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单词 美国式
释义 〔pal〕Pal, like buddy and chum, has an informal,thoroughly "American" ring to it.One might think thatpal had been a fixture in the English language forever. In fact,pal is a fairly recent acquisition from a rather exotic source—the language of the Gypsies. First recorded in English in the 17th century,pal was borrowed from Romany, the Indic language of the Gypsies,specifically from a word meaning "brother, comrade,”which occurs asphal in the Romany spoken in England andphral in the Romany spoken in Europe. Gypsies speak an Indic languagebecause they originally migrated to Europe from the border region between Iran and India.In other Indic languages we find related words meaning "brother,”such as Hindustanibhāi, Prakritbhāda or bhāyā, and Sanskrit bhrātā. All these terms trace their ancestry to the same Indo-European word that our wordbrother does. Pal 与 buddy 和 chum 一样, 都有不正式的,完全“美国式”的圈。一个人可能会认为pal 永远是英国语言中的固定词。 但实际上,pal 是最近从外来语源——吉普赛语言中获得的。 最早在17世纪被记录于英语中,pal 借自吉普赛语, 即吉普赛人说的印度语言,特别是从意为“兄弟,同志”的一个词而来,它在英格兰的吉普赛语中写成phal, 在欧洲所讲的吉普赛语中写成phral 。 因为吉普赛人最初是从伊朗和印度的边界地区移居到欧洲的,因此他们讲一种印度语言,在另一种印度语言里我们可以找到意为“兄弟”的相关词,如兴都斯坦的bhai, 帕拉克里语的bhada 或 bhaya 以及梵语的 bhrata 。 所有这些词和我们的词语brother 一样都可追溯到相同的印欧词源 〔ax〕To understand the origin of the idiomax to grind, we need to know thatgrind means "to sharpen.” This phrase is said to have come from a story by the 19th-century journalist Charles Miner (alias Poor Robert) about a seemingly friendly manwho was able by flattery to persuade a young boy to turn a grindstone for him.The tale first appeared in the Luzerne, Pennsylvania,Federalist on September 7, 1810, under the title "Who'll Turn Grindstones?” and later in an 1815 book entitledEssays from the Desk of Poor Robert the Scribe. Because "Poor Robert" was confused with "Poor Richard,”the story has often been erroneously attributed to Benjamin Franklin.The idiom itself is an Americanism—a word or expression originating in the United States.It was at first restricted to political contexts,but quotations from James Joyce ("Skin-the-Goat . . . evidently with an axe to grind, was airing his grievances")and George Bernard Shaw ("distinguished statesmen of different nations . . . each with a national axe to grind") attest that the phrase has traveled abroad and,as we know only too well, is no longer found only in political contexts.为了理解成语ax to grind 的出处, 我们需要知道grind 意思是“磨尖”。 这个短语据说出自19世纪旅行家查尔斯·麦纳(别名穷罗伯特)所写的关于一个似乎很友善的人的故事,他能够奉承地劝说一名男孩为他翻过一块磨光石。这个传说第一次出现在1810年9月7日宾夕法尼亚州的卢泽恩,在1810年9月7日题为“谁将推翻磨石”的联邦制拥护者 中提到, 之后1815年又在名为作家穷·罗伯特文集 一书中提到。 因为"poor Robert和"poor Richard"易被弄混淆,这个故事经常被错误地认为是本杰明·弗兰克林创作的。这个成语本身是美国式的词或表达源于美国。一开始被限于在政治性言词的情况中使用,但是从以下的引文表明这个短语已广泛地传播,一个是引于詹姆斯·琼斯(“这个显然别有企图的披着人皮的狼,正在诉苦”),另一个引自乔治·萧伯纳(“辨认出不同国家的人…每个国家都有自己国家的打算”),正如我们所熟知的,它不会只在政治性言论的上下文间才可以找到的〔silent〕Her uncle was a silent, uncommunicative Yankee farmer.她伯父是一个沉默寡言的美国式农民。〔certitude〕"eager to swap the hazards of American freedom for the gray certitudes of Soviet life"(Time)See Synonyms at certainty “急于以美国式自由的冒险来换取苏维埃式单调但有保证的生活”(时代) 参见 certainty〔summercater〕Since the Civil War Mainehas been a favorite vacation spot for New Englanders and tourists from farther away.Predictably, certain words in the lexicon of Maine betray a wry Yankee impatience with these outsiders and city folks who come up to Maine only for summer relaxation.Along the coast the summerresident is called asummercater; inland, the word for a nonresident issport. Or the Maine native may merely refer collectively to folksfrom away. Much Maine real estate is designatednonresident — that is, it is set aside for these summer residentson whom Maine's economy is so dependent.自从南北战争结束以后,缅因州成为新英格兰人和更远处的游客们最钟爱的度假胜地。可以预料到,缅因州词汇中有一些单词流露出扭曲的美国式的不耐烦-对这些夏季来缅因州休闲的外来者和城里人。在海滨的夏季,居民被称作度夏的人 ; 而在内陆,表示非居民的词是sport(爱运动的人) 。 或者缅因州的居民干脆统称这些人为from away(远地来的) 。 缅因州的许多房地产是为了非居民 —— 就是说,专为这些夏季住民保留,缅因州的经济很大程度上依赖于他们〔Yankeeism〕A Yankee custom, characteristic, usage, or pronunciation.美国作风:美国式风俗、特性、用法或发音〔congenital〕"the congenital American optimism that denies conflicts and imagines all stories having happy endings"(Robert J. Samuelson)“天生的美国式的乐观主义拒绝冲突或认为所有事情都有好结局”(罗伯特J.塞缪尔森)




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