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单词 羡慕
释义 〔envious〕Feeling, expressing, or characterized by envy:羡慕的:感到、表现、或以嫉妒为特征的:〔wonder〕Arousing awe or admiration.钦佩的:引起敬畏或羡慕〔envy〕A feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another.妒忌,羡慕:由于渴望得到他人的所有物或品质而引起的不满和怨恨的情绪〔cynosure〕An object that serves as a focal point of attention and admiration.引人注目者:作为注意和羡慕的焦点事物〔begrudge〕She begrudged his youth.她羡慕他的青春〔wonder〕To have a feeling of awe or admiration; marvel:吃惊,惊奇:有种敬畏或羡慕的感觉;吃惊:〔splendent〕Admired by many; illustrious.被很多人羡慕的;杰出的〔admiration〕A feeling of pleasure, wonder, and approval.See Synonyms at regard 钦佩,赞美,羡慕:一种愉快,惊奇及赞同的情感 参见 regard〔envious〕"At times he regarded the wounded soldiers in an envious way. . . . He wished that he, too, had a wound, a red badge of courage"(Stephen Crane)See Synonyms at jealous “有时侯,他竟羡慕那些受伤的士兵…他希望他也有一处伤口,一枚红色英勇勋章”(斯蒂芬·克兰) 参见 jealous〔envy〕The object of such feeling:羡慕的对象:引起这种感觉的事物:〔sour〕Displeased with something one formerly admired or liked; disenchanted:不再被迷惑的:对某人过去羡慕或喜欢的东西感到不快的;不再被迷惑的:〔Negrophile〕One who admires and supports Black people and their culture.亲近黑人之人:羡慕和支持黑人及其文化的人〔wonder〕The central meaning shared by these nouns is "one that evokes amazement or admiration": 这些名词共同表达的中心意思是“引起惊愕或羡慕的原因”: 〔compliment〕An expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation.恭维:赞美、羡慕或祝贺的表达方式〔Anglophile〕One who admires England, its people, and its culture.亲英者,崇英者:羡慕英国,英国人及英国文化的人〔envy〕Their new pool made them the envy of their neighbors.他们的新游泳池受到邻居的羡慕〔jealous〕Having to do with or arising from feelings of envy, apprehension, or bitterness:嫉妒的,猜忌的:源于或与羡慕、畏惧或痛苦的感情有关的:〔raving〕Exciting admiration:非凡的:激起羡慕的:〔give〕To look at admiringly or invitingly.羡慕地或被吸引地看着〔begrudge〕To envy the possession or enjoyment of:羡慕:嫉妒拥有…或享受…:〔admire〕To regard with pleasure, wonder, and approval.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕:以愉快、惊奇及赞同的心情看待〔wonder〕One that arouses awe, astonishment, surprise, or admiration; a marvel:惊奇或诧异:引起敬畏、惊异、惊奇或羡慕的原因;奇异之事:〔idolize〕To regard with blind admiration or devotion.See Synonyms at revere 1盲目崇拜:用盲目的羡慕或崇拜的眼光看待 参见 revere1〔idolater〕One who blindly or excessively admires or adores another.盲目崇拜者:盲目地或过分地羡慕或喜欢别人的〔traduce〕Latin trādūcere [to lead as a spectacle, dishonor] 拉丁语 trādūcere [成为别人羡慕的人,侮辱] 〔snob〕Snobs look down at their inferiors,but at one timesnobs looked up at their betters.The wordsnob, the ultimate origins of which are uncertain, is first found in 1781in the sense "shoemaker, cobbler,”a regional and informal usage.The word is recorded around 1796in a slang usage particular to Cambridge University, "a townsman as opposed to a gownsman.”Both senses may have fed into the sense first found in 1831, "a member of the ordinary or lower classes.”Along with this sense went another (1838), "a person without proper breeding or taste.”From these two senses arose the sense first recorded in 1848, "a person who looks up to his or her social betters and tries to copy or associate with them.”We can see how this sense could blend into the other familiar sense,"one who looks down on those considered inferior" (1911).势利小人们都瞧不起不如他们的人,但有一段时间,势利小人只是羡慕地位比他们高的人。Snob 这个词最远的起源还不清楚, 它第一次出现于1781年,意为“鞋匠,补鞋人”,这只是一种方言和非正式用法。1796年左右的记录显示,这个词有一个专用于剑桥大学的俚语意思,“与贵族相对应的普通市民”。这两个意思都进入了它第一次出现于1831年的“普通或低下阶层中的一员”这个意思。这个意思与另一个意思平行(1838年):“没有良好教养和品味的人”。从这两个意思发展来了“羡慕地位高于他(她)的人并尽量与之进行联系的人”这个意思,第一次记录于1848年。然后,我们就能发现怎样又从这个意思中派生出了其它我们熟悉的意思,即“瞧不起被认为地位比自己低者的人”(1911年)




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