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单词 胎盘
释义 〔blastocyst〕The modified blastula that is characteristic of placental mammals. Also called blastodermic vesicle 胚泡:转化的囊胚,为胎盘哺乳动物的特征 也作 blastodermic vesicle〔progesterone〕A steroid hormone, C21H 30O 2, secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary and by the placenta, that acts to prepare the uterus for implantation of the fertilized ovum, to maintain pregnancy, and to promote development of the mammary glands. 黄体荷尔蒙,黄体酮:类固醇荷尔蒙,化学式为C21H 30O 2,由卵巢的黄体和胎盘分泌,其活动准备子宫移植受精卵子,保持受孕,以及促进乳腺的增大 〔choroid〕From Greek khoroeidēs [like an afterbirth] 源自 希腊语 khoroeidēs [象胎盘] 〔choroid〕khorion [afterbirth] * see chorion khorion [胎盘] * 参见 chorion〔transplacental〕Passing through or occurring across the placenta:经过胎盘的:通过胎盘的或在胎盘上发生的:〔afterbirth〕The placenta and fetal membranes expelled from the uterus following childbirth.胞衣:分娩后子宫排出的胎盘和胎膜〔chorioallantois〕The highly vascular fetal membrane that consists of the fused chorion and allantois, found adjacent to the eggshell in reptiles and birds and constituting the placenta in most mammals.绒毛膜尿囊:由融合的绒毛膜和尿囊组成的富含血管的胎膜组织,存在于爬行类动物和鸟类的蛋壳附近,并且构成大多数哺乳动物的胎盘〔chorion〕The outer membrane enclosing the embryo in reptiles, birds, and mammals. In placental mammals it contributes to the development of the placenta.绒毛膜:在爬行类动物、鸟类及哺乳类动物中包含胚胎的外膜,在有胎盘哺乳动物中与胎盘的发育有关〔allantois〕A membranous sac that develops from the posterior part of the alimentary canal in the embryos of mammals, birds, and reptiles. It is important in the formation of the umbilical cord and placenta in mammals. Also called allantoid 尿模:哺乳动物、鸟类和两栖动物的胚胎中在消化道后部形成的膜质液囊。对哺乳动物脐带和胎盘的形成有重要作用 也作 allantoid〔villus〕One of the fingerlike projections of the chorion that contribute to the formation of the placenta in mammals.羊膜绒毛:绒毛膜的分支突起,借以形成哺乳动物的胎盘〔placentation〕Formation of a placenta in the uterus.胎盘形成:胎盘在子宫中的形成过程〔chorioid〕Greek khorioeidēs [like an afterbirth] 希腊语 khorioeidēs [似胎盘的] 〔chorioid〕khorion [afterbirth] khorion [胎盘] 〔placenta〕A membranous vascular organ that develops in female mammals during pregnancy, lining the uterine wall and partially enveloping the fetus, to which it is attached by the umbilical cord. Following birth, the placenta is expelled.胎盘:雌性哺乳动物在怀孕期间生长的薄膜血管器官,靠着子宫壁且包住由脐带束住的胎儿。随着胎儿出生,胎盘去除〔fibrinoid〕A homogenous, acellular material similar to fibrin, found normally in the placenta and formed in connective tissue and in the walls of blood vessels in certain disease states.类纤维蛋白:一种均质、非细胞组成、类似于纤维蛋白的物质,通常在胎盘中可见,在连接的组织及某些疾病状态下的血管壁内形成〔eutherian〕Of or belonging to the infraclass Eutheria, a division of mammals to which all the placental mammals belong.真哺乳亚纲的:关于或属于哺乳动物真兽亚纲的一个下纲,包括有胎盘哺乳动物〔placenta〕An organ with similar functions in some nonmammalian animals, such as certain sharks and reptiles.(类似的)胎盘:在一些非哺乳动物身上有类似功能的器官,如某种鲨鱼和蛇




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