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单词 自我约束
释义 〔cool〕 Composed implies a serene, often sedate quality arising from self-discipline: Composed 带有产生于自我约束的一种安详宁静的,常常是镇定沉着的品质之意: 〔cool〕Imperturbable stresses unshakable calmness considered usually as an inherent trait rather than as a product of self-discipline: Imperturbable 侧重于一种不可动摇的沉着冷静,通常被认为是天生的特性而不是自我约束的产物: 〔reserve〕Self-restraint in expression; reticence:保守;慎言:在表达上的自我约束;沉默寡言:〔slow〕 Deliberate suggests a lack of hurry traceableespecially to caution, need, self-restraint, or careful consideration, as of consequences: Deliberate 表示缺少急速,尤指由小心、需要、自我约束或对后果的认真考虑所引起的: 〔ascetic〕Leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial, especially for spiritual improvement.See Synonyms at severe 禁欲者,苦行者:过着自我约束和自我克制生活的,尤指为精神上的完善 参见 severe〔severe〕Ascetic suggests self-discipline and self-denial and often renunciation of worldly pleasures for spiritual improvement: Ascetic 指自我约束和自我克制并且通常为达到精神进步而放弃世俗享乐:




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