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单词 缓和
释义 〔canter〕Most of those who have majored in English literature,and many more besides,know that Chaucer'sCanterbury Tales were told by a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury to visit the shrine of England's famous martyr Thomas à Becket.Many pilgrims other than Chaucer's visited Canterbury on horse,and phrases such asCanterbury gallop, Canterbury pace, and Canterbury trot described the easy gait at which they rode to their destination. The first recorded instance of one of these phrases,Canterbury pace, is found in a work published before 1636. However, in a work written in 1631 we find a shortened form,the nounCanterbury, meaning "a canter,” and later, in 1673,the verbCanterbury, meaning "to canter.” This verb, or perhaps the noun,was further shortened, giving us the verbcanter, first recorded in 1706,and the nouncanter, first recorded in 1755. 专业是英语文学史的绝大多数人,还有许多其他的人,都知道乔叟的 坎特伯雷故事集 是由一群朝圣者在坎特伯雷的路上讲述的, 他们去那里是为了瞻仰英格兰著名的殉道士托马斯· 贝科特的神殿。除了乔叟笔下的这些朝圣者外的许多其他朝圣者也骑着马前去。一些短语,例如Canterbury gallop,Canterbury pace 和 Canterbury trot 描述了这些朝圣者在骑往他们的目的地时的缓和步态。 这些短语最早见于记录的例子Canterbury pace 发现于1636年之前出版的一部著作中。 然而,在写于1631年的一部著作中我们找到了一个缩略的形式,名词Canterbuty, 意即“慢跑”; 后来在1673年,又有了动词Canterbury, 意为“慢跑。” 这一动词,或者也许是这个名词,后来又被进一步缩写成canter, 该动词最早被记录于1706年,而名词canter 则被最早记录于1755年 〔tempered〕Adjusted or attuned by the addition of a counterbalancing element; moderated or measured:缓和的:被一种相互平衡的因素所调整或混和的;有克制的或温和的:〔pay〕from Late Latin [to appease] 源自 后期拉丁语 [缓和,使平静] 〔defuse〕a diplomatic move that defused the international crisis.一个缓和国际危机的外交活动〔bate〕To lessen the force or intensity of; moderate:减少,抑制:减少力量、减低强度;减轻、缓和〔emollient〕the emollient approach of a diplomatic mediator.官方调停者的缓和方法〔urethane〕A colorless or white crystalline compound, CO(NH2)OC 2H 5, used in organic synthesis and formerly as a palliative treatment for leukemia. 尿烷:一种无色或白色晶体状化合物,CO(NH2)OC 2H 5,用于有机合成,曾用作白血病的缓和治疗 〔soothe〕To ease or relieve (pain, for example).缓和或减轻(例如痛苦)〔palliative〕Tending or serving to palliate.缓和的:易于减轻的或用于缓和〔emollient〕An agent that softens or soothes the skin.润肤剂:软化和缓和皮肤的药〔alleviative〕Reducing pain or severity; palliative:减轻的,缓和的:减轻痛苦或严重性的;缓解的:〔slacken〕To make or become less vigorous, intense, or severe; ease:使松弛:使不那么有力、紧张或严重;缓和〔cushion〕Something that mitigates or relieves an adverse effect:缓冲:减轻或缓和不利后果的东西:〔lenitive〕Capable of easing pain or discomfort.止痛的、缓和的:能缓解疼痛或不适的〔palliate〕To make less severe or intense; mitigate:掩饰:使不那么严重或紧张;缓和〔blip〕"The decline in the share of GNP going to health . . . appears to be a one-time blip in the historic trend rather than the start of a new trend"(Atlantic)“国民生产总值的下降趋于缓和…看起来只是历史潮流中一个暂时现象,而不是一个新潮流的开始”(大西洋)〔appease〕To bring peace, quiet, or calm to; soothe.缓和,抚慰:使和平、平静和平息;抚慰〔emollient〕Softening and soothing, especially to the skin.润肤的:软化和缓和的,尤指对于皮肤〔intransigent〕Refusing to moderate a position, especially an extreme position; uncompromising.不妥协的:拒绝缓和态度,特别是极端态度的;不调和的〔Bracknell〕A town of southeast England. It was designated as a new town in 1949 to alleviate overcrowding in London. Population, 50,100.