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单词 羽状复叶
释义 〔agrimony〕Any of various perennial herbaceous plants of the genusAgrimonia, having pinnately compound leaves and spikelike clusters of small yellow flowers. 龙芽草,仙鹤草:一种龙芽草属 多年生草本植物,有羽状复叶和穗状的小黄花花簇 〔carob〕An eastern Mediterranean evergreen tree(Ceratonia siliqua) in the pea family, having pinnately compound leaves and large, dark, leathery pods. 角豆树:地中海东部地区一种豆科常青乔木(长角豆 长角豆属) ,有羽状复叶和黑色坚韧的大豆荚 〔rowan〕A small deciduous European tree(Sorbus aucuparia) of the rose family, having pinnately compound leaves, corymbs of white flowers, and orange-red berries. 欧洲花楸:一种产于欧洲的蔷薇科落叶小树(花楸属 欧洲花楸) ,长有羽状复叶,由花的伞房花序和桔红色浆果组成 〔catechu〕A spiny Asian tree(Acacia catechu) having bipinnately compound leaves, spikes of yellow flowers, and dark heartwood. 儿茶树:一种亚洲生多刺木(儿茶 金合欢属) ,有两羽状复叶、穗状黄花和深色心材 〔pecan〕A deciduous tree(Carya illinoinensis) of the central and southern United States, having deeply furrowed bark, pinnately compound leaves, and edible nuts. 美洲山核桃树:产于美国中部和南部的落叶树(美国山核桃 山核桃属) ,具有很深皱纹的树皮,羽状复叶和可食用的坚果 〔rose〕Any of numerous shrubs or vines of the genusRosa, having prickly stems, pinnately compound leaves, and variously colored, often fragrant flowers. 蔷薇,玫瑰:任一种蔷薇科 属灌木或藤本植物,茎干多刺,有羽状复叶,花朵色泽繁多且气味芳香 〔senna〕Any of various plants of the genusCassia, having pinnately compound leaves and showy, nearly regular, usually yellow flowers. 旃那, 山扁豆:任一种决明属 植物,它长有羽状复叶并开有艳丽的、近似于规则的且常为黄色的花朵 〔sarsaparilla〕Either of two North American plants(Aralia hispida or A. nudicaulis) having umbels of small white flowers and bipinnately compound leaves. 裸茎楤木属:一种(硬毛楤木楤木属 或 裸茎楤木楤木属) 的植物,开有呈伞状花序的小白花,生双回羽状复叶 〔bracken〕A widespread, often weedy fern(Pteridium aquilinum) having large, triangular, pinnately compound fronds and often forming dense thickets. 欧洲蕨:一种分布广泛,常为蔓生的(欧洲蕨 蕨属) 蕨类植物,具有大型、三角形羽状复叶,通常形成茂密的灌木丛 〔pistachio〕A deciduous tree(Pistacia vera) of central and western Asia, having pinnately compound leaves and dry, drupaceous, nutlike fruits. 阿月浑子:一种生长在亚洲中部和西部的落叶树(阿月浑子 黄莲木属) ,长有羽状复叶和干燥、似坚果的有核果实 〔groundnut〕A climbing vine(Apios americana) of eastern North America, having compound leaves, clusters of fragrant brownish flowers, and small edible tubers. 野豆:北美洲东部一种藤本植物(美洲野豆 豆科) 羽状复叶,花密集,呈紫褐色,有香气,生有可食块茎 〔burnet〕A perennial plant of the genusSanguisorba, having pinnately compound leaves and apetalous flowers. The young leaves are sometimes added to salads as a garnish. 地榆,美洲地榆:一种地榆属 多年生植物,有羽状复叶和无花瓣的花。其嫩叶有时加在沙拉中作装饰和配料 〔sainfoin〕A Eurasian plant(Onobrychis viciifolia) having pinnately compound leaves and pink or white flowers, often grown as a forage crop. 驴食豆:一种欧亚大陆植物(驴食豆 驴食豆属) ,有羽状复叶、粉红色或白色花,做为饲料作物种植 〔cuckooflower〕A perennial herb(Cardamine pratensis) in the mustard family, native to the northern temperate regions and having pinnate leaves and pink, purple, or sometimes white flowers. Also called lady's smock 草地碎米荠:一种十字花科的多年生草本植物(碎米荠属 草甸碎米荠) ,原产于北温带,生有羽状复叶并开粉红色、紫色或有时为白色的花 也作 lady's smock〔cassia〕Any of various chiefly tropical or subtropical trees, shrubs, or herbs of the genusCassia in the pea family, having pinnately compound leaves, usually yellow flowers, and long, flat or cylindrical pods. 肉桂属植物总称:一种主要是热带或者亚热带豆科肉桂属 乔木、灌木或草木植物,有羽状复叶,通常开黄色的花,长有长扁形或圆筒形豆荚 〔butternut〕An eastern North American walnut(Juglans cinerea) having light-brown wood, pinnately compound leaves, and a deeply furrowed nut enclosed in an egg-shaped, sticky, aromatic husk. Also called white walnut 灰胡桃:北美洲东部的一种胡桃,(灰核桃 核桃属) 具有浅褐色木质、羽状复叶和具尖头的卵形芳香果皮包裹的带脊核果 也作 white walnut〔rue〕Any of various aromatic southwest Asian or Mediterranean plants of the genusRuta, especially the ornamental R. graveolens, having bipinnately compound leaves that yield an acrid, volatile oil formerly used in medicine. 