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单词 联合国
释义 〔Thant〕Burmese diplomat who served as the secretary-general of the United Nations (1961-1971).萨尼:(1811-1863) 缅甸外交家,曾住联合国秘书长(1961-1971年)〔Bunche〕American diplomat. He won the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on the United Nations Palestine Commission.本奇,拉尔夫·约翰逊:(1904-1971) 美国外交家。1950年由于他在联合国巴勒斯坦委员会的工作而获诺贝尔和平奖〔Hull〕American public official who as secretary of state (1933-1944) laid the groundwork for the founding of the United Nations.赫尔,科德尔:(1871-1955) 美国官员,曾任国务卿(1933-1944年),联合国的奠基人〔Kenyon〕American jurist and reformer noted for her work on labor disputes and women's rights. She was a leading member of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (1946-1950).凯恩,多罗斯:(1888-1972) 美国法学家、改革家,因其有关劳资争议和妇女权利方面的著作而著名。她是联合国妇女地位委员会的领导成员(1946-1950年)〔UNRRA〕United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.联合国善后救济总署〔Stettinius〕American business executive and public official who served as U.S. secretary of state (1944-1945) and was the first U.S. delegate to the United Nations (1945-1946).斯特丁纽斯,爱德华·雷利:(1900-1949) 美国商务经理和公共官员,曾任国务卿(1944-1945年),是美国首任驻联合国代表(1945-1946年)〔Murray〕Australian-born British classical scholar and pacifist noted for his verse translations of Greek dramas and for his advocacy of the League of Nations and the United Nations.默里,(乔治)吉尔伯特(艾米):(1866-1957) 澳大利亚裔英国古典学者和和平主义者,因其对古希腊戏剧押韵的译作以及倡导国际联盟和联合国而著名〔Annan〕Ghanaian diplomat who was appointed secretary-general of the United Nations in 1996.安南,科非:迦纳籍外交家,1996年他被任命为联合国秘书长〔Acre〕A port of northern Israel on the Bay of Haifa. During the Crusades it changed hands many times between Christians and Moslems. Acre was ceded to the Arabs in the United Nations partition of Palestine in 1948 but was captured by Israel shortly thereafter. Population, 37,700.艾可:以色列北部海法湾上一港口,在十字军东征时期被基督徒和伊斯兰教徒轮番控制。艾可港在1948年被在联合国的巴勒斯坦人的代表割让给了阿拉伯人,但不久之后即被以色列人占领。人口37,700〔conduct〕A neutral team from the United Nations will observe the elections to be sure that they are conducted fairly.联合国的中立代表团将观察这次选举以保证它公正地进行。〔Hepworth〕British sculptor best known for herSingle Form (Memorial to Dag Hammarskjöld) at the United Nations Plaza in New York City. 赫普沃思,芭芭拉:(1903-1975) 英国雕刻家,以纽约市联合国大厦前的《独影(纪念戴各·哈马啥尔德)》 而著名 〔UNICEF〕United Nations Children's Fund (formerly United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund).联合国儿童基金(以前为联合国国际儿童紧急基金)〔Vandenberg〕American politician. A U.S. senator from Michigan (1928-1951), he was an ardent isolationist until the attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941), after which he was a central figure in the bipartisan support of the war effort and in the establishment of the United Nations and NATO.范登堡,阿瑟·亨德里克:(1884-1951) 美国政治家。来自密歇根(1928-1951年)的美国参议员,在珍珠港事件(1941年12月7日)发生之前,他是激进的孤立主义者,此后他是由两党成员组成的战争支援组织的中心人物,并且是建立联合国和北大西洋公约组织的中心人物〔Roosevelt〕American diplomat, writer, and First Lady of the United States (1933-1945) as the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. A delegate to the United Nations (1945-1952 and 1961-1962), she was an outspoken advocate of human rights. Her written works includeThis I Remember (1949). 罗斯福,(安娜)埃莉诺:(1884-1962) 美国外交家、作家和美国第一夫人(1933-1945年),总统弗兰克林·D·罗斯福之妻。作为联合国的一名代表(1945-1952和1961-1962年),她积极提倡人权主义。其作品包括《这我忘不了》 (1949年) 〔Togoland〕A historical region of western Africa including modern Togo and parts of Ghana. A German protectorate after 1884, the area was divided (1922) between Britain and France under a League of Nations mandate, later administered as separate UN trust territories. British Togoland became part of independent Ghana in 1957, with French Togoland gaining independence as Togo in 1960.多哥兰:历史上在非洲西部的一处区域,包含现在的多哥及一部分的迦纳。1884年起为德国保护地,此区域在1922年,依照国际联盟的托管规定,分别为英国及法国委托管辖,尔后又分别成为联合国的托管区。