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单词 经济支柱
释义 〔Bend〕A city of central Oregon at the eastern foot of the Cascade Range east of Eugene. Lumbering and tourism are important to its economy. Population, 20,469.本德:美国俄勒冈州中部城市,位于尤金以东的喀斯喀特山麓的东部。伐木业和旅游业为其重要经济支柱。人口20,469〔Bermuda〕A self-governing British colony comprising about 300 coral islands in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of Cape Hatteras. The first settlement was made in 1609 by British colonists shipwrecked on their way to Virginia. Tourism is crucial to its economy. Hamilton, onBermuda Island, the largest in the archipelago, is the capital. Population, 56,000. 百慕大:一自治英属殖民地,由大约300个珊瑚岛组成,位于好望角东南的大西洋中。它的开拓者是一批1609年在去弗吉尼亚州途中翻船的英国殖民主义者。旅游业是其经济支柱。首府为汉密尔顿,位于群岛中最大的岛屿,百慕大岛 上。人口56,000 〔Manresa〕A city of northeast Spain north-northwest of Barcelona. Metallurgical and textile industries are important to its economy. Population, 66,951.孟拉萨:西班牙东北部一城市,位于巴塞罗那的西北偏北方向 ,冶金和纺织工业是其经济支柱。人口66,951〔Limeira〕A city of southeast Brazil northwest of São Paulo. Citrus fruits and silkworm cultivation are important to its economy. Population, 137,809.利梅拉:巴西东南部一城市,位于圣保罗西北部。柑桔种植业和蚕养殖业是其重要经济支柱。人口137,809




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