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单词 经济援助
释义 〔Dulles〕American diplomat and politician who as U.S. secretary of state (1953-1959) pursued a policy of opposition to the U.S.S.R. largely through military and economic aid to American allies.杜勒斯,约翰·福斯特:(1888-1959) 美国外交官与政治家,1953-1959年任职国务卿期间坚持反苏政策,主要通过向美国的盟国提供军事与经济援助实施这一政策〔autarky〕A policy of national self-sufficiency and nonreliance on imports or economic aid.自给自足:一种国家不依赖进口或经济援助的自给自足的政策〔subvert〕"Economic assistance . . . must subvert the existing . . . feudal or tribal order"(Henry A. Kissinger)See Synonyms at overthrow “经济援助…必须彻底推翻现存的…封建的或氏族的秩序”(亨利A.基辛格) 参见 overthrow〔subsidy〕Financial assistance given by one person or government to another.经济援助:一个人或政府给另一个人或政府的经济援助〔himself〕In the black himself, he could offer financial assistance to his cousin.暗地里,他能给他的表亲提供经济援助〔dependent〕also de.pend.ant One who relies on another especially for financial support. 也作 de.pend.ant 经济援助者:依赖于别人,尤其是经济援助的人




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