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单词 肿胀
释义 〔turgor〕The state of being turgid.膨胀,肿胀,肿大:膨胀、肿胀,肿大的状态〔taut〕Middle English tohte [distended] 中古英语 tohte [肿胀的] 〔tumefaction〕The act or process of puffing or swelling.肿大:肿胀或鼓起的动作或过程〔tumescent〕Becoming swollen; swelling.变得肿胀的,肿胀〔turgor〕from Latin turgēre [to be swollen] 源自 拉丁语 turgēre [肿胀] 〔bluetongue〕A viral disease of sheep and cattle that is transmitted by biting insects and is characterized by fever, the formation of oral lesions, and swelling and cyanosis of the lips and tongue.蓝舌病:羊、牛的病毒性疾病,由蚊虫叮咬传染,症状为发烧、口腔腐烂、唇舌肿胀、发紫〔hard〕Erect; tumid. Used of a penis.竖起的:坚挺的;肿胀的。用于描写男性生殖器〔tumescence〕A swollen part or organ.肿胀的部位或器官〔varicosity〕A varicose enlargement or swelling.静脉曲张的扩大或肿胀〔turgid〕Swollen or distended, as from a fluid; bloated:肿胀的,肿大:肿大的,膨胀的,如因液体过多而肿胀的:〔thoroughpin〕An abnormal swelling on either side of the hock joint of horses and related animals.穿钉肿:马或其它动物踝关节上方两侧滑膜异常的肿胀〔ventricose〕Inflated, swollen, or distended, especially on one side:大腹的,一面鼓的:尤指一侧膨胀、肿胀或扩张的:〔torose〕Cylindrical and having ridges or swellings.念珠态的:圆柱状并且有突起或肿胀〔trachoma〕A contagious disease of the conjunctiva and cornea, caused by the gram-negative bacteriumChlamydia trachomatis and characterized by inflammation, hypertrophy, and formation of granules of adenoid tissue. It is a major cause of blindness in Asia and Africa. 沙眼:一种结膜及角膜的传染性疾病,由革兰氏阴性病菌沙眼衣原体 引起,特征为发炎,肿胀及形成淋巴组织颗粒。在亚洲和非洲是失明的主要原因 〔swollen〕Expanded by or as if by internal pressure; distended:肿胀的:通过或似通过内部压力扩展的;肿胀的:〔varicose〕from varix varic- [swollen vein] 源自 varix varic- [肿胀的血管] 〔adenoidal〕Suggestive of the vocal sound caused by abnormally enlarged adenoids:患腺样增殖体肿胀的:由异常肿胀的腺样增殖体导致的发声的:〔blain〕A skin swelling or sore; a blister; a blotch.水疱,脓疱:皮肤肿胀或溃疡;水疱;脓疱〔distention〕from distentus [past participle of] distendere [to distend] * see distend 源自 distentus distendere的过去分词 [(使)膨胀,(使)肿胀,(使)扩张] * 参见 distend〔distend〕To swell out or expand from or as if from internal pressure.膨胀,肿胀:由或好象由内部压力而膨胀或扩张的〔resolvent〕A resolvent substance, especially a medicine that reduces inflammation or swelling.消散药:有消散能力的物质,尤指消减炎症或肿胀的药品〔blowzy〕Having a coarsely ruddy and bloated appearance.红脸的,日晒的:面容粗糙的、泛红的和肿胀〔bunion〕Probably alteration of obsolete bunny [swelling] 可能为 废语 bunny的变化 [肿胀] 〔tumefaction〕A puffy or swollen part.肿胀:鼓起或肿大的部位〔bubonocele〕A partial hernia of the groin, characterized by swelling in the groin area.腹股沟不全疝:腹股疝气的部分,症状是腹股区肿胀〔tumor〕A swollen part; a swelling.肿胀肿胀的部分〔tumid〕Swollen; distended. Used of a body part or organ.肿胀的:以肿胀为标志的,肿的。用于身体部位或器官〔torula〕feminine diminutive of torus [bulge] torus的阴性小后缀 [肿胀] 〔arthritis〕Inflammation of a joint or joints resulting in pain and swelling.关节炎:由于一组或多组关节发炎而导致的疼痛和肿胀〔distention〕The act of distending or the state of being distended.膨胀,肿胀:膨胀的过程或肿胀的状态〔bump〕A slight swelling or lump.轻微的肿胀或肿块〔colic〕Severe abdominal pain caused by spasm, obstruction, or distention of any of the hollow viscera, such as the intestines. Often a condition of early infancy, colic is marked by chronic irritability and crying.腹痛:由中空内脏器官,如肠等的肿胀、阻塞或痉挛引起的剧烈腹痛,婴幼儿期的腹痛常以持续的躁怒和哭喊为特征〔adenoidal〕a singer with an adenoidal voice.带有腺样增殖体肿胀声音的歌手〔turgid〕from turgēre [to be swollen] 源自 turgēre [肿胀的] 〔turgid〕a turgid bladder; turgid veins.肿胀的膀胱;膨胀的血管〔tumescence〕A swelling or an enlarging.肿胀,肿大,扩大〔turgescence〕The condition of being swollen.肿大:肿大或肿胀的状况〔detumescence〕Reduction or lessening of a swelling, especially the restoration of a swollen organ or part to normal size.消肿:肿胀缩小,尤指将一个肿胀了的器官的储存量减少到正常大小〔varicose〕Relating to or causing unusual swelling.与不寻常的肿胀有关的,或导致不寻常的肿胀〔blown〕Swollen or inflated; distended.膨胀的:腹胀的或膨胀的;肿胀




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