中所遇危险的词。一些被连根拔起的大树沿河漂流而下并且固着在河床上,它们都因奇特及危险的特性而为人所知。约翰·麦克菲曾在纽约人 中写道: “有一种…被称为 sawyer (漂流木), 随着水流的变化擦来擦去…在育空河里,这种整日里打躬的木头被叫做沉木 。 在密西西比河中…它们都被称为水中沉树 ” 〔barbarism〕There is a significant difference in meaning betweenbarbarism and barbarity. Both denote some absence of civilization,but the wordcivilization itself has several different senses, one the opposite ofbarbarism, the other the opposite of barbarity. On the one handcivilization may refer to the scientific, artistic, and cultural attainments of advanced societies; and it is this sense that figures in the meaning ofbarbarism. The English wordbarbarism originally referred to incorrect use of language, but it is now used more generally to refer to ignorance or crudity in matters of taste, including verbal expression:The New Yorker would never tolerate such barbarisms. On the other hand,civilization may refer to the basic social order that allows people to resolve their differences peaceably, and it is this sense—that is, civilization as opposed to savagery—that figures in the meaning ofbarbarity, which refers to savage brutality or cruelty in actions,as inThe accounts of the emperor's barbarity shocked the world. 在barbarism 与 barbarity 之间意义有明显的区别。 虽然两者都包含不文明的意思,但civilization 一词本身有好几种意思, 一种与barbarism 相反,另一种与 barbarity 相反。 一方面civilization 可以指在发达社会中科学、艺术、文化方面取得的成就, 这层意义能在barbarism 中得到体现。 英语词barbarism 最先指语音不正确的使用, 现在却更多地用来指品味方面的无知与鄙俗,包括动词表示法,例如:这个 纽约人 从不会容忍这些低级趣味。 另一方面,civilization 还可以指允许人们和平地彼此同化的社会基本规则。 在这个意义上,“文明”作为“残暴”的反义词,在barbarity 中得以体现, 指残酷的暴行或行为方面的残忍,例如句子这个皇帝的暴行被报道之后震惊了全世界 〔bananas〕"That's the horrible thing when you're bananas—nobody can know the awful things that are going on in your head"(Otto Friedrich)"City dwellers . . . are subjected to so much noise it drives them bananas"(New Yorker)“当你发疯时是件可怕的事,没人知道你头脑里正在发生什么可怕的事”(奥托·弗雷德里克)“城市居民承受了太多的噪音,他们会发疯的”(纽约人)〔upmarket〕"He turned up in well-cut clothes . . . and upmarket felt hats"(New Yorker)“他穿着剪裁合体的服装,戴着高档的帽子”(纽约人)〔cityscape〕"the vast cityscape of lower Manhattan"(New Yorker)“曼哈顿南区广阔的城市风光”(纽约人)〔Steinberg〕Romanian-born American graphic artist and cartoonist whose witty, satirical works have appeared in theNew Yorker. 斯泰因贝格,扫罗:(生于 1914) 罗马尼亚裔美国画家和漫画家,其机智、讽刺的作品风格尤表现在《纽约人》 中 〔Knickerbocker〕A native or inhabitant of New York.纽约人:纽约本地人或居民〔Perelman〕American writer known especially for his satirical pieces in theNew Yorker. 佩雷尔曼,西(德尼)·约(瑟夫):(1904-1979) 美国作家,尤以其发表在《纽约人》 上的讽刺文章闻名 〔Flanner〕American journalist who was the Paris correspondent for theNew Yorker (1925-1975) and published several volumes of her collected essays. 弗兰纳,珍尼特:(1892-1978) 美国记者,曾任《纽约人》 (1925-1975年)驻巴黎的通讯员,出版过几卷论文集 〔Hoboken〕A city of northeast New Jersey on the Hudson River opposite Manhattan. Now a railroad hub and busy seaport, it was a resort and amusement center for New Yorkers before the mid-19th century. Population, 33,397.霍波肯:美国新泽西州东北部一城市,位于哈得孙河畔且与曼哈顿对望。现在是铁路中枢和繁忙海港,19世纪中期前是纽约人的渡假胜地和娱乐中心。人口33,397〔Addams〕American cartoonist known for the macabre humor and Gothic settings of his cartoons, many of which first appeared in theNew Yorker. 亚当斯,查尔斯·塞缪尔:(1912-1988) 美国漫画家,以其卡通作品之恐怖的幽默及哥特式布景著名。许多作品首次刊登于《纽约人〔Arno〕American cartoonist whose satirical drawings of high society were regularly featured in theNew Yorker. 阿诺,彼得:(1904-1968) 美国漫画家,他讽刺上层社会的漫画定期显著刊载于《纽约人〔dicey〕"an extremely dicey future on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen, tar, and smog"(New Yorker)“一个极端冒险的未来新世界在充满液氮、焦油和烟雾”(纽约人)〔White〕American writer and humorist who contributed essays, editorials, and parodies to theNew Yorker. He also wrote children's books, including Charlotte's Web (1952), and revised a 1918 writing manual, The Elements of Style (1959). 怀特,埃(尔温)·布(鲁克斯):(1899-1985) 美国作家及幽默家,他给《纽约人》 杂志撰写散文、社论及讽刺性诙谐模仿文,他同时也写儿童读物,其作品包括 《夏洛特的网》 (1952年),并修改了一份1918年的写作手册 《文体要素》 (1959年) 〔drudgework〕"This account . . . of decades of drudgework amid others' possessions is drudgework for the reader as well"(New Yorker)“读这篇叙述在别人工厂所做的数十年苦工的文章对读者来说也是份苦差事”(纽约人)〔Thurber〕American writer and cartoonist who was long associated with theNew Yorker magazine. His essays, short stories, such as "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" (1939), and drawings humorously depict the preoccupations of modern men and women. 瑟伯,詹姆斯·格罗夫:(1894-1961) 美国作家和漫画家,曾与《纽约人》 杂志长期合作。其“沃尔特·米蒂的隐私”(1939年)等散文及短篇小说和绘画幽默地再现了现代男人和女人们的偏见 〔affectless〕"Mass-culture banality is killing our souls and making everybody affectless"(New Yorker)“大众文化的陈腐抹杀了我们的心灵并使所有的人都缺乏感情”(纽约人)〔deadline〕"He was never going to be deadlined by a day, or even a month"(New Yorker)“他从不想一天天地被人统治,即使是一个月也不行”(纽约人)〔Calisher〕American writer whose works, including short stories and novels, such asThe New Yorkers (1969), display diverse but consistently high literary styles. 卡利什,霍腾斯:(生于 1911) 美国作家,其作品有短篇故事和小说,如《纽约人》 (1969年),展现了多样的但始终水平较高的文学风貌 〔strategize〕"a lot to think about and strategize about and anticipate"(New Yorker)“许多要考虑的和决定的和预料的”(纽约人)〔cohost〕"In 1980,[he] co-hosted another event for large contributors" (New Yorker)See Usage Note at host 1“在1980年,[他] 为大量捐助者作另一事件的共同节目主持人” (纽约人) 参见 host1




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