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单词 脚后跟
释义 〔telemark〕A downhill turn performed on cross-country skis in which the knees are bent, the inside heel is lifted, and the weight is on the outside ski, which is advanced ahead of the other and angled inward until the turn is complete.弓步式转弯:在越野滑雪中表演的下坡转弯。转弯过程中膝盖弯曲、内侧脚后跟抬起使重量压在外侧滑雪板上,外侧滑雪板在内侧滑雪板前方并向内转角度直至完成转弯〔talon〕from Old French talon [heel] 源自 古法语 talon [脚后跟] 〔tap〕A metal plate attached to the toe or heel of a shoe, as for tap-dancing.钉在鞋底的铁皮:钉在一只鞋的脚后跟或脚掌处的一块金属片,如为跳踢踏舞而钉的这种金属片〔heelwork〕In flamenco dancing, a stylized tapping of the heels in time with the music.(动作)顿足:弗拉曼柯舞蹈中的一种伴随音乐以脚后跟敲打地面的程式化动作〔heel〕To press or strike with the heel:用后跟踢:用脚后跟挤压或敲击:




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