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单词 能量
释义 〔neutralize〕 Negate andnullify suggest cancellation of validity, force, usefulness, value, consequence, or significance: Negate 和nullify 表示对效能、能量、用途、价值、结论或意义的废弃或推翻: 〔efficiency〕The ratio of the energy delivered by a machine to the energy supplied for its operation.功率:机器做一定功所发出的能量与其总能量的比〔apyrase〕Any of various enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of ATP, causing the release of phosphate and energy.三磷酸腺苷双磷酸酶:催化ATP水解以释放磷酸盐和能量的过程的一种酶〔ligase〕Any of a class of enzymes, including the carboxylases, that catalyze the linkage of two molecules, generally utilizing ATP as the energy donor. Also called synthetase 连接酶:一种酶,包括羧基酶,能催化两个分子的结合,一般用腺苷三磷酸酶作能量载体 也作 synthetase〔Delilah〕In the Old Testament, a mistress of Samson who betrayed him to the Philistines by having his hair shorn while he slept, thus depriving him of his strength.黛利拉:圣经旧约中,参孙的情妇。她将参孙出卖给非利士人,在参孙睡觉时剪掉了他的头发,使参孙丧失了能量〔beam〕An oscillating lever connected to an engine piston rod and used to transmit power to the crankshaft.传动杆:可摆动的杠杆,与引擎之活塞相连,用以向机轴传送能量〔hop〕To increase the power or energy of:加大功率或能量〔weak〕Lacking physical strength, energy, or vigor; feeble.无力的:缺少体力、能量或精力的;虚弱无力的〔dervish〕One that possesses abundant, often frenzied energy:疯狂的人:拥有充沛的经常是狂乱能量的人:〔spasm〕A sudden burst of energy, activity, or emotion.突发,阵作:能量、活动、或感情的突然迸发〔conductivity〕The ability or power to conduct or transmit heat, electricity, or sound.传导性:传导热、电、或声音的能力或能量〔steam〕To produce or emit steam.动力:动力、能量蒸发放出的蒸汽或冒热汽〔vibronic〕Of or relating to changes in molecular energy states associated with the vibrational energy of atoms.电子振动的:分子能量状态改变的或与此有关的,与原子的振动能量相关〔antiarrhythmic〕Preventing or alleviating irregularities in the force or rhythm of the heart.抗心律失常的,抗心律不齐的:防止或减轻心脏能量及变动的不规律性〔carburize〕To carburet.使与碳氢化合物混合,以增加燃料的可用能量〔physical〕Of or relating to matter and energy or the sciences dealing with them, especially physics.自然法则的:研究物体和能量的科学的,或与之有关的,尤指物理的〔psychic〕psychic trauma; psychic energy.心理创伤;心理能量〔supernova〕A rare celestial phenomenon involving the explosion of most of the material in a star, resulting in an extremely bright, short-lived object that emits vast amounts of energy.超新星:一种罕见的天文现象,表现为一恒星中的绝大部分物质爆炸后,产生能放射极大能量的极为明亮而存在时间极短的物体〔strenuous〕Requiring great effort, energy, or exertion:艰巨的:需要巨大努力,能量或投入的:〔brisk〕Marked by speed, liveliness, and vigor; energetic:轻快的,活泼的:表现为轻快的、充满生机的和有活力的;有能量的:〔waste〕To cause to lose energy, strength, or vigor; exhaust, tire, or enfeeble:使衰弱:使失去能量、力量或精力;使耗尽精力、疲惫或衰弱:〔duty〕A measure of efficiency expressed as the amount of work done per unit of energy used.功率:一单位能量所做的功的量〔breakeven〕reaching breakeven in controlled fusion reactions.控制聚变反应中能量的消耗与产生持平〔transmission〕An automotive assembly of gears and associated parts by which power is transmitted from the engine to a driving axle. Also called gearbox 传动装置:汽车上由齿轮和其它相连部件构成的一个集合体,能量通过它从发动机传到主动轴 也作 gearbox〔wave〕A disturbance traveling through a medium by which energy is transferred from one particle of the medium to another without causing any permanent displacement of the medium itself.波,振动:穿过介质的振动,通过振动使能量从介质的一个粒子传送到另一个粒子而并不导致介质本身的永久变位〔spurt〕A sudden short burst, as of energy or activity.迸发:突然而又快速的爆发,如能量和活动等〔chemosynthesis〕Synthesis of carbohydrate from carbon dioxide and water using energy obtained from the chemical oxidation of simple inorganic compounds. This form of synthesis is limited to certain bacteria and fungi.化学合成:用简单无机化合物的化学氧化所产生的能量将二氧化碳和水合成碳水化合物。这种化学合成形式只限于某些细菌和真菌〔conservation〕The maintenance of a physical quantity, such as energy or mass, during a physical or chemical change.守恒:在物理或化学变化过程中能量或质量等物理数量的维持原状〔Bethe〕German-born American physicist. He won a 1967 Nobel Prize for research on the energy production of stars.贝特,汉斯·阿尔布雷希:(生于 1906) 德裔美籍物理学家。因其对恒星能量产生的研究而获1967年诺贝尔奖〔dissipate〕To cause to lose (energy, such as heat) irreversibly.消耗,使耗散:不可逆地失去(能量,如热)〔waterpower〕The energy produced by running or falling water that is used for driving machinery, especially for generating electricity.水力:用于开动机器的流水或降落之水产生的能量,尤其用于发电〔dissipated〕Irreversibly lost. Used of energy.散逸的,被消耗的:不可逆转地失去的。指能量〔breakeven〕The point at which the energy put into a system is equalled by the energy produced by that system:无损耗的,无消耗的:系统产生的能量同系统消耗的能量相等的程度:〔energy〕A source of usable power, such as petroleum or coal.能源:可用能量的来源,如石油或煤〔discharge〕To undergo the release of stored energy or electric charge.放电:释放所贮存的能量或电荷〔power〕The energy or motive force by which a physical system or machine is operated:动力:使人体系统或机器运转的能量或动力:〔energetics〕The study of the flow and transformation of energy.力能学:研究能量的流动及转变的学科〔wasting〕Sapping the strength, energy, or substance of the body; emaciating:使消瘦的:消耗力量、能量或身体物质的;使消瘦的:〔enactment〕"Dance itself is the enactment of an energy which must seem . . . untrammeled, effortless, masterful"(Susan Sontag)“舞蹈本身是一种能量的付出,这种能量必须看起来是…无拘束的、不费力的、娴熟的”(苏珊·桑塔格)〔erg〕The centimeter-gram-second unit of energy or work equal to the work done by a force of one dyne acting over a distance of one centimeter.尔格:能量或功的单位厘米-克-秒,相当于一达因的力移动一厘米时所作的功




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