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单词 舰队
释义 〔Aegospotami〕A small river and ancient town of southern Thrace in present-day western Turkey. The culminating battle of the Peloponnesian War, in which Lysander and the Spartans destroyed the Athenian fleet, took place at the mouth of the river in 405b.c. 伊哥斯波塔米:色雷斯南部一小河及古老城镇,位于现在的土耳其西部。公元前 405年在此河口爆发了伯罗奔尼撒战争的最后一战,在此战役中来山得以及斯巴达人击败了雅典舰队 〔fleet〕A number of warships operating together under one command.舰队:在统一指挥下一齐行动的一批军舰〔Spruance〕American naval officer who was a commander in the Battle of Midway (1942) and commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific fleet (1945-1946).斯普路恩斯,雷芒德·埃姆斯:(1886-1969) 美国海军官员,1942年中途岛战役中的指挥员,并且是美国太平洋舰队(1945-1946年)年的总司令〔Drake〕English naval hero and explorer who was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the world (1577-1580) and was vice admiral of the fleet that destroyed the Spanish Armada (1588).德雷克,弗朗西斯:(1540?-1596) 英国海军英雄和航海家,是第一个环球航行的英国人(1577-1580年),曾任舰队副司令击败西班牙无敌舰队(1588年)〔attack〕The fleet anchored in the bay and bombarded the town) or figuratively with words ( 舰队在海湾抛锚并轰击了城镇) 或用言语象征性的攻击( 〔Nelson〕British admiral who defeated the French fleet in the Battle of the Nile (1798), thus ending Napoleon's attempt to conquer Egypt, and destroyed French and Spanish naval forces at Trafalgar (1805), where he was mortally wounded.怀康待,霍拉肖:(1758-1805) 英国海军上将,在尼罗河战役(1798年)中打败法国舰队,这样就结束了拿破仑征服埃及的企图。1805年在特拉尔加摧毁了法国和西班牙的海军力量并身负重伤〔squadron〕A naval unit consisting of two or more divisions of a fleet.中队:包括两个或多个舰队分队的海军作战单位〔Hawkins〕English naval hero who commanded the rear squadron in the defeat of the Spanish Armada (1588).霍金斯,约翰:(1532-1595) 1588年指挥一支后尾舰队击败西班牙的无敌舰队的英国海军英雄〔flotilla〕Spanish [diminutive of] flota [fleet] 西班牙语 flota的小后缀 [舰队] 〔screen〕A body of troops or ships sent in advance of or surrounding a larger body to protect or warn of attack.护航队:置于主体前面或周围的一支部队或舰队,起保护或预警作用〔Jellicoe〕British naval officer who commanded the fleet that fought the Germans at Jutland (1916). He later served as governor-general of New Zealand (1920-1924).杰利科,约翰·拉什沃思:(1859-1935) 英国海军司令,带领舰队在日德兰与德军作战(1916年)。后任新西兰总督(1920-1924年)〔Agrippa〕Roman soldier and statesman who commanded the fleet that defeated the forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra at Actium (31).阿格里帕,马库斯·维皮萨谬斯:(63-12) 罗马士兵和政治家,曾率领舰队于公元前31年在亚克兴角打败了马克·安东尼和克娄巴特拉的军队〔vulnerable〕"We are vulnerable both by water and land, without either fleet or army"(Alexander Hamilton)“由于没有舰队和军队,我们在水路和陆路上都易受攻击”(亚历山大·汉密尔顿)〔Plymouth〕A borough of southwest England onPlymouth Sound, an inlet of the English Channel. A major port, it was the embarkation point for the fleet that fought the Spanish Armada (1588) and for Drake, Raleigh, and several other early explorers. Population, 250,300. 普利茅斯:英格兰西南一自治市,位于普利茅斯湾 沿岸,该湾为英吉利海峡的一个小海湾。英国的一个主要港口,曾是迎战西班牙无敌舰队的英国舰队的出发点(1588年),也是德雷克、罗利和其他两位早期探险家出发地。人口250,300 〔fogbound〕a fogbound fleet.被浓雾所困的舰队〔Tsushima〕Two islands of southwest Japan in Korea Strait between Kyushu and southeast South Korea. They are separated from Kyushu byTsushima Strait, the site of a major naval battle (May 1905) in the Russo-Japanese War in which the Russian fleet was largely destroyed. 对马岛:日本西南的两个海岛,位于九州和韩国东南的朝鲜海峡内,被对马海峡 与九州隔开。是俄日战争中的一个主要海战(1905年五月)地点,在这场战斗中俄国舰队遭到重创 〔Spithead〕A channel off southern England between Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight. It connects with the Solent on the west and was formerly used as a rendezvous for the British fleet.斯彼特海德海峡:英格兰南部一海峡,位于朴次茅斯和怀特岛之间。其西部同索伦特相连,过去曾被用作英国舰队的聚集地〔Salamis〕An island of Greece in the Saronic Gulf east of Athens. In an important naval battle off the island's northeast coast the Greeks, led by Themistocles, defeated the Persian fleet in 480b.c. 萨拉米斯岛:希腊雅典以东的萨尔尼科湾一岛屿。公元前 480年在发生于该岛东北沿岸附近的一次重大海战中,西米斯托可斯率领希腊人打败波斯舰队 〔convoy〕An accompanying and protecting force, as of ships or troops.护航舰队:起陪伴和保护作用的武装力量,如舰队或部队〔Blake〕English admiral who was a Parliamentarian during the English Civil War and pursued the Royalist fleet to the Mediterranean Sea, where he defeated it (1650).布莱克,罗伯特:(1599-1657) 英国海军上将,英国内战期间任国会议员。他追赶保皇党舰队至地中海,并在此取胜(1650年)〔Plattsburgh〕A city of extreme northeast New York on Lake Champlain northwest of Burlington, Vermont. During the War of 1812 an American fleet decisively defeated the British in a naval battle here on September 11, 1814. Population, 21,255.普拉茨堡:美国纽约州东北端一城市,位于佛蒙特州伯灵顿西北的普兰湖畔。1812年战争期间,在1814年9月11日这里发生的一场海战中,美国舰队决定性地击败了英国舰队。人口21,255〔Farnese〕Italian general and diplomat in service to Philip II of Spain. He engaged the Turks in the Battle of Lepanto (1571), in which the Ottoman fleet was destroyed.法尔内塞,亚历山德罗:(1545-1592) 为西班牙腓力二世效劳的意大利将军及外交官。他在勒班陀战役(1571)中与土耳其人交战,此次战役中奥斯曼舰队全均覆没〔Abukir〕A village of northern Egypt in the Nile River delta on theBay of Abukir. Adm. Horatio Nelson's victory over a French fleet off Abukir in 1798 restored British prestige in the Mediterranean and ended French hopes of establishing a stronghold in the Middle East. 阿布基尔:尼罗河三角洲,位于阿布基尔海湾 上埃及北部的一个村庄。霍拉萧·纳尔逊将军曾于1798年在阿布基尔附近击败法国舰队,使英国的声望在地中海得以重建,并粉碎了法国在中东建立要塞的希望 〔Estaing〕French naval commander who was sent to aid American forces in the Revolutionary War (1778). A royalist, he was tried and guillotined during the French Revolution.伊斯坦,查