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单词 罪犯
释义 〔criminology〕The scientific study of crime, criminals, criminal behavior, and corrections.犯罪学:以犯罪、罪犯、犯罪行为以及刑罚为研究对象的学科〔factor〕Middle English factour [perpetrator, agent] 中古英语 factour [罪犯,代理人] 〔desperate〕a desperate criminal.铤而走险的罪犯〔syndicate〕A loose affiliation of gangsters in control of organized criminal activities.罪犯辛迪加:操纵有组织的犯罪活动的歹徒的松散的团〔gibbet〕An upright post with a crosspiece, forming a T-shaped structure from which executed criminals were formerly hung for public viewing.绞刑架:直立的有横档的杆,形成一种T形结构,可示众处死先前已悬挂着的罪犯〔Spandau〕A district of Berlin, Germany. Chartered in 1232, it is the site of a fortress used for Nazi war criminals after the Nuremburg trials of 1945 to 1946. Spandau was incorporated into Berlin in 1920.史潘道:德国柏林市的一个区,建于1232年。它是1945-1946年纽纶堡审判后关押纳粹罪犯的大本营。 1920年史潘道区并入柏林市〔accomplice〕One who aids or abets a lawbreaker in a criminal act, either as a principal or an accessory.共犯,共同犯罪者:在犯罪行为中,帮助或怂恿罪犯的人,不管是充当主犯还是从犯〔deliver〕delivered the criminal to the police.把罪犯交给警察〔stammer〕Caught shoplifting, the culprit stuttered a few transparent lies. 当逛商店行窃被抓住时,那个罪犯结结巴巴地说了几个显而易见的谎话 〔shelter〕"vagrants and criminals, who make this wild country a refuge from justice" (Sir Walter Scott). “流浪汉和罪犯把这个野郊的乡村作为躲避审判的避难所” (瑟尔瓦尔特·斯科特)。 〔murderous〕a group of murderous thugs.一群残忍的罪犯〔brand〕A mark burned into the flesh of criminals.烙记:烙在罪犯身上的印记〔dragnet〕A system of coordinated procedures for apprehending criminal suspects or other wanted persons.警网,罗网:用于捕获嫌疑罪犯或其它所需要的人的一个相互协调的系统〔scaffold〕A platform used in the execution of condemned prisoners, as by hanging or beheading.断头台:用于绞死犯人或砍罪犯人头的刑台〔arrest〕a criminal under arrest.一个在押的罪犯〔will〕It is the sovereign's will that the prisoner be spared.是国王命令赦免这个罪犯〔denunciation〕The act of accusing another of a crime before a public prosecutor.指控告发:在公众执行官面前指控别人是罪犯的行为〔ruffian〕A thug or gangster.罪犯:凶手,歹徒〔baddie〕One that is bad, especially a villain or criminal.坏人,尤指恶棍、歹徒、罪犯〔mobster〕A member of a criminal gang or crime syndicate.罪犯:匪帮或犯罪集团的一员〔pillory〕A wooden framework on a post, with holes for the head and hands, in which offenders were formerly locked to be exposed to public scorn as punishment.颈手枷,枷具:一种木柱上的架子,上有放置头和手的洞,过去用来将罪犯颈与手枷住作为惩罚示众〔gunsel〕A hoodlum or other criminal, especially one who carries a gun.歹徒:流氓或其它罪犯,尤其是持枪者〔perp〕One who perpetrates a crime.罪犯:犯一种罪的人〔coroner〕Coroner comes from Anglo-Norman corouner, a word derived fromcoroune, "crown.” Corouner was the term used for the royal judicial officer who was called in Latin custos placitorum coronae, or "guardian of the crown's pleas.” The person holding the office of coroner, a position dating from the 12th century, was charged with keeping local records of legal proceedings in which the crown had jurisdiction.He helped raise money for the crown by funneling the property of executed criminals into the king's treasury.The coroner also investigated any suspicious deaths among the Normans,who as the ruling class wanted to be sure that their deaths were not taken lightly. At one time in England all criminal proceedings were included in the coroner's responsibilities.Over the years these responsibilities decreased markedly,but coroners have continued to display morbid curiosity.In the United States, where there is no longer the crown, a coroner's main duty is the investigation of any sudden, violent, or unexpected death that may not have had a natural cause.Coroner 一词来源于盎格鲁-诺曼底语中的 corouner , 是从coroune “王冠”变来的。 Corouner 是皇家司法官,在拉丁语叫 custos placitorum coronae 或“国王请求的保护者。” 起源于12世纪的这一职位,当时负责记录当地的国王具有裁判权的法律程序。持这一职位者通过收集死刑犯的财产入国库来为国王聚殓钱财。他也负责调查诺曼底人中任何可疑的死亡。因诺曼底人是统治阶级,他们希望确知他们的死没有被轻看。在英国曾由验尸官一度负责罪犯的全部事务。随着时间推移。这些责任明显减少,但仍继续显示对死亡的调查的兴趣。在美国,已不再有国王,验尸官的主要任务是调查任何突发的、剧烈的或预料不到的,大概无自然原因的死亡〔delinquent〕A person who neglects or fails to do what law or duty requires.罪犯,有过失者:未履行法律或职责所要求做到的人〔Cayenne〕The capital of French Guiana, onCayenne Island at the mouth of the Cayenne River. Founded by the French in 1643, it was the center of a penal colony from the 1850's until the 1940's. Population, 38,093. 