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单词 腹足动物
释义 〔gastropod〕Any of various mollusks of the class Gastropoda, such as the snail, slug, cowrie, or limpet, characteristically having a single, usually coiled shell or no shell at all, a ventral muscular foot for locomotion, and eyes and feelers located on a distinct head.腹足动物:属于腹足纲的任何一种软体动物,如蜗牛、蛞蝓、海蛙或帽贝,特征是具有一单个通常是卷起来的壳或根本无壳,有为了移动的腹足、眼睛和触角生于头部一显要位置〔drill〕Any of various marine gastropod mollusks, chiefly of the genusUrosalpinx, that bore holes into the shells of bivalve mollusks. U. cinera is destructive to oysters. 海洋腹足动物:海洋腹足纲软体动物,主要指在双壳类软体动物的贝壳上钻孔的骨螺 属。该属的 尾角螺 对牡蛎十分有害




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