1957年,英属多哥兰成为独立国家迦纳的一部分。1960年,法属多哥兰则获得独立自主权,成为多哥共和国〔Bush〕The 41st President of the United States (since 1989). He was previously U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (1971-1972) and China (1974-1975), director of the Central Intelligence Agency (1976-1977), and Vice President (1981-1989) under Ronald Reagan.布什,乔治·赫伯特·沃克:(生于 1924) 美国第四十一任总统(自1989年)。他曾是美国驻联合国(1971-1972年)和中国(1974-1975年)的外交大使,中央情报局局长(1976-1977年),罗纳德·里根的副总统(1981-1989年)〔Eban〕South African-born Israeli politician who served as Israel's first permanent delegate to the United Nations (1949-1959), ambassador to the United States (1950-1959), and foreign minister (1966-1974).伊班,阿巴:(生于 1915) 南非裔的以色列政治家,曾任以色列首位常驻联合国代表(1949-1959年)、驻美大使(1950-1959年)及外交部长(1966-1974年)〔Vishinski〕Soviet jurist and diplomat. As chief Soviet prosecutor (1935-1939) he conducted the infamous Great Purge trials. He later served as a Soviet delegate to the United Nations (1946-1954) and as foreign minister (1949-1953).维辛斯基,安德烈·雅奴阿列维奇:(1883-1954) 苏联法学家兼外交官。作为苏联检察长(1935年-1939年)曾进行了对臭名昭著“大清洗”案的审判。他后来成为苏联驻联合国代表(1946年-1954年)及外交部长(1949年-1953年)〔trusteeship〕Administration of a territory by a country or countries so commissioned by the United Nations.托管:被联合国授权的国家对托管领土的管理〔Waldheim〕Austrian diplomat and politician. After serving as secretary-general of the United Nations (1972-1981), he was elected president of Austria in 1986 despite worldwide controversy over his alleged Nazi affiliations during World War II.瓦尔德海姆,库尔特:(生于 1918) 奥地利外交家、政治家。在联合国任秘书长(1972-1981年)期满后,尽管对其在二战期间与纳粹可能有管系的问题上,举世争议,他还是于1986年被选为奥地利总统〔Myrdal〕Swedish sociologist and diplomat. She shared the 1982 Nobel Peace Prize for her role in the United Nations nuclear disarmament negotiations.米达尔,阿尔瓦:(1902-1986) 瑞典社会主义者和外交家,因在联合国裁减核武器的协商中所作的贡献而获得1982年的诺贝尔和平奖〔Gromyko〕Soviet political leader who joined the Communist Party in 1931 and served as ambassador to the United States (1943-1946) and the United Nations (1946-1948). He later held the posts of foreign minister (1957-1983) and chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (1983-1988).葛罗米柯,安德烈·安德列耶维奇:(1909-1989) 苏联政治领导人,1931年加入共产党,历任驻美国大使(1943-1946年),驻联合国大使(1946-1948年),外交部长(1957-1983年),苏联最高苏维埃主席团主席(1983-1988年)〔ambassador〕A diplomatic official heading his or her country's permanent mission to certain international organizations, such as the United Nations.使节团,代表团:带领他或她自己国家的长期驻外使团到某一国际组织(如联合国)的外交官员〔presently〕An original meaning ofpresently was "at the present time; currently.” That sense is said to have disappeared from the literary language in the 17th century,but it has survived in popular usage and is widely found nowadays in literate speech and writing.Still, there is a lingering prejudice against this use.In the most recent surveythe sentenceGeneral Walters is . . . presently the United States Ambassador to the United Nations was acceptable to exactly 50 percent of the Usage Panel. presenthy 的一个原始意为“现在,目前”。 那种意义据说在17世纪时从文学性语言中消失,但在大众用法中仍旧存在并且现今广泛存在于受过教育人的口头语和书面语之中,然而反对这一用法的成见仍然存在。在最近的调查中华特士将军…最近是美利坚合众国驻联合国大使 这句话的接受率在词语惯用法小组里正好为百分之五十。 〔Goldberg〕American jurist and diplomat who served as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1962-1965) and a U.S. representative to the United Nations (1965-1968).戈德堡,阿瑟·约瑟夫:(1908-1990) 美国法官和外交官,在1962-1965年期间任美国最高法院陪审法官,1965-1968年期间任美国驻联合国代表〔UNESCO〕United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.联合国教育、科学及文化组织〔admission〕It is often maintained that admittance should be used only to refer to achieving physical access to a place (He was denied admittance to the courtroom), and that admission should be used for the wider sense of achieving entry to a group or institution (her admission to the club; China's admission to the United Nations). This distinction is often ignored, though many writers continue to observe it. But admission is much more common in the sense "a fee paid for the right of entry": 通常人们认为 admittance 只用于表示身体进入到某处(他被拒绝进入法庭),而 admission 应用于更广的意义,表示获得加入某个团体或机构(允许她加入俱乐部;允许中国加入联合国)。