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单词 结论
释义 〔deduction〕The process of reasoning in which a conclusion follows necessarily from the stated premises; inference by reasoning from the general to the specific.演绎:推理的过程,在此过程中必然可从所述前提得出一个结论;从一般推向特殊的推论〔corollary〕A deduction or an inference.推论:推论或结论〔reason〕 Judgment is the ability to assess situations or circumstances and draw sound conclusions: Judgment 是对形势或环境的估计并作出正确结论的能力: 〔base〕based her conclusions on the report; a film based on a best-selling novel.根据报告作为她的结论;一部以畅销小说为题材的影片〔valid〕a valid conclusion.正确推断的结论〔flow〕Several conclusions flow from this hypothesis.几个结论都出自他的假设〔valid〕These adjectives describe assertions, arguments, conclusions, reasons, or intellectual processes that are persuasive because they are well founded, as in fact, logic. or rationality.What isvalid is based on or borne out by truth or fact or has legal force: 这些形容词描述了因为有确凿证据,如在事实、逻辑或理由上,而很具说服力的主张、争论、结论、理由或智力过程。valid 的事物是建立在或产生于真理或事实上或具有法律效应: 〔speculation〕A conclusion, an opinion, or a theory reached by conjecture.推论,推断:通过推测得到的结论、观点或理论〔consequent〕Following as a natural effect, result, or conclusion:随之发生的:作为其自然后果、结局或结论随之发生的:〔haphtarah〕Mishnaic Hebrew hapṭārâ [conclusion] 密西拿的希伯来语 hapṭārâ [结论] 〔tentative〕Not fully worked out, concluded, or agreed on; provisional:试验性的:还未完全完工的、总结或得出了一致结论的;临时的:〔conclusion〕A judgment or decision reached after deliberation.See Synonyms at decision 推定:经过细心分析得出的结论或判断 参见 decision〔opinion〕A belief or conclusion held with confidence but not substantiated by positive knowledge or proof:信念,观点:确信但没被正确的知识或证据证明的一种信念或结论〔allude〕Allude and allusion are often used where the more general terms refer and reference would be preferable. Allude and allusion apply to indirect references in which the source is not specifically identified: "Well, we'll always have Paris,” he told the travel agent, in an allusion to Casablanca. Refer and reference, unless qualified, usually imply specific mention of a source: I will refer to Hamlet for my conclusion: As Polonius says, "Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.” See Usage Note at refer Allude 和 allusion 在使用时经常可以被更普遍的词 refer 和 reference 所代替。 Allude 和 allusion 用在来源没有特别指明的间接引用语中: “对,我们将永远拥有巴黎,”他对旅行社服务员说。这句话引自卡萨布兰卡。 Refer 和 reference 通常指明确提到出处,除非有所限制: 我将引用 哈姆雷特 里的话作为我的结论: 正如波洛涅斯所说,“尽管这是发疯,但其中颇有理性。” 参见 refer〔costly〕"The shrewd guess,the fertile hypothesis,the courageous leap to a tentative conclusion—these are the most valuable coin of the thinker at work" (Jerome Bruner). “敏锐的猜想,丰富的假设,向试验性结论勇敢的跨越——这些是工作中的思考者有用的东西。” (杰隆·布鲁诺)。〔induction〕A conclusion reached by this process.归纳点:由归纳法得出的结论〔infer〕Inference, on the other hand, is the activity performed by a reader or interpreter in deriving conclusions that are not explicit in what is said: 而推论则是读者或阐释者的一种活动,他们推断出的结论是言语中没有明确表达出来的: 〔unsound〕an unsound conclusion.一个经不起推敲的结论〔finish〕Abbr. fin.The final part; the conclusion:缩写 fin.结论:最后部分;结论部分:〔make〕To draw a conclusion as to the significance or nature of:下结论:作出对…的意义或本性的结论〔judgment〕The capacity to assess situations or circumstances and draw sound conclusions; good sense:判断力,明智,见识:对处境或周围环境作出估计并且得出明智结论的能力;辨别是非的能力:〔generalize〕To form general notions or conclusions.形成一般的概念或结论〔idea〕 Thought is applied to what is distinctively intellectualand thus especially to what is produced by contemplation and reasoningas distinguished from mere perceiving, feeling, or willing: Thought 一词是指明显的智力活动,特别是指经过思考和推理后得出的结论,与单纯的观察、感觉或愿望不同: 〔diagnosis〕The conclusion reached by such analysis.结论:由此类分析获取的结论〔issue〕A final result or conclusion, as a solution to a problem.结果,决议:最终结论或结果,如问题的解决办法〔antinomy〕A contradiction between principles or conclusions that seem equally necessary and reasonable; a paradox.二律背反:看上去同样必要及合理的原理或结论之间的矛盾;充满矛盾的人或事〔reach〕reached a conclusion; reached their destination.得出一个结论;到达他们的目的地〔conclusion〕The proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises in a syllogism.结论:三段论中必须从主前题和次前题得出的结论〔closure〕A bringing to an end; a conclusion:结束,结尾:导致结束;结论〔out〕To a finish or conclusion:结束地,到期地:达到末尾或结论〔ultimate〕The final point; the conclusion.最终的观点;结论〔comment〕An implied conclusion or judgment:一个隐含的结论或判断:〔illation〕A conclusion drawn; a deduction. Also called In this sense, also called illative 推断:得出的结论;归纳的结果 也作 在此意义上也可称作 illative〔finding〕A conclusion reached after examination or investigation:结果,结论:检查或调查后得出的结果:〔roundabout〕"This conclusion was reached in a roundabout but nevertheless perfectly reliable way"(George Gamow)See Synonyms at indirect “这个结论是间接得出的,但得出结论的方式是相当可靠的”(乔治·伽莫夫) 参见 indirect〔hot〕Close to a successful solution or conclusion:接近的:接近正确的解答或结论的:〔particular〕"What particulars were ambushed behind these generalizations?”(Aldous Huxley)“这些一般结论背后隐含着什么特殊情况呢”(奥多斯·赫胥黎)〔issue〕A culminating point leading to a decision:结果,结论:需要决定的关键点:〔deduce〕To reach (a conclusion) by reasoning.推论:通过推理得出(结论〔drive〕To carry through vigorously to a conclusion:达成:精辟地说明并达成结论




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