单词 | 缩小 |
释义 | 〔jammies〕[By shortening and alteration] [经过缩小和改制的] 〔abridge〕To cut short; curtail.See Synonyms at shorten 减短;缩小 参见 shorten〔automatic〕automatic shrinking of the pupils of the eyes in strong light.See Synonyms at spontaneous 强光下瞳孔不由自主的缩小 参见 spontaneous〔deflate〕To be or become deflated:瘪掉,缩小,泄气:〔disparity〕"narrow the economic disparities among regions and industries"(Courtenay Slater)“缩小地区间和工厂间的经济差距”(考特尼·斯莱特)〔pandurate〕Having rounded ends and a contracted center; fiddle-shaped:提琴形的:有圆的顶点和缩小的中心;形似小提琴的:〔internal〕"An internal sense of righteousness dwindles into an external concern for reputation"(A.R. Gurney, Jr.)“内心的正义缩小而转成外在对声誉的关心”(小A.R.格尼)〔contract〕To reduce in size by drawing together; shrink.通过收紧使…尺寸缩小;收缩〔contract〕Condense refers to a reduction in volume and an increase in compactness: Condense 指在体积缩小的同时密度上的增大: 〔decongestant〕A medication or treatment that breaks up congestion, as of the sinuses, by reducing swelling.减充血的药剂:通过使肿块缩小来止住窦等部位的充血的药物或治疗〔shrink〕To become reduced in amount or value; dwindle:缩小:在数量或价值方面变低;减小:〔stop〕To reduce (the aperture) of a lens.缩小(镜头的)光圈〔contraction〕The act of contracting or the state of being contracted.收缩:收缩的行为或被缩小(短)的状态〔deflation〕The act of deflating or the condition of being deflated.放气,瘪掉:抽气的动作或缩小的状态〔shrug〕To minimize the importance of:对…不屑一顾:缩小…的重要性:〔boil〕"Those tumbling boils show a dissolving bar and a changing channel there"(Mark Twain)“汹涌翻滚的河水显示出那里有一个正在缩小沙洲和改道的航道”(马克·吐温)〔detumescence〕Reduction or lessening of a swelling, especially the restoration of a swollen organ or part to normal size.消肿:肿胀缩小,尤指将一个肿胀了的器官的储存量减少到正常大小〔vasoconstriction〕Constriction of a blood vessel, as by a nerve or drug.血管缩小:血管的缩小,如由于紧张或药物〔narrow〕To reduce in width or extent; make narrower.使变窄:在宽度或范围上缩小;使更窄〔downzone〕proposed to downzone residential areas near the shore.提议缩小海滨居住区〔deflate〕To reduce or lessen the size or importance of:缩小;降低:缩小…的尺寸或降低…的重要性:〔Ngami〕A lake of northern Botswana north of the Kalahari Desert. The marshy lake covered an extensive area during the Pleistocene epoch but was greatly reduced in size during the 1880's, when papyrus growth blocked the mouth of its main tributary.恩加密湖:博茨瓦纳北部的一个湖,位于卡拉哈里沙漠北部。这个沼泽湖在更新世时代覆盖了广大的面积但在19世纪80年代大为缩小,因为纸莎草的生长阻塞了它的主要支流的入口〔downzone〕To reduce the permitted density of housing or the degree of proposed new construction in a designated neighborhood:缩小:缩小某一指定街区的允许住房密度或者规划新建建筑的密度:〔miniaturize〕To plan or make on a greatly reduced scale.使微型化:计划或使尺寸极大地缩小〔downzone〕the city's complex plan to downzone.这个城市的扩充计划被缩小〔microscopic〕"The activities of men . . . were reduced to a microscopic scale"(John Hersey)“人的活动…被缩小至微观尺寸”(约翰·赫西)〔diminution〕The resulting reduction; decrease.缩小:最终的降低;减少〔vasoactive〕Causing constriction or dilation of blood vessels.导致血管的缩小或扩大的〔replica〕A copy or reproduction, especially one on a scale smaller than the original.复制品:拷贝或复制品,尤指照原物按比例缩小的复制品〔cutdown〕Reduced in size; abridged.在大小方面缩小的;删减的〔hypoesthesia〕Partial loss of sensation; diminished sensibility.局部麻醉:部分地失去感觉;缩小的敏感性〔extenuate〕To lessen or attempt to lessen the magnitude or seriousness of, especially by providing partial excuses.See Synonyms at palliate 减轻:缩小或努力缩小重要或严重的程度,尤指为 了提供偏心的借口 参见 palliate〔opisthobranch〕Any of various marine gastropod mollusks of the subclass or order Opisthobranchia, characterized by gills, a shell that is reduced or absent, and two pairs of tentacles.后鳃目软体动物:一种属于后鳃亚纲类的软体动物,特点是长有隐蔽的鳃,有缩小或消失的壳,而且有一对突出的触角〔gain〕The runners in the back were steadily gaining on the leader.落后的运动员正逐步缩小与领先者的差距〔microdot〕A copy or photograph that has been reduced to an extremely small size for ease of transport and purposes of security.微粒照片:为易于运送或保密而将印刷品或照片缩小至极小尺寸的照片〔shrinkage〕The amount or proportion by which something shrinks.收缩量:某物缩小的量或比例〔vote〕"If older cities are allowed to decay and contract, can citizens who vote with their feet . . . hope to find better conditions anywhere else?”(Melinda Beck)“如果老城被允许崩溃并且缩小,用行动选择的公民能希望在别处找到更好的环境吗?”(梅琳达·贝克)〔downzone〕To reduce (density of housing or permitted expansion of construction) in a designated neighborhood:缩建:在一指定街区缩小(房屋密度或被允许的建筑物的扩建密度):〔vasomotor〕Relating to, causing, or regulating constriction or dilation of blood vessels.血管舒缩的,影响血管舒缩的:与血管的缩小或扩张有关的,导致或控制血管缩小或扩张的〔miosis〕Constriction of the pupil of the eye, resulting from a normal response to an increase in light or caused by certain drugs or pathological conditions.缩瞳:眼睛瞳孔的缩小,是对光线增强的正常反应结果或由某些药物或病理学情况而引起 |
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