卡宴:法属圭亚那首府,位于卡宴河 河口的 卡宴岛 。1643年由法国建立,从19世纪50年代至20世纪40年代是罪犯流放的中心地。人口38,093 〔correction〕corrections The treatment of offenders through a system of penal incarceration, rehabilitation, probation, and parole, or the administrative system by which these are effectuated. corrections 教养:对罪犯通过处罚禁闭,教养、缓刑以及假释或者行政制度这些有效管理方式〔zek〕from abbr. for zaklyuchënnyĭ [prisoner] 源自 zaklyuchënnyĭ的缩写 [罪犯] 〔James〕American outlaw. After fighting in the Civil War as a Confederate guerrilla, he led a group of armed brigands that for 15 years robbed banks and trains in the West. He was murdered by a member of his own gang.詹姆斯,耶西:(1847-1882) 美国罪犯。内战中作为南联邦游击队员。战争之后,他带领一群武装强盗在西部抢劫银行和火车长达十五年之久。最后被他的同伙击毙〔lethargy〕"But for the criminal . . . languor which characterized that commander's movements . . . the honor of France might still have been saved" (John Lothrop Motley).“如果不是因为罪犯…指挥官的消沉怠倦的行为…法兰西的荣誉或许能得到挽救” (约翰·娄斯罗普·莫特利)〔maiden〕A machine resembling the guillotine, used in Scotland in the 16th and 17th centuries to behead criminals.断头机:类似断头台的机器,苏格兰在16世纪和17世纪用于斩首处死罪犯〔marshal〕Hard-riding marshals of the Wild West in pursuit of criminalsreemphasize the relationship of the wordmarshal with horses. The Germanic ancestor of our wordmarshal is a compound made up of .marhaz, "horse" (related to the source of our word mare ), and .skalkaz, "servant,” meaning as a whole literally "horse servant,”hence "groom.”The Frankish descendant of this Germanic word,.marahskalk, starting from these humble beginnings, came to designate a high royal official and also a high military commander, not surprisingly so, given the importance of the horse in medieval warfare.The word passed into the period (beginning in 800) in which we speak of Old French, after the Franks and their Germanic language had been fused with the surrounding culture descended from Roman Gaul.When the Normans established a French-speaking official class in England,the Old French word came with them.The Middle English source of our word is first recorded as a surname in 1218 (and the surname Marshal, now spelled Marshall, has been held by some famous people),but it is first recorded as a common noun with the sense "high officer of the royal court" in the first English language proclamation (1258) by an English king, Henry III, after the Norman Conquest.Marshal was applied to this high royal official's deputies, who were officers of courts of law,and the word continued to designate various officials involved with courts of law and law enforcement,including the horseback-riding marshals we are familiar with in the United States.西部荒野骑着马对罪犯紧追不舍的警长形象,再次强调了marshal 这个词与马之间的联系。 我们这个单词marshal 的日耳曼语原形是一个由 marhaz “马”(与 mare 的语源相关)和 skalkaz “仆人,佣人”组成的合成词, 字面意思是“马的仆人”,也就是后来的“马夫”。这个日耳曼词的法兰克语的演变marahskalk 从最初卑微的含义演变到特指高级王室官员及高级军事将领, 不仅如此,在中世纪的战场上马也被提升到了重要地位。在法兰克人和他们所说的日耳曼语一起融入周围的罗马高卢人文化之后,这个词进入了我们讲古法语的时代(开始于800年)。当诺曼底人在英格兰建立了一个讲法语的官员阶层之后,古法语里的这个词便随之而来。该词在中世纪英语中最早于1218年作为一个姓氏被记录下来(一些著名人士的姓马歇尔,现在的拼写法为Marshall),但作为指“王室的高级官员”的普通名词,它最早出现于英国王亨利三世在诺曼征服之后做的一篇英文公告(1258年)。在此文中Marshal 用于指高级王室官员的代表, 也就是司法官员。该词涉及法律和法律实施的不同官员的含义延续了下来,其中就包括我们所熟悉的美国西部骑在马背上的警长〔clemency〕A disposition to show mercy, especially toward an offender or enemy.See Synonyms at mercy 仁慈,宽厚:天性慈悲的,尤指对罪犯或敌人 参见 mercy〔escape〕Ten prisoners had escaped.十个罪犯越狱而逃〔Starr〕American outlaw whose Oklahoma cabin became a hideout for fugitives from justice. Her criminal exploits are largely unsubstantiated.斯塔尔,贝勒:(1848-1889) 美国罪犯,她在俄克拉荷马州的小屋成为逃犯躲避制裁的庇难所,她的犯罪行为大部分得不到证实〔take〕To convey (a prisoner) to a police station.押送(罪犯)去警察局〔pity〕Empathy for the criminal's childhood misery does not imply exoneration of the crimes he committed as an adult. 对罪犯悲惨的童年表示怜悯不等于可以免除他长大成人后所犯的罪 〔gallows〕a crime punishable by the gallows.罪犯被处以绞刑〔electrocute〕To execute (a condemned prisoner) by means of electricity.以电刑处死(罪犯〔asylum〕A place, such as a church, formerly constituting an inviolable refuge for criminals or debtors.庇护所:以前为罪犯或债务人准备的不可侵犯的地方,如教堂




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