芸香:一种生长于亚洲西南部或地中海沿岸的芸香属 植物,尤指装饰用的 臭芸香, 具有羽状复叶,能生产一种旧时作药用的刺激性的挥发油 〔pignut〕Either of two deciduous trees(Carya glabra or C. ovalis) of the eastern United States, having pinnately compound leaves, male flowers grouped in catkins, and nuts with somewhat bitter kernels. 光滑山核桃树:美国东部的两种落叶树的一种(山核桃属 光滑山核桃 或 山核桃属 甜山核桃) ,有羽状复叶、柔荑花序的雄花和核仁带有苦味的坚果 〔osmunda〕Any of several ferns of the genusOsmunda, having erect, bipinnately compound fronds and deeply contracted fertile pinnules. The fibrous roots are sometimes used as a potting medium for cultivated plants, and the young crosiers are used as food. 紫萁:一种紫萁 属的蕨类植物,长有直立的二次羽状复叶及深度皱缩的产孢子二次羽叶。其须根有时可用作栽培植物的盆栽培养基,其嫩叶卷头可用作食物 〔poisonwood〕A poisonous dioecious tree(Metopium toxiferum) of southern Florida and the West Indies, having pinnately compound leaves, yellow-green flowers clustered in axillary panicles, and yellow-orange drupes. It causes a rash on contact. 毒漆树:一种有毒的雌雄异株的树木(毒漆树 毒漆树属) ,产于美国佛罗里达南部和西印度群岛,有羽状复叶、构成腋生圆锥花序的黄绿色花簇和黄橙色的核果。它在接触皮肤后能诱发皮疹 〔angelica〕Any of various herbs of the genusAngelica in the parsley family, having pinnately compound leaves and small white or greenish flowers in compound umbels, especially A. archangelica, whose roots and fruits are used in flavoring liqueurs and whose stems are candied and eaten. 独活:一种伞形科当归 属草本植物,有羽状复叶和白色或淡绿色的小花组成散状花序,特别是 圆当归 ,它的根和果实可用作酒的香料,茎有甜味可食用 〔leadplant〕A deciduous shrub(Amorpha canescens) of central North America, having pinnately compound leaves covered with whitish hairs. 灰毛紫穗槐:一种生长于北美洲中部的落叶灌木(灰毛紫穗槐 紫穗槐属) ,生有上面覆盖白色柔毛的羽状复叶 〔tamarind〕A tropical Asian evergreen tree(Tamarindus indica) having pinnately compound leaves, pale yellow flowers, and thick, cinnamon-brown pods containing an edible acid pulp. 罗望子:一种生活于亚洲热带地区的常绿乔木(酸豆 酸豆属) ,生有二羽状复叶,开淡黄色花朵,并结含有可食用酸味果浆的厚且呈浅红褐色的荚 〔acacia〕Any of various often spiny trees or shrubs of the genusAcacia in the pea family, having alternate, bipinnately compound leaves or leaves represented by flattened leafstalks and heads or spikes of small flowers. 金合欢属树:一种豆科金合欢属 通常为多刺的树木或灌木,有复生的羽状复叶,或者由扁平的叶柄以及小花构成的头状花序或穗状花序所代替的叶子 〔shagbark〕An eastern North American hickory tree(Carya ovata) having shaggy bark, pinnately compound leaves, and hard-shelled nuts with edible seeds. Also called shellbark 粗皮山核桃:一种生长于北美洲东部的山核桃树(小糙皮山核桃 山核桃属) ,生有粗糙的树皮和羽状复叶,结有可食用种籽的硬壳坚果 也作 shellbark〔licorice〕A Mediterranean perennial plant(Glycyrrhiza glabra) having blue flowers, pinnately compound leaves, and a sweet, distinctively flavored root. 洋甘草:一种地中海地区的多年生植物(洋甘草 甘草属) ,开蓝色花,羽状复叶,根甜并味道独特 〔cycad〕Any of various palmlike gymnospermous cone-bearing evergreen plants of the division Cycadophyta, native to warm regions and having large pinnately compound leaves.铁树目裸子植物:一种掌状裸子植物的结有球果的常绿植物,是苏铁亚纲植物的,原产于热带地区而且长有较大的羽状复叶〔vetchling〕Any of several plants of the genusLathyrus, having pinnately compound leaves, slender tendrils, and variously colored flowers. 山黧豆属植物:一种野豌豆 属的草本植物,具有羽状复叶,细长的卷须和各种颜色的花朵 〔vetch〕Any of various herbs of the genusVicia, having pinnately compound leaves that terminate in tendrils and small, variously colored flowers. 巢豆,野豌豆:一种香豌豆 属的植物,具有长在细长卷须上的羽状复叶和各种颜色的花朵




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