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单词 耕种
释义 〔sharecropper〕A tenant farmer who gives a share of the crops raised to the landlord in lieu of rent.交租耕种农:将培育出的庄稼的一部分代替租金交给地主的佃农〔plantation〕It has probably seemed ironic to more than one reader that the same wordplantation appears in the name Plimoth Plantation, a settlement of people seeking freedom of religion,albeit their particular form of religion,and also as the term for the estates of the pre-Civil War Southwith their beautiful mansions for the white elite and their hovels for the oppressed Black slaves.These two uses of the wordplantation illustrate two sense developments of the word, which is first recorded in Middle English asplantacioun in a work probably written during the first quarter of the 15th century. Latinplantātiō, the source of our English word, originally meant "propagation of a plant, as from cuttings,”but in Medieval Latin developed other related senses,such as "planting,” "foundation, establishment,” and "nursery, or collection of growing plants that have been planted.”The two senses that were used in New England and in the South can thus be explained.The Plimoth sense is derived from the notion of a settlement or colony that has been established or planted in a new country.The Southern sense goes back to the notion of simply planting crops,in this casecrops such as tobacco or cottonthat are grown on estates or farms in subtropical or tropical climatesand were at one time worked by slave labor.同样的单词plantation 出现在名称 Plimoth Plantation (普利茅斯种植园)中,这对不止一名读者来说,可能看起来是具讽刺意味的, 该名称指寻求宗教自由的人的小型社区,虽然他们的宗教形式很特别,也是作为内战前南方庄园的术语,指供高贵白种人居住的漂亮公馆和受压迫的黑人奴隶居住的破旧茅屋。单词plantation 的这两种用法说明了这个单词两种意思的发展, 其以可能于15世纪最初二十五年创作的一部作品中的plantacioun 形式首次记录进中世纪英语。 拉丁文plantatio 是我们这个英语单词的词源, 最初意为“植物的繁殖,如通过供插栽小枝,”但是在中世纪拉丁文中又发展了其它的相关的意思,例如“种植、”“建立、设立”和“苗圃或已被种植的活的植物的集合。”这样,用在新英格兰和南方的这两种意思就能够解释了。普利茅斯种植园的意思是从在新的国家中建立或移民的新拓居地或殖民地的概念中引申出来的。南方庄园的意思则可追溯到简易耕种作物的概念上来,在这种情况下,例如烟草或棉花等农作物,生长在亚热带或热带气候的庄园或农场,且一段时间以来由奴隶种植〔cultivable〕Capable of undergoing cultivation:能耕种的,能栽培的:能够进行耕种或栽培的:〔wilderness〕A piece of land set aside to grow wild.划出的一块不耕种的地〔fellah〕from falaḥa [to cultivate, till] 源自 falaḥa [耕种,耕耘] 〔tillage〕Cultivation of land.耕种:开垦土地〔croft〕A small farm, especially a tenant farm.小农场:小农场,尤指佃农耕种的农场〔tilth〕Cultivation of land; tillage.耕作,耕种:开垦土地;耕作〔agricide〕The abuse of agricultural land through improper farming methods, which renders it unfit to support plant or animal life.滥用农地:通过不适当的耕种方式滥用农地,使之不适合动植物生长〔sharecrop〕To work (land) or grow (crops) as a sharecropper.作佃农:作为谷租佃农耕种(土地)或种植(庄稼)〔distribute〕In the 19th century the government distributed land to settlers willing to cultivate it.在19世纪,政府将土地分发给愿意耕种的定居者。〔forestry〕The science and art of cultivating, maintaining, and developing forests.森林学:有关耕种、养护和发展森林的科学和艺术〔wilding〕A plant that grows wild or has escaped from cultivation, especially a wild apple tree or its fruit.野生植物,野生苗:野生的植物或非耕种的植物,尤指野苹果树和野苹果〔till〕To prepare (land) for the raising of crops, as by plowing and harrowing; cultivate.耕作:通过耕耙为种植庄稼准备(土地);准备(土地)耕种〔extensive〕Of or relating to the cultivation of vast areas of land with a minimum of labor or expense.粗放的,大面积耕种的:以最少的劳动或费用大面积耕种的或与此有关的〔farm〕To cultivate or produce a crop on.耕种:种植或生产谷物〔husbandman〕One whose occupation is husbandry; a farmer.农民:以耕种为业的人;农夫〔incult〕cultus [past participle of] colere [to till, cultivate] * see k wel- 1cultus colere的过去分词 [耕种,培养] * 参见 k wel- 1〔culture〕The cultivation of soil; tillage.土地的耕作;耕种〔swidden〕An area cleared for temporary cultivation by cutting and burning the vegetation.临时耕地:铲除或烧掉植被暂时用于耕种的田地〔agrarian〕Relating to or concerning the land and its ownership, cultivation, and tenure.土地的,耕地的;土地所有制的:关于土地和土地所有制、耕种和使用权的〔agriculture〕cultūra [cultivation] * see culture cultūra [耕种] * 参见 culture〔wild〕Occurring, growing, or living in a natural state; not domesticated, cultivated, or tamed:野生的,未驯化的,未经栽培的:生长在或生活在自然状态下的;未被驯化的、没有耕种的或未驯养的:




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