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单词 航海
释义 〔nautical〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of ships, shipping, sailors, or navigation on a body of water.船舶的,航行的,海员的,航海的:船舶的、航行的、海员的、航海的,或属于、关于船舶的、航行的、海员的、航海的,或具有其特征的〔theodolite〕An optical instrument consisting of a small mounted telescope rotatable in horizontal and vertical planes, used to measure angles in surveying, meteorology, and navigation.经纬仪:一种由一个小的可在水平面和垂直面旋转的望远镜构成的光学仪器,用于勘测、气象和航海中测量角度〔practical〕gained practical experience of sailing as a deck hand.作为水手获得了航海的实践经验〔seafaring〕seafaring peoples of the world; seafaring nations.世界上以航海为业的人;以航海为业的民族〔outside〕My outside interests are skiing and sailing.我的业余爱好是滑雪和航海〔ballyhoo〕The origin ofballyhoo has been the subject of much speculation. This spelling has actually graced four different words:ballyhoo, "sensational advertising"; ballyhoo, a spelling of balao, a kind of fish; ballyhoo, a part of the name ballyhoo bird, about which more later; andballyhoo, a sailor's epithet for a disliked ship. This lastballyhoo (first recorded in 1836) was thought to be related to, or the same as, the word ballahou, from Spanishbalahú, "a type of schooner common in the Antilles.” First recorded in 1867,ballahou, besides being a term for a specific kind of ship, was also used contemptuously of inferior ships.But the connection between these sailing terms or the name of the fish and our wordballyhoo, first recorded in 1901, has not been established. There may, however, be a tie betweenballyhoo and the creature called a ballyhoo bird. According to a July 1880 article inHarper's, the bird had four wings and two heads and could whistle through one bill while singing through the other.Anyone who has ever hunted a snipe will know what hunting ballyhoo birds was like.单词ballyhoo 的来源一直存在种种推测。 这个词的拼写实际上包含有四个不同的词:ballyhoo, 意为“耸人听闻的广告”; ballyhoo, 是 balao 的一种拼写,是一种鱼; ballyhoo, 是 ballyhoo bird 的一部分,其出现更晚; 还有一个是ballyhoo, 是水手对不喜欢的船的称呼。 这最后一个ballyhoo (最早记载于1836年)被认为与 ballahou 有关或相同, 该词来自西班牙语balahu, 意为“流行于安的列斯群岛的一种纵帆船。” 首次记载于1867年,ballahou 一词除表示一种特殊的船外, 还表示同时代的劣等船。但这些与航海有关的词或鱼类名称的词与我们所使用的、首次记载于1901年的一词ballyhoo 之间尚未建立联系。 然而也许ballyhoo 一词与被称为 ballyhoo bird 的生物之间有某种联系。 根据1880年7月哈帕斯 杂志中一篇文章的描写, 这种鸟有四翅双头,可以用其中一张嘴吹哨,同时用另一张嘴唱歌。任何曾经猎过鹬鸟的人将会知道捕猎“巴里嗬”鸟是怎样的一种情景〔luff〕To flap while losing wind. Used of a sail.无风张帆:无风时张帆。用于航海〔Pyxis〕New Latin Pyxis (nautica) [(mariner's) compass] 新拉丁语 Pyxis (nautica) [(航海看的)罗盘钟] 〔triangulation〕The location of an unknown point, as in navigation, by the formation of a triangle having the unknown point and two known points as the vertices.三角测量:通过以分别作(顶点)的两个已知点和一个未知点形成一个三角形,来求出或定位该未知点,如在航海〔southeast〕The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due south and due east, or 135° east of due north.东南方:正南和正东方向之间的航海罗盘方位或点,或是正北偏东135°〔triply〕a triply redundant navigational system.一个三度冗长的航海系统〔Vinland〕An unidentified coastal region of northeast North America visited by Norse voyagers as early as c. 1000. The region, variously located from Labrador to New Jersey, was named for the grapes growing plentifully in the area.温兰德:北美东北部一个没有明确划分的海滨地区,早在11世纪挪威人曾航海到过此地。这一地区不同地分布于拉布拉多至新泽西,以其丰富的葡萄产量得名〔landing〕The act or process of coming to land or rest, especially after a voyage or flight.着陆:着陆或休息的动作或过程,尤指经过航海或飞行之后〔nautical〕The central meaning shared by these adjectives is "of or relating to the sea, ships, shipping, sailors, or navigation": 这些形容词共同的中心意思是“属于或关于海洋、船舶、航海、海员或航行的”: 〔landfall〕The act or an instance of sighting or reaching land after a voyage or flight.初见陆地:在经过航海或飞行后看到或接触到陆地的动作或瞬间〔tack〕A rope for holding down the weather clew of a course.系帆索:用来系住一次航海中顶风的帆耳的绳索〔careen〕The implication of rapidity that most often accompanies the use ofcareen as a verb of motion may have arisen naturally through the extension of the nautical sense of the verb to apply to the motion of automobiles, which generallycareen, that is, lurch or tip over, only when driven at high speed. There is thus no reason to conclude that this use of the verb is the result of a confusion ofcareen with career, "to rush.” Whatever the origin of this use, however,it is by now so well establishedthat it would be pedantic to object to it.