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单词 自信
释义 〔confidence〕"The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence, utter, complete and bumptious" (George S. Patton). “一个士兵所拥有的最重要的品格是自信、果断、彻底和骄傲” (乔治·S·巴顿)。〔call〕To challenge another with a display of strength or confidence.接受挑战:接受他人挑战以示力量与自信〔authority〕played the sonata with authority.自信地演奏起奏鸣曲〔nature〕confidences of a personal nature.See Synonyms at type 人内在的自信 参见 type〔aplomb〕Self-confident assurance; poise.See Synonyms at confidence 自信,沉着;泰然自若 参见 confidence〔surety〕The condition of being sure, especially of oneself; self-assurance.确实:确信的状态,尤指对自己;自信〔carry〕The confidence gained in remedial classes carried over into the children's regular school work.孩子们在辅导班上获得的自信持续到他们正常的学校学习中去〔shy〕He was too diffident to express his opinion.他太不自信,不敢发表自己的见解。〔presence〕The quality of self-assurance and effectiveness that permits a performer to achieve a rapport with the audience:演员的表演风度:演员所具有的自信和引人瞩目的能力,使得他(她)与观众之间很融洽:〔surface〕"a flamboyant, powerful confidence man who lives entirely on the surface of experience"(Frank Conroy)“完全生活在经验表面的一个浮夸、有权力的自信的男人”(弗兰克·康罗伊)〔authority〕Confidence derived from experience or practice; firm self-assurance:自信:从经验或实践中获得的信心;坚定的自信感:〔centered〕"He's a centered guy. He's always seemed to know what he wanted, and gone after it in a concrete way"(Vanity Fair)“他是个自信的人。他似乎总是知道想要什么,并以具体的方式追求”(名利场)〔brazen〕To face or undergo with bold self-assurance:大胆自信地去面对或从事:〔certainty〕 Conviction is certainty arising from the vanquishment of doubt: Conviction 是由克服疑虑而产生的自信〔mistrust〕Lack of trust or confidence arising from suspicion.See Synonyms at uncertainty 不信任:因怀疑而缺乏信任或自信 参见 uncertainty〔inestimable〕"shared all the inestimable advantages of being wealthy, good-looking, confident and intelligent"(Doris Kearns Goodwin)“拥有富有、漂亮、自信、聪明等绝对的优势”(多丽丝·克恩斯·古德温)〔radiate〕a leader who radiates confidence.一位表现出自信的领导者〔assert〕Affirm and aver stress the speaker's confidence in the validity of the statement: Affirm 和 aver 强调讲话人对所讲东西正确性的自信〔boast〕"We confide [i.e., have confidence] in our strength, without boasting of it; we respect that of others, without fearing it" (Thomas Jefferson). “我们自信于 自己的力量, 这并非自夸;我们也重视别人的力量,但并不畏惧” (托马斯·杰斐逊)。〔courage〕The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery.勇敢,无畏,勇气,胆量:使人带有沉着、自信和决心面对危险、恐怖或世事无常的心理素质或状态;勇气〔assurance〕Excessive self-confidence; presumption.过分的自信;自负〔confidence〕A feeling of assurance, especially of self-assurance.自信:确信的感觉,尤指自信〔positive〕Very sure; confident:确定的,有信心的:十分有把握的;自信的:〔centered〕Self-confident and well-balanced:自信的,神智健全的:〔confidence〕 How can a nonscientist explain an abstruse theory with such assurance?怎么一个非科学家对这一抽象理论的解释如此自信?〔inside〕In a position of confidence or influence.处于核心地位:处于自信或有影响的地位〔trust〕To expect with assurance; assume:盼望:自信地期待;设想:〔confident〕Marked by confidence in oneself; self-assured.See Synonyms at sure 对自己有信心的;自信的 参见 sure〔presuming〕Having or showing excessive and arrogant self-confidence; presumptuous.冒昧的,放肆的:拥有或显示过分的或傲慢的自信的;自行其事的〔asserted〕Confidently stated to be so but without proof; alleged:被断言的:无证据但被自信地说出的;被断言的:〔face〕To confront, an unpleasant situation, for example, with resolution and assurance:面对:如坚决而又自信地,面对一个不愉快的状况:〔assertive〕Inclined to bold or confident assertion; aggressively self-assured.过分自信的:倾向于唐突或自信的断言;过分自信〔quality〕"The most vital quality a soldier can possess is self-confidence" (George S. Patton).Aproperty is a basic or essential quality possessed by all members of a class: “一名士兵所必须具备的素质就是自信” (乔治·S·巴顿)。property 是一个阶级的所有成员所具有的基础或基本的特点: 〔pretend〕I assumed an air of confidence that I was far from feeling.在我远远感受不到自信时,我显示出一副自信的神气。〔shy〕 Diffident implies lack of self-confidence: Diffident 暗示缺少自信〔bullish〕Optimistic or confident:乐观的,自信的:〔reckon〕To rely with confident expectancy.See Synonyms at rely 判断:依仗自信的估计 参见 rely〔perky〕Having a buoyant or self-confident air; briskly cheerful.敏捷的:有一种轻松自信的气质;愉悦的〔assert〕These verbs all mean to make a positive statement.To assert is to state one's opinion confidently but often without proof to support it: 这些动词的意思是肯定地提出。assert 是指自信地讲出自己的观点,但常常是没有证据来支持: 〔assurance〕A statement or indication that inspires confidence; a guarantee or pledge:保证,发誓:激励自信的声明或表示;保证或发誓:




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