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单词 致使
释义 〔discord〕Dissension implies difference of opinion that disrupts unity within a group: Dissension 暗示意见不同致使团体内团结的分裂: 〔rival〕"His ambition led him to rival the career of Edmund Burke" (Henry Adams).Tocompete is to contend with another or others to attain a goal, as gaining an advantage, victory in a contest, or a prize: “他的抱负致使他超越了爱德蒙·伯克的事业” (亨利·亚当斯)。Compete 指为了达到某一目标,如为取得优势、在竞赛中取得胜利或获奖,而与另一个人或其他人竞争: 〔shank〕To hit (a golf ball) with the heel of the club, causing the ball to veer in the wrong direction.以杆击球:用棒的根部击(高尔夫球)致使其转向错误方向〔Arius〕Greek Christian theologian and founder of Arianism, a doctrine that led to his condemnation as a heretic.阿里乌斯:希腊基督教神学家和阿里乌斯派创始人。他的教义致使他被定罪为异端〔Godoy〕Spanish politician whose alliance with Napoleon I against Great Britain led to the defeat of French and Spanish naval forces at Trafalgar (1805).戈多伊,曼纽尔·德:(1767-1851) 西班牙政治家,他同拿破仑一世结盟反对大英帝国,致使法国和西班牙海军1805年在特拉法尔加失败〔aquatint〕A process of etching capable of producing several tones by varying the etching time of different areas of a copper plate so that the resulting print resembles the flat tints of an ink or wash drawing.细点腐蚀制版法:一种蚀刻法,通过改变铜版不同区域的蚀刻时间可产生多种色度,以致使印迹类似于墨水画或淡彩画的无明暗之分的色度〔Lysenko〕Soviet biologist and agronomist. As director of the Institute of Genetics of the Soviet Academy of Sciences (1940-1964), he had an adverse effect on Soviet agricultural development because of his belief in the genetic theory that acquired characteristics can be inherited.李森科,托斐姆·丹尼索维奇:(1898-1976) 苏联生物学家和农学家。作为苏联科学院遗传研究所所长(1940-1964年),由于他在遗传理论中认为后天特征可以被继承,致使他给苏联农业的发展带来了不良影响〔equanimity〕"And the third [personal ideal] has been to cultivate such a measure of equanimity as would enable me to bear success with humility, the affection of my friends without pride" (William Osler). “第三个 是打算培养出这样一种镇静以致使我能以谦逊来对待成功, 不以朋友的爱戴而骄傲” (威廉·奥斯勒)。〔cavitation〕The sudden formation and collapse of low-pressure bubbles in liquids by means of mechanical forces, such as those resulting from rotation of a marine propeller.气穴现象:由于机械力,如由船用的旋转机械力产生的致使液体中的低压气泡突然形成并破裂的现象〔diversity〕"Charles Darwin saw in the diversity of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation, competition and selection"(Scientific American)“查尔斯·达尔文在物种的多样性中发现了致使物种产生的原则:变异、竞争、选择”(科学美国人)〔Nero〕Emperor of Rome (54-68) whose early reign was dominated by his mother, Agrippina the Younger. He had his mother and wife murdered, and he may have set the Great Fire of Rome (64). His cruelty and irresponsibility provoked widespread revolts, which led to his suicide.尼禄:罗马皇帝(54-68年),他早期的统治由其母阿格丽皮娜操纵,他谋杀了其母亲和妻子。64年的罗马大火可能是他操纵的。他的残酷与渎职引发了广泛的暴动致使他自杀身亡〔responsible〕In recent years,many people have objected to the use of the phraseclaim responsibility with reference to the authors of terrorist acts, as inA small separatist group claimed responsibility for the explosion, in which 30 passengers were killed. It is true that the phrase is not entirely felicitous,in as much as it does not convey the speaker's conviction that the action is deplorable.But alternatives such asadmit or take the blame cannot be recommended either, since they would imply misleadingly that the instigators had themselves acknowledged that the action was wrongful.近年来,许多人反对使用与恐怖主义活动制造者相关的词组claim responsibility , 如一小撮分离主义者声称对那次致使30位旅客丧生的爆炸负责 。 这个词组确实是不得体的,因为它没有表达说话者对悲惨行为的谴责。但也不能推荐如admit 和 take the blame 等替代词, 因为它们可能使人误导以为煽动者自己也承认行动是错误的〔deflection〕The movement of a structure or structural part as a result of stress.变位:由于拉力或应力作用致使建筑结构或建筑结构的某一部分的移动〔Caligula〕Emperor of Rome (37-41) who succeeded his adoptive father, Tiberius. After a severe illness, he displayed the ruthlessness, extravagance, and megalomania that led to his assassination.卡利古拉:罗马帝王(37-41年在位),他继承了他养父提比略。在一场重病之后,他显示出残酷、荒淫无度以及狂妄自大,从而致使他被谋杀〔hypertensive〕A drug capable of causing an increase in blood pressure.升血压药:能够致使血压上升的药〔annoy〕It riled me no end to listen to such lies. 这致使我没完没了地听这种谎话 〔nicotine〕A colorless, poisonous alkaloid, C10H 14N 2, derived from the tobacco plant and used as an insecticide. It is the substance in tobacco to which smokers can become addicted. 尼古丁:无色有毒生物碱,C10H 14N 2,从烟草中提取被用作杀虫剂,它是烟草中致使吸烟者上瘾的物质




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