单词 | 继承 |
释义 | 〔Jahangir〕Mogul emperor (1605-1627) who succeeded his father, Akbar, and continued his expansionist policies.贾汗季:莫卧儿皇帝(1605-1627年),继承其父阿克巴的王位,并且继续他的扩张政策〔Augustinian〕Being or belonging to any of several religious orders following or influenced by the rule of Saint Augustine.圣奥古斯丁教义的:是,属于继承或受圣·奥古斯丁权威影响的几个教义之一的〔father〕To assign falsely or unjustly; foist.错误地或不公平地继承;冒称〔caliph〕from Arabic Calīfah [successor (to Mohammed), caliph] 源自 阿拉伯语 Calīfah [继承(穆罕默德的)人,哈里发] 〔succession〕The sequence in which one person after another succeeds to a title, throne, dignity, or estate.继承次序,接替顺序:一个人接着另一个人继承头衔、王位、显要职位或财产的次序〔heritage〕an inheritance of knowledge from the past;由过去继承的知识;〔maternal〕Inherited from one's mother:从母亲继承来的:〔inherit〕The new administration inherited the economic problems of the last four years.新政府继承了前四年的经济问题〔follow〕"The son of a mandarin has no prescriptive right to succeed his father" (H.G. Wells). “高级官员的儿子没有法定的权力继承他的父亲: (H.G.威尔斯)。 〔hereditary〕Of or relating to heredity or inheritance.遗传或继承的:遗传或继承的,与其有关的〔hereditary〕from hērēditās [inheritance] * see heredity 源自 hērēditās [继承] * 参见 heredity〔narrowback〕A person whose parents were born in the United States and who is considered unfit for the hard physical labor typically performed by those in the country of ancestral origin.不适于继承父母劳动的子女:指其父母生于美国,而他被认为不适合做辛苦的体力劳动的人,这些劳动常为祖先传下的绝活〔Green〕American financier who became America's richest woman through her shrewd investment of a large inheritance. Her miserly lifestyle was the subject of many anecdotes.格林,亨丽埃塔·豪兰:(1834-1916) 美国金融家。她经由继承的大笔遗产的精明投资而成为美国最富有的女人。她守财奴式的生活方式是许多传说的主题〔relief〕A payment made by the heir of a deceased tenant to a feudal lord for the privilege of succeeding to the tenant's estate.继承权利金:死去佃农的继承人为继承佃农的地产而向封建地主缴纳的钱〔inheritable〕Having the right to inherit or the capability of inheriting:有继承权的:有权利或能力继承的:〔follow〕The heir apparent succeeded to the throne.法定继承人继承了王位。〔maternal〕a maternal trait.从母亲继承来的品性〔inherit〕from Late Latin inhērēditāre [to inherit] 源自 后期拉丁语 inhērēditāre [继承] 〔privity〕A successive or mutual interest in or relationship to the same property.同一产权的共有或继承关系〔descend〕To pass by inheritance:继承:通过遗产传递:〔apostolic〕Of or relating to a succession of spiritual authority from the 12 Apostles, regarded by Anglicans, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and some others to have been perpetuated by successive ordinations of bishops and to be requisite for valid orders and administration of sacraments.使徒传统的:继承十二使徒神圣权威的或与之有关的,英国圣公会、罗马天主教、东正教及其他一些教派,认为对十二使徒神圣权威的继承已因承继的主教圣职授受仪式而成为永恒,并且对有效的神职等级划分和圣礼的执行极为必要的〔escheat〕Reversion of land held under feudal tenure to the manor in the absence of legal heirs or claimants.无继承人的土地归领主:缺少法定继承人或继承申请者的封地的所有权的转归领主〔entail〕To limit the inheritance of (property) to a specified succession of heirs.限定继承:对(财产)的继承限于特定的继承人顺序〔title〕A formal appellation attached to the name of a person or family by virtue of office, rank, hereditary privilege, noble birth, or attainment or used as a mark of respect.称号:由于官职、军衔、继承的特权、高贵的出身、成就或为了表示尊敬而与一个人或家族的名字连在一起的正式名称〔support〕"The Declaration of Right upheld the principle of hereditary monarchy" (Edmund Burke).“权利宣言坚持继承主权原则” (爱德蒙·伯克)。〔succession〕from successus [past participle of] succēdere [to succeed] * see succeed 源自 successus succēdere的过去分词 [接替、接续、继承] * 参见 succeed〔Jagatai〕Mongol ruler who succeeded his father, Genghis Khan.窝阔台:蒙古统治者,他继承了父亲成吉思汗的王位〔inherit〕To receive (property or a title, for example) from an ancestor by legal succession or will.继承:通过合法继承或遗嘱从上一辈人那里接受(例如财产或爵位)〔Leakey〕British anthropologist and archaeologist. He influenced evolutionary theory with his account and analysis of the discovery, by his wife,Mary Leakey (born 1913), of the 1.75-million-year-old Zinjanthropus skull in Tanzania. Mary Leakey and their son Richard Leakey (born 1944) have continued his research. 利基,路易斯·西摩·巴泽特:(1903-1972) 英国人类学家和考古学家。他对其妻子玛丽·利基 (生于1913年)在坦桑尼亚发现的175万年前的东非人头盖骨的叙述和分析影响过进化理论。玛丽·利基和他们的儿子 理查德·利基 (生于1944年)继承了他的研究工作 〔footstep〕To carry on the behavior, work, or tradition of.步某人的后尘:继承…的行为、事业或传统〔reversioner〕A party entitled to receive an estate in reversion.享有将来继承权者:被授予在继承中接受财产的一方〔hereditary〕Having title or possession through inheritance.世袭的:由继承得到称号或财产的〔hereditary〕Descending from an ancestor to a legal heir; passing down by inheritance.承袭的:祖先传给合法继承人的;由继承传下来的〔noble〕Possessing hereditary rank in a political system or social class derived from a feudalistic stage of a country's development.贵族的:在政治体系或社会阶级中拥有继承地位的,来源于一个国家发展的封建阶段〔hope〕We hope that our children will carry on our family traditions.我们期待我们的孩子能继承家族的传统〔virtue〕well off by virtue of a large inheritance.由于继承了大笔遗产而致富〔bishop〕A high-ranking Christian cleric, in modern churches usually in charge of a diocese and in some churches regarded as having received the highest ordination in unbroken succession from the apostles.主教:基督教高等牧师,在现代教堂通常掌管主管教区,在某些教堂被视为从传道士不断继承接受最高圣职授任〔inherit〕Late Latin hērēditāre [to inherit] from Latin hērēs hērēd- [heir] * see ghē- 后期拉丁语 hērēditāre [继承] 源自 拉丁语 hērēs hērēd- [继承人] * 参见 ghē- 〔caliph〕from Calafa [to succeed] 源自 Calafa [继承] 〔fritter〕frittered his inheritance away.See Synonyms at waste 慢慢把他继承的遗产挥霍贻尽 参见 waste |
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