这个区别通常被忽视,虽然许多作家继续注意这点。但是 admission 更普遍用于表达“为进入权所付的费用”:〔Lehman〕American banker and public official who directed (1943-1946) the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. As a U.S. senator from New York (1949-1957), Lehman was one of the first to oppose McCarthyism.莱曼,赫伯特·亨利:(1878-1963) 美国金融家兼政府官员。他曾在1943年到1946年期间主持联合国救济与复兴委员会的工作。当他担任来自纽约的美国参议员时(1949-1957年),莱曼曾是首批反对麦卡锡主义者的一员〔Kashmir〕A historical region of northwest India and northeast Pakistan. Conquered by Moslems in the 14th century, it was part of the Mogul empire after 1587 and became an independent kingdom in 1751. The British pacified the region in 1846 and installed a Hindu dynasty, which was overthrown by a Moslem revolt in 1947. Continued fighting in the area led to United Nations intervention (1949 and 1965) and the current partition of the region between India and Pakistan.克什米尔:印度西北部和巴基斯坦东北部一历史地区。该地区于14世纪被穆斯林征服,1587年后又成为莫卧儿帝国的一部分,1751年成为一个独立王国。1846年英国人平定该地区,建立印度王朝,但于1947年被一次穆斯林起义推翻。该地区持续不断的战争导致了联合国的干预(1949年和1965年)以及目前印度和巴基斯坦的分治〔Lie〕Norwegian politician and first secretary-general of the United Nations (1946-1953).赖伊,特里格夫·哈尔维登:(1896-1968) 挪威政治家和联合国第一任秘书长(1946年至1953年)〔Eden〕British politician who as foreign minister (1935-1938, 1940-1945, and 1951-1955) was instrumental in the founding of the United Nations (1945) and as prime minister (1955-1957) supported the 1956 Anglo-French invasion of Egypt.艾登爵士,(罗伯特)安东尼:(1897-1977) 英国政治家,曾任外交部长(1935-1938,1940-1945和1951-1955年),在联合国的组建中起过重要作用。1955-1957年担任首相,在任期间曾支持1956年英法联军入侵埃及〔Shaba〕A region of southeast Zaire bordering on Zambia. It proclaimed itself the republic of Katanga in 1960 and seceded from Congo (now Zaire). The insurrection was put down in 1963 with the aid of United Nations troops.塞巴,喀坦噶:扎伊尔与赞比亚接界的东南地区。它于1960年宣称自己为喀坦加共和国且脱离刚果(现扎伊尔)。1963年在联合国部队帮助下平息了叛乱〔Flushing〕A section of New York City in northern Queens on western Long Island. Flushing Meadow was the site of two world's fairs (1939-1940 and 1964-1965) and the temporary headquarters of the United Nations (1946-1949).弗拉兴:纽约城的一个区,位于长岛西部的皇后区北部。弗拉兴牧场曾是两届世界贸易大会(1939-1940年和1964-1965年)的所在地和联合国的临时总部(1946-1949年)〔Trieste〕A city of extreme northeast Italy on theGulf of Trieste, an inlet of the Gulf of Venice at the head of the Adriatic Sea. Held by Austria from 1382 until 1919, Trieste became in 1947 the center of the Free Territory of Trieste administered by the United Nations. In 1954 the city and the northern zone of the territory were returned to Italy; the remainder of the area became part of Yugoslavia. Population, 251,380. 的里雅斯特:意大利东北角上的一个城市,临的里雅斯特湾 ——威尼斯湾,在亚德里亚海的顶端形成的一个小湾。的里雅斯特在1382年至1919年一直被奥地利统治,1947年成为联合国管理的 的里雅斯特自由区 的中心。1954年该市及自由区北部地带归还给意大利,该地区的其余部分并入南斯拉夫。人口251,380 〔Bernadotte〕Swedish diplomat who as a leader of the Swedish Red Cross (1943-1948) helped save thousands of people from Nazi concentration camps. As United Nations mediator in Palestine (1948) he attempted to end Israeli-Arab hostilities but was assassinated by Israeli terrorists.贝纳多特,福尔克:(1895-1948) 瑞典外交家,做为瑞典红十字会的领导人(1943-1948年)曾帮助营救了成千上万的人逃离纳粹集中营。做为联合国驻巴勒斯坦的调停者(1948年),他努力争取结束以色列和阿拉伯人之间的敌对,但被犹太复国主义者暗杀〔UNRWA〕United Nations Relief and Works Agency.联合国难民救济及工程署〔Young〕American diplomat and politician. Director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (1964-1970), he later served as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (1977-1979) and as mayor of Atlanta (1981-1989).扬,小安德鲁·杰克逊:(生于 1932) 美国外交家和政治家,曾任南方基督教领导联合会的会长(1964-1970年),后来任美国驻联合国大使(1977-1979年)和亚特兰大市长(1981-1989年)




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