布拉克内尔:英国东南部一城镇。1949年为缓和伦敦的过度拥挤状况而被指定为新镇。人口50,100〔demulcent〕Serving to soothe or soften.缓和的,软化的:用于起镇定或软化作用的〔palliate〕To make (an offense or crime) seem less serious; extenuate.减轻,缓和:减轻痛苦,掩饰罪过;减轻〔moderate〕from Latin moderātus [past participle of] moderārī [to moderate] * see med- 源自 拉丁语 moderātus moderārī的过去分词 [缓和] * 参见 med- 〔countermove〕A move made in opposition or retaliation to another.反作用:用来反对或缓和一种作用的作用〔emollient〕Making less harsh or abrasive; mollifying:缓和的:使不粗糙或粗鲁的;缓和的:〔muted〕Mute or subdued; softened:柔和的:柔和的或温和的;缓和的:〔moderate〕To become less violent, severe, or extreme; abate.变缓和:变得较不激烈、不剧烈或不极端;缓和〔defuse〕To make less dangerous, tense, or hostile:缓和,平息:来减少危险性、紧张程度或敌对程度:〔easy〕Not hurried or forced; moderate:缓和的:不急或不紧迫的;中速的:〔modulate〕To adjust or adapt to a certain proportion; regulate or temper.调衡:调整或使适应一定的比率;调节或缓和〔Brandt〕German political leader. He served as chancellor of West Germany (1969-1974) and won the 1971 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to reduce tension between the East and the West.布兰迪,威利:(1913-1992) 德国政治领袖,曾任西德总理(1969-1974年),因其为缓和东西方的紧张状况所作的努力而获1971年诺贝尔和平奖〔countermove〕To make a move in retaliation or opposition.进行缓和或抵消的行动〔pay〕Given the unpeaceful feelings one often has in paying bills or income taxes,it is difficult to believe that the wordpay ultimately derives from the Latin word pāx, "peace.” However, it is not the peace of the one who pays that is involved in this development of meaning.Frompāx, meaning "peace" and also "a settlement of hostilities,” was derived the word pācāre, "to impose a settlement on peoples or territories.” In Late Latinpācāre was extended in sense to mean "to appease.” The Old French wordpaiier that developed from Latin pācāre came to have the specific application "to pacify or satisfy a creditor,”a sense that came into Middle English along with the wordpaien (first recorded around the beginning of the 13th century), the ancestor of our wordpay. 人常常在支付帐单或收入调节税时有不安之感情,因而很难令人相信单词pay 来源于拉丁词语 pax “和平”。 但是,并不是支付人内心的平和与这个词意义的延伸意有关连。因为意思是“和平”和“敌视的和解”的单词pax 源于 pacare “给人民或领土以安宁”。 在后拉丁语中pacare 的意义被引申为“抚慰,使缓和。” 古法语单词paiier 来源于拉丁语 pacave, 后来开始具有“缓和、平息或使债主满意”这个具体用意,这种意思随同单词paien (大约在13世纪初首次记录)进入中世纪英语, 这个词就是单词pay 的前身 〔smooth〕To soothe or tranquilize; make calm.安抚,平息:缓和或平静;使平静〔roll〕A gentle swell or undulation of a surface:缓和的起伏:表面轻微的膨胀或起伏:〔mitigate〕To moderate (a quality or condition) in force or intensity; alleviate.See Synonyms at relieve 使减轻:在力量或强度上减轻(一种性质或条件);缓和 参见 relieve〔grave〕In a slow and solemn manner. Used chiefly as a direction.缓和庄严地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示〔lenitive〕from Latin lēnitus [past participle of] lēnīre [to soothe] 源自 拉丁语 lēnitus lēnīre的过去分词 [缓和,安慰] 〔relieve〕relieved all his symptoms; relieved the tension.减轻了他的所有症状;缓和紧张局面〔unvarnished〕Stated or otherwise presented without any effort to soften or disguise; plain:未经掩饰的:未经缓和或掩饰地陈述出来或以其它方式呈现出来的;清楚明白的:




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