单词 | 职业 |
释义 | 〔pollster〕An understanding of the history of the-ster in pollster may perhaps raise more questions than it answers. In the first place apollster does not have to be a woman, despite the fact that the suffix-ster, originally-estre in Old English, was used to form feminine agent nouns.Hoppestere, for example, meant "female dancer.” But in Old English-estre was occasionally applied to men, although perhaps largely or completely in the case of translations of Latin masculine nouns denoting occupations that were held by women in Anglo-Saxon society.An example isbæcester, "baker,” glossing Latinpistor; it survives as the Modern English nameBaxter. In Middle Englishthe suffix was still largely feminine in the south of Englandbut masculine and feminine in the north,a tendency that became general in English starting with the 16th century.As an example of this tendencyseamster was remade into the feminineseamstress. In Modern English the suffix is usually derogatory.This use probably arose from the occurrence of the suffix with ambiguous verbs,such asgame, "to play at sports, to play at sex,” or with pejorative verbs,such asrime or rhyme. In some modern formations on neutral words-ster is not derogatory, as inyoungster (1589), but in most cases,as withpollster (1939), -ster has pejorative force. 对于pollster 中的 -ster 的历史的理解也许会引发比它能回答的问题更多的问题。 首先pollster 不一定非得是妇女, 尽管-ster 这一后缀, 源于古英语中的-estre , 被用来构成阴性名词。比如hoppestere 一词意为“女舞蹈者。” 但在古英语中-estre 也偶尔可以用在男性身上, 虽然也许这种情况大多或者完全出现在表示盎格鲁-撒克逊社会中由妇女从事的职业的一些阳性拉丁文名词的翻译中。其中一个例子是boecester 意为“面包师”, 来自拉丁语的pistor; 这个词在现代英语名字Baxter 中保存了下来。 在中世纪英语中,该后缀在英格兰南部仍然主要地被用作阴性,但在英格兰北部却被同时用作阳性和阴性,而后一种趋势自16世纪以来逐渐在英语中变得普遍。反映这种趋势的一个例子是seamster , 该词被改造成了阴性的seamstress。 在现代英语中这一后缀通常是含贬义的。这种用法可能是因为此后缀与一些有歧义的动词合用而产生的,比如game 可表示“进行体育活动,进行性游戏,” 或者是因为与轻蔑动词合用而产生的,比如rime 或 rhyme。 在某些现代英语中性名词中,-ster 不是贬损的, 如在youngster (1589年)中, 但在大多数情况下,如pollster (1939年)这个词中 -ster 仍是有贬义的 〔banausic〕"a sensitive, self-conscious creature . . . in sad revolt against uncongenially banausic employment"(London Magazine)“一个敏感的自我意识强的生命…在悲哀地反抗着不合志趣的机械呆板的职业”(伦敦杂志)〔Trevino〕American golfer who won the U.S. Open (1968 and 1971), the British Open (1971 and 1972), and the Professional Golfers' Association title (1974 and 1984).特里维诺,李:(生于 1939) 美国高尔夫球选手,曾获得美国公开赛(1968年和1971年)、英国公开赛(1971年和1972年)和职业高尔夫协会冠军(1974年和1984年)〔jump〕A sudden or major transition, as from one career or subject to another.突变,大变:突然或重大的转变,如从一个职业或一个主题转到其他〔faithful〕The practicing members of a religious faith, especially of Christianity or Islam:信徒:职业教徒,尤指基督教或伊斯兰教徒:〔caste〕A social class separated from others by distinctions of hereditary rank, profession, or wealth.特权阶级:通过世袭的地位、职业或财富和其他社会阶层分开的一个阶级〔launch〕To give (someone) a start, as in a career or vocation.开创:给(某人)一个开创的机会,如在生涯或职业方面〔unprofessional〕Not conforming to the standards of a profession:不合格的:不符合一个职业的标准的:〔literary〕Of or relating to writers or the profession of literature:文学的:与作家或文字职业有关的:〔Kshatriya〕The second of the four Hindu classes, responsible for upholding justice and social harmony. In ancient India this was the royal or warrior class; in modern India, the professional, governing, or military class.刹帝利:四个印度种姓中的第二级,负责执法和维护社会安定。在古代印度,它由皇族和武士阶层构成;在现代印度,它表示职业、统治和军事阶层〔tailor〕To pursue the trade of a tailor.从事裁缝这一职业〔vernacular〕The idiom of a particular trade or profession:行话;术语:某一具体的行业或职业的习语:〔opera〕from Latin [work, service] * see op- 源自 拉丁语 [职业,服务] * 参见 op- 〔import〕The act or occupation of importing goods or materials.