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单词 绝对
释义 〔interfere〕"It was his peculiar doctrine that a man has a perfect right to interfere by force with the slaveholder, in order to rescue the slave" (Henry David Thoreau).Totamper is to interfere by making unsought, unwelcome, often destructive changes or by trying to influence another in an improper way: “他有一个奇特的宗旨,即为了解救奴隶,一个人有绝对权利以武力来干涉奴隶主” (亨利·戴维·梭罗)。tamper 是通过造成未经请求的、不受欢迎、经常为毁坏性的变化或试图通过不恰当的方式影响他人来进行干涉: 〔Adams〕American astronomer who developed a method of measuring the distance of a star from the earth by comparing its absolute brightness to its apparent brightness.亚当斯,沃尔特·悉尼:(1876-1956) 美国天文学家,提出通过比较行星的绝对亮度与表面亮度以测定行星与地球之间距离的方法〔perfect〕Perfect has often been described as an absolute term like chief and prime, hence not allowing modification bymore, quite, relatively, and other qualifiers of degree. But the qualification ofperfect has numerous reputable precedents (most notably in the preamble to the U.S. Constitution in the phrase"in order to form a more perfect Union" ). What is more, the stricture is philosophically dubious.There can be no mathematically perfect forms in nature;therefore to say that any actual circle is "perfect"can mean only that it approximates the geometric ideal of circularity,a quality that it can obviously have to a greater or lesser degree.By the same token,perfect freely allows comparison in examples such as There could be no more perfect spot for the picnic, where it is used to mean "ideal for the purposes.”See Usage Note at complete ,equal ,parallel ,unique Perfect 常被描述成诸如 chief 和 prime 的绝对术语, 因此不能跟more、quite或relatively 等修饰词及其它程度限定词。 但是对perfect 的限定可有大量规范的前饰词 (最突出的例子是在美国宪法的引言部分"in order to form a more perfect Union" )。 但是,这种限定在哲学上来说是模糊的。自然界中不可能有数学般标准的形式;因此要说任何既定的圆是“绝对的”,都只意味着近似于理想状态的几何圆,这显然只能是或多或少具备的特性。同样地,perfect 在一些例子如 那儿应该是更适合野餐的地方 中任意地允许比较, 此处意为“达到意图的理想方式” 参见 complete,equal,parallel,unique〔madness〕It was sheer madness to attempt the drive during a blizzard.试图在暴风雨中驾车绝对是极度愚蠢的〔absolutely〕Definitely and completely; unquestionably.完全地,确实地:绝对地和完全地;毫无疑问地〔critical〕a critical element of the plan; a second income that is critical to the family's well-being.计划中的必要条件;对家庭的安康绝对有必要的第二收入〔fidelity〕swore fealty to the laws and Constitution of the United States.发誓绝对遵守和支持美利坚合众国的法律及宪章。〔fidelity〕 Fealty, once applied to the obligation of a tenant or vassal to a feudal lord,now suggests faithfulness that one has pledged to uphold: Fealty 曾用来指臣仆对封建主绝对顺从、忠诚,现在指对自己支持的事物或人忠诚: 〔dead〕Absolutely; altogether:绝对地;完全地:〔dictatorship〕Absolute or despotic control or power.专政:绝对或专制的管理或权力〔dictator〕An absolute ruler.独裁者:绝对统治者〔must〕Something that is absolutely required or indispensable:一定,绝对绝对必要或不可避免的应当去做之事:〔silent〕 Taciturn implies unsociableness and a tendency to speak only when it is absolutely necessary: Taciturn 含有不善交际的意思和只有在绝对不得已的情况下才说话的倾向: 〔tyrant〕An absolute ruler who governs without restrictions.专制君主:不受限制地实行统治的绝对统治者〔aerology〕Meteorology of the total vertical extent of the atmosphere as opposed to the study of the atmosphere near Earth's surface.高空气象学:关于大气绝对垂直程度的气象学,与近地大气的研究相对〔faithful〕 Faithful andloyal both suggest undeviating attachment; the words are often interchangeable,thoughloyal is the term more often applied to political allegiance: Faithful 和loyal 都含有对感情的忠贞; 两个单词可以互换,但loyal 更强调政治上的绝对效忠: 〔domain〕The land of one with paramount title and absolute ownership.领土:具有最高所有权或绝对所有权的土地〔dominate〕To be situated in or occupy a position that is more elevated or decidedly superior to others.处于高的地位:处于或占有比别人高或绝对至上的地位〔Brahman〕The single absolute being pervading the universe and found within the individual; atman.自我:宇宙中和可在个体中找到的独一无二的绝对存在;自我〔tyranny〕The office, authority, or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler.绝对统治者的职位、权威或司法权〔brave〕Fearless emphasizes absence of fear and resolute self-possession: Fearless 强调无所畏惧和绝对冷静: 〔patent〕A grant made by a government that confers on an individual fee-simple title to public lands.土地专有权:政府授予的对公共土地绝对拥有的个人所有权〔autarch〕An absolute ruler; a despot.独裁者:一个绝对统治者;专治君主〔faithful〕Adhering firmly and devotedly, as to a person, a cause, or an idea; loyal.忠心的:对人、观点或事物绝对坚定和效忠的;忠诚的〔infallible〕an infallible antidote; an infallible rule.绝对有效的解毒药;确实的规则〔dead〕You can be dead sure of my innocence.你绝对可以相信我是无辜的〔Arminius〕Dutch theologian and founder of Arminianism, which opposed the absolute predestinarianism of John Calvin and was influential throughout Europe.阿米尼乌斯,雅各布斯:(1560-1609) 荷兰神学家和阿米尼乌斯派创建人,反对约翰·卡尔文的绝对宿命论,影响整个欧洲〔finger〕To dominate utterly and effortlessly.绝对且并不费力地控制〔unambiguous〕"As a horror, apartheid . . . is absolutely unambiguous. There are . . . no shades of interpretation or circumstances to weigh that might make coming to a moral judgment more difficult"(Mario Vargas Llosa)“作为一种恐怖,种族隔离…是绝对确定无疑的,没有…任何值得考虑的解释或情况可以对其道德审判提出非难”(马里奥·巴尔加斯·略萨)〔far〕seems far from content; a test of strength that was far from a failure.一点也不满意;绝对谈不到失败的力量考核〔confidence〕I am telling you this in strict confidence.我告诉你的这件事是因绝对相信你会保守秘密的〔hammerlock〕"has preserved its hammerlock on the business largely because of its reputation for quality"(Fortune)“主要是因为它在质量上的声誉使其在这个行业占据了绝对主导地位”(财富)〔awesome〕"a totally awesome arcade game"(Los Angeles Times)“绝对杰出的连拱廊比赛”(洛杉矶时报)〔infinite〕Infinite is sometimes grouped with absolute terms such asunique, absolute, and omnipotent, since in its strict mathematical sense it allows no degree modification or comparison;one quantity cannot be more infinite than another (though technically one infinite set can be larger than another).Unlike other absolute terms, however,infinite also does not permit modification by adverbs such as nearly and almost; mathematically, infinity is not approached by degrees.In nontechnical usage, of course,infinite is often used metaphorically to refer simply to an unimaginably large degree or amount, and here the comparison of the word is unexceptionable: Infinite 有时被一些表示绝对意义的词修饰, 如unique , absolute 和 omnipotent , 由于在其严格的数学意义上它不允许表示程度的修饰或比较,一个数不可能比另一个数“更加无穷大”(虽然以技术上讲一个无穷集可以比另一个集更大)。但是,与其它表示绝对意义的词不同,infinite 也不能用 nearly 和 almost 这一类副词来修饰; 以数学上讲,无穷大是不能逐步接近的。当然,在非技术性的用法中,infinite 常常隐喻地仅指明一个难以想象的大程度或数量, 在这种用法下,仍然不能使用比较: 〔submarine〕The long sandwich featuring layers of meat and cheese on a crusty Italian roll goes by a variety of names.Submarine, sub, and hero are widespread terms, not assignable to any particular region.Most of the localized terms are clustered in the northeast United States,where the greatest numbers of Italian Americans live.Jane Stern, having studied the great variety of American names for this sandwich, finds that upstate New Yorkers call it abomber, while speakers downstate refer to awedge. In the Delaware Valley,including Philadelphia and southern New Jersey,the sandwich is called ahoagie. In Italian restaurants in New England the menu is likely to include agrinder. Speakers in Miami use the nameCuban sandwich and in Maine,Italian sandwich, but in the southern Midwest, according to Stern, the nameItalian is common, with both Italian and Italian sandwich recapturing the authentic nationality of the sandwich. In New Orleansthe same sandwich is called apoor boy and is likely to be offered in a most un-Italian version featuring fried oysters.在意大利长圆面包上放上几层肉和干酪而做成的长三明治,已有好几个名称。Submarine,sub 以及 hero 是使用最为广泛的名称, 而并非哪个地区的专用。这种三明治的大多数地方性名称集中于美国东北部地区,那里是居住意裔美国人最多的地方。简·斯特恩在对这种三明治的各种美国名称进行研究后发现,纽约州北部的居民称之为bomber(轰炸机) , 而纽约州南部的居民称之为wedge(楔形物) 。 在特拉华河谷,包括费城和新泽西南部,这种三明治叫做hoagie 。 在新英格兰的意大利饭馆的菜单上,它称为grinder 。 迈阿密人则使用古巴三明治 这个名称, 而缅因州人使用意大利三明治 这个名称。 依据斯特恩的研究,在中西部的南部,人们普遍使用Italian(意大利式) 这一名称,或者就叫它 意大利式 ,或者称之为 意大利三明治 。这两个名称都反映了该三明治的原产国。 在新奥尔良,相同的三明治又叫做可怜的男孩 , 而其做法绝对是非意大利式的,因为当中夹有牡蛎〔absolute〕absolute silence.See Usage Note at infinite 绝对安静 参见 infinite〔commanding〕took a commanding lead at the polls; a commanding view of the ocean.在选举投票中取得绝对领先;海洋中地势险要的位置〔absolute〕Something regarded as the ultimate basis of all thought and being. Used withthe. 绝对:被认为是所有思想和存在的最终基础的事物。和the 连用 〔dissociate〕"Marx never dissociated man from his social environment"(Sidney Hook)“马克思认为人与社会环境绝对无法分离开”(悉尼·胡克)




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