释义 |
〔art〕High quality of conception or execution, as found in works of beauty; aesthetic value.美术:高质量的观念或制作,如表现在美的作品中的;美学价值〔classicism〕Adherence to the aesthetic values embodied in ancient Greek and Roman art and literature.古典美学:信奉古希腊和古罗马艺术和文学体现的美学价值〔artist〕One, such as a painter or sculptor, who is able by virtue of imagination and talent to create works of aesthetic value, especially in the fine arts.艺术家:能够通过想象和天赋创造出有美学价值艺术品的人,如画家或雕塑家,尤指(表现)在好的艺术作品中 |