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单词 自由州
释义 〔Missouri〕A state of the central United States. It was admitted as the 24th state in 1821. Under Spanish control from 1762 to 1800, the area passed to the United States through the Louisiana Purchase of 1803. Organized as a territory in 1812, Missouri's application for admission as a slaveholding state in 1817 sparked a bitter controversy over the question of extending slavery into new territories. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 provided for the admission of Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state in the following year. Jefferson City is the capital and St. Louis the largest city. Population, 5,137,804.密苏里州:美国中部的一个州。于1821年被接受为第二十四个州。1762年到1800年,此地区处于西班牙的控制下,美国于1803年在路易斯安那购买行动中获得这一地域。1812年成为一个地区。1817年密苏里申请以蓄奴州身份加入联邦导致了关于是否将奴隶制扩大到新地区的争论。1820年的密苏里协议为次年作为自由州的缅因州和作为蓄奴州的密苏里州加入联邦铺平了道路。杰斐逊城是州首府,圣路易斯为最大城市。人口5,137,804〔Kansas〕A state of the central United States. It was admitted as the 34th state in 1861. Organized as a territory by the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which provided it would be classified as a free or slave state on the basis of popular sovereignty, it became a virtual battleground, known as Bleeding Kansas, for free and slave factions (1854-1859). Kansas was finally admitted as a free state. Topeka is the capital and Wichita the largest city. Population, 2,485,600.堪萨斯州:美国中部一州。1861年被批准为第34个州。通过1854年的堪萨斯内布拉斯加法案,堪萨斯被组织成为一个地区。该法案规定,遵照人民主权论的原则该地区可以成为自由州或蓄奴州。1854年至1859年间该州实质上成为自由派和蓄奴派的战场,被称为血腥的堪萨斯。堪萨斯最终被批准成为自由州。其首府为托皮卡,最大城市为威奇托。人口2,485,600〔Clay〕American politician who pushed the Missouri Compromise through the U.S. House of Representatives (1820) in an effort to reconcile free and slave states.克雷,亨利:(1777-1852) 美国政治家,曾推动了密苏里妥协案在美国众议院的通过(1820年),努力使自由州与蓄奴州和解




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