进口商,进口:进口商品或材料的行为或职业〔freedom〕at liberty to choose whatever occupation she wishes;自由地选择她希望的任何职业;〔lawyer〕One whose profession is to give legal advice and assistance to clients and represent them in court or in other legal matters.律师:其职业是给委托人提供法律咨询或帮助,并在法庭或其它法律事务中代表他们〔toga〕A robe of office; a professional or ceremonial gown.官服;职业或典礼用装〔brainworker〕One whose profession primarily involves intellectual activity.脑力劳动者:其职业主要是从事脑力劳动的人〔boss〕A professional politician who controls a party or a political machine.首脑,党魁:控制政党或政治机器的职业政治家〔medium〕media (used with a sing. or pl. verb)The group of journalists and others who constitute the communications industry and profession. media (与单数或复数动词连用)传播业者:组成传媒业或传媒职业的一群新闻记者和其他人〔career〕A chosen pursuit; a profession or occupation.职业:经过选择的职业;需要专门知识或特殊训练的职业或工作〔gownsman〕One who wears a distinctive gown as a mark of profession or office.职业上穿长袍者:穿与众不同的长袍的人以表示不同职业或职位〔priesthood〕The character, office, or vocation of a priest.祭司职位:祭司(或司铎,牧师等)的特征,职位或职业〔sing〕To perform songs or selections as a trained or professional singer.歌唱:作为一个受过训练的或职业歌手唱歌或唱一些片断〔placement〕The finding of suitable accommodation or employment for applicants.职业介绍,工作安排:为申请者寻找适当住所或职业〔Cousy〕American basketball player and coach. As a guard for the Boston Celtics (1950-1963), he led the National Basketball Association in assists eight times and led the Celtics to six NBA titles between 1957 and 1963.库西,罗伯特·约瑟夫:美国篮球选手和教练。波士顿凯尔特人队后卫(1950年-1963年),在美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的八个赛季中都担任助攻,1957年至1963年间他带领该队三次赢得NBA冠军〔licentiate〕One who is granted a license by an authorized body to practice a specified profession.领有执照的人:经有关权力单位授予执照,可以从事某项特殊职业的人〔HMO〕A corporation financed by insurance premiums whose member physicians and professional staff provide curative and preventive medicine within certain financial, geographic, and professional limits to enrolled volunteer members and their families.维护健康组织:一个由保险费提供基金的公司,对于在一定经济、地理和职业范围内自愿参加的人及其家庭成员,由公司医生及职业人员提供治疗的和预防性的药品〔sewing〕The act, occupation, or hobby of one who sews.缝纫:缝纫者的行为、职业或习惯〔biography〕a career entirely devoted to biography.主要从事传记创作的职业〔glitterati〕"private parties on Park Avenue and Central Park West, where the literati mingled with glitterati"(Skylines)“花园大街和中央公园威斯特举行的宴会上,职业文人族和新潮贵人共聚一席”(地平线)〔careerism〕Pursuit of professional advancement as one's chief or sole aim:功利主义:把追求职业成功做为自己主要或唯一的目标:〔proficient〕Having or marked by an advanced degree of competence, as in an art, vocation, profession, or branch of learning.熟练的,精通的:在艺术、职业、技能或学术方面有造诣的〔laity〕All those persons who are not members of a given profession or other specialized field.外行:所有那些不属于某职业或其它专业领域的成员〔jargon〕The specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group.See Synonyms at dialect 行话:一个行业、职业或类似的团体中使用的专业的或技术的语言 参见 dialect〔unprofessional〕unprofessional behavior.违反职业准则的行为举止〔lawyering〕The profession or work of practicing law:律师业:操作法律的职业或工作:〔woman〕An adult female human being belonging to a specified occupation, group, nationality, or other category. Often used in combination:女人:属于一个特定的职业、团体、国籍或其他的种类的成年女性人类。经常用于合成词:〔turtle〕To hunt for turtles, especially as an occupation.捕海龟、捕鳖,尤指作为一种职业〔corrode〕"Doubt and mistrust could creep into our lives, corroding personal and professional relationships"(Philip Taubman)“怀疑和不信任会深入我们的生活,破坏私人的或职业联系。”(菲利普·陶布曼) |
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