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单词 美国海军
释义 〔commander〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant commander and below captain.海军中校:美国海军和海岸自卫队军衔,高于少校但低于上校〔yeoman〕A petty officer performing chiefly clerical duties in the U.S. Navy.文书军士:美国海军中,主要做文书工作的小军官〔white〕whites The white dress uniform of the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard. whites 白色女兵服:美国海军或海岸警备队的白色女兵服〔Halsey〕American naval officer who during World War II led American naval forces to several important victories, including the Battle of Leyte Gulf (1944). On September 2, 1945, the Japanese formally surrendered aboard his flagship, the U.S.S.Missouri. 哈尔西,威廉·腓特烈:(1882-1959) 美国海军将领,在第二次世界大战期间他率领美军取得数次重大胜利,其中包括莱特湾战役(1944年),1945年9月2日,日本人在他的旗舰密苏里号 的甲板上正式投降 〔brig〕A jail or prison on board a U.S. Navy or Coast Guard vessel.禁闭室:美国海军或海岸警卫队舰船上的监禁室或监狱〔jarhead〕[Perhaps from the shape of the hat the Marines once wore] [可能源自美国海军曾戴的军帽形状] 〔mate〕A U.S. Navy petty officer who is an assistant to a warrant officer.下士:美国海军作四级准尉助手的小官〔Annapolis〕The capital of Maryland, in the central part of the state on an inlet of Chesapeake Bay south-southeast of Baltimore. Settled in 1649, it was the site of the Annapolis Convention in 1786, which led to the federal Constitutional Convention of 1787. The U.S. Naval Academy, founded in 1845, is in Annapolis. Population, 33,187.安纳波利斯:美国马里兰州首府,位于该州的中部,巴尔的摩东南偏南的切萨皮克海湾入口处。1649年开始有人定居,这里是1786年安纳波利斯大会的旧址,该大会导致了1787年联邦宪法会议的召开。1845年建立的美国海军军官学校就设在此地。人口33,187〔lieutenant〕Abbr. Lt.A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above lieutenant junior grade and below lieutenant commander.缩写 Lt.海军上尉:美国海军或海岸警卫队的军衔,高于海军中尉,低于海军少校〔Dahlgren〕American naval officer and inventor of innovative smoothbore armaments for the U.S. Navy.达尔格伦,约翰·阿道尔福斯·伯纳德:(1809-1870) 美国海军军官和发明家,为美国海军设计了革新的滑膛炮〔airman〕An enlisted person in the U.S. Navy working with aircraft.美国海军空勤组成员:与飞机打交道的美国海军人员〔USNA〕United States Naval Academy.美国海军军官学校〔youngster〕A member of the second-year class in the U.S. Naval Academy.美国海军学院二年级学生〔WAVES〕Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service.(美国海军)志愿紧急服役妇女队〔Seabee〕A member of one of the construction battalions in the U.S. Navy that builds naval aviation bases and facilities.美国海军修建营成员:美国海军修建营成员,修建海军导航基地和设施〔USNR〕United States Naval Reserve.美国海军后备队〔Sims〕American naval officer who commanded U.S. naval forces in Europe during World War I and later cowroteVictory at Sea (1920), for which he won a Pulitzer Prize. 西姆斯,威廉·索登:(1858-1936) 美国海军军官,在一次世界大战期间指挥在欧洲的美国海军,后与人合著《海上的胜利》 (1920年),该作品获普利策奖 〔flotilla〕A U.S. Navy organizational unit of two or more squadrons of small warships.舰队小组:下辖两个或两个以上中队的小的美国海军驱逐舰队〔admiral〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above vice-admiral and below Admiral of the Fleet.海军上将:美国海军或海岸警卫队军衔,职位在海军中将之上,海军五星上将之下〔seaman〕A noncommissioned rank in the U.S. Navy or Coast Guard that is above seaman apprentice and below petty officer.海岸警卫队队员:在美国海军或沿海警卫队中未授军官衔的队员,高于三等兵但低于海军军士〔Monterey〕A city of western California south of San Francisco onMonterey Bay, an inlet of the Pacific Ocean. First settled in 1770 around a Franciscan mission, Monterey was a Spanish colonial capital for much of the time from 1774 to 1846, when it was taken by U.S. naval forces. The city and scenic Monterey Peninsula attract many tourists to the area. Population, 31,954. 蒙特里:美国加利福尼亚西部一城市,位于旧金山南部,太平洋的一个小入海口蒙特里海湾 沿岸。最早1770年建于弗朗西斯科教区附近,1774年到1846年的大部分时期中它是西班牙的殖民地首府,1846年被美国海军占领。该市和风景优美的 蒙特里半岛 成为游客向往的旅游胜地。人口31,954 〔Perry〕American naval officer who led the fleet that defeated the British in the Battle of Lake Erie (1813) during the War of 1812.佩里,奥利弗·哈泽德:(1785-1819) 美国海军军官。在1812年英美战争期间,他曾率领美国海军在伊利湖击溃英军(1813年)〔Wave〕A member of the women's reserve of the U.S. Navy, organized during World War II, but now no longer a separate branch.志愿紧急服役妇女队:美国海军妇女预备队成员,二战期间组建,但现在不再是独立的分支




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