在多数时候,careen 作为动作动词使用时具有速度迅捷的含义。把该动词在航海方面的意思引申,使其义应用于汽车的运行,也许这样就很自然地产生了迅捷的含义; 因为汽车只有在高速行驶时通常才careen ,即突然地侧倾或偏斜。 据此,如果下结论说动词的这种用法是混淆了careen 和表示“急驰,猛冲的” careen 的结果,这是毫无道理的。 然而,不论这用法的起源是什么,如今它已得到确认,要对此表示异议的话未免过于迂腐了〔southwest〕The direction or point on the mariner's compass halfway between due south and due west, or 135° west of due north.西南方:位于正南和正西正中间的航海罗盘方位,或指正北偏西135°〔example〕a unique episode, without example in maritime history.在航海史上没有先例的独特事件〔storekeeper〕One who is in charge of receiving or distributing stores or supplies, such as military or naval supplies.仓库管理员:负责接收或发放库存商品或供应(如军事或航海供应)之人〔Gilbert〕English navigator who urged exploration for the Northwest Passage, established in Newfoundland (1583) the first English colony in North America, and was lost at sea during a homeward voyage.吉尔伯特,汉弗莱:(1539?-1583) 英国航海探险家,他促进了西北航线的探险,在纽芬兰(1583年)建立了英国在北美的第一个殖民地,一次返程航行时他在海上失踪〔seafaring〕Following a life at sea:以航海为业的:过海上生活的:〔Columbus〕Italian explorer in the service of Spain who determined that the earth was round and attempted to reach Asia by sailing west from Europe, thereby discovering America (1492). He made three subsequent voyages to the Caribbean in his quest for a sea route to China.哥伦布,克里斯托夫:(1451-1506) 意大利探险家,效力西班牙,他认定地球是圆的,试图从欧洲向西航海至亚洲,因而发现了美洲(1492年)。在他寻找通往中国的海路时又接连三次航海至加勒比海〔landlubber〕A person unfamiliar with the sea or seamanship.旱鸭子:不谙航海的人或蹩脚的水手〔application〕Geometry has practical application in aviation and navigation.几何学在航空和航海中有其实用性〔seagoing〕Made or used for ocean voyages; seafaring.航海的:为航海而制做的或用于航海的;从事航海〔east〕The cardinal point on the mariner's compass 90° clockwise from due north and directly opposite west.东方:航海罗盘上一个基本方位,正北方向顺时钟转90°或指正西的相反方向〔seamanship〕Skill in navigating or managing a boat or ship.航海技能:航海或驾驶船舶的技术〔Bowditch〕American mathematician and astronomer noted for his works concerning navigation.鲍迪许,内森尼尔:(1773-1838) 美国数学家和天文学家,因在航海方面的著作而闻名〔landing〕A termination, especially of a voyage or flight.终点:终点,尤指航海或飞行的终点〔Morgantown〕A city of northern West Virginia on the Monongahela River near the Pennsylvania border. It is a shipping and industrial center. Population, 25,879.摩根城:美国西弗吉尼亚北部的一城市,位于摩嫩加希拉河沿岸,宾夕法尼亚边界处。它是一个航海和工业中心。人口25,879〔tack〕The part of a sail, such as the weather clew of a course, to which this rope is fastened.系住的帆角:一张帆(比如一次航海中顶风的帆耳)被系帆索系住的那部分〔seafaring〕Fit to travel on the sea; seagoing:航海的:适合于海上航行的;海上航行的:〔magnificent〕a magnificent place for sailing.See Synonyms at grand 航海的最好地点 参见 grand〔glitch〕a computer glitch; a navigational glitch; a glitch in the negotiations.计算机故障;航海事故;谈判障碍〔log〕A record of a ship's speed, its progress, and any shipboard events of navigational importance.航海记录:对船速、船程以及船上发生的所有对航海有意义的事件的记载〔Mandeville〕Pen name of the unknown compiler ofThe Voyage and Travels of Sir John Mandeville, Knight (c. 1371), a description of fantastic journeys through the East. 曼德维尔,约翰:(1670?-1733) 某一真名不详作家的笔名,著有《约翰·曼德维尔爵士航海及旅行记》 (1371年),描写在东方的种种奇异的旅程 〔lugger〕A small boat used for fishing, sailing, or coasting and having two or three masts, each with a lugsail, and two or three jibs set on the bowsprit.小帆船:用于捕鱼,航海或沿海贸易的小船,它有两三个桅杆,每个桅杆都有斜桁四角帆,在船看斜桁有两三个三角帆〔Holland〕Irish-born American inventor and nautical pioneer. His submarine was the first purchased by the U.S. government (1900).霍兰,约翰·菲利普:(1840-1914) 爱尔兰裔英国发明家和航海先驱,他的潜水艇是美国政府购买的第一艘(1900年)〔Hakluyt〕English geographer who collected accounts of English exploratory voyages and published them inPrincipal Navigations, Voyages, and Discoveries of the English Nation (1589). 哈克卢特,理查德:(1552?-1616) 英国地理学家,他收集了有关英国探险航行的材料,于1589年出版《英格兰民族重要的航海,航行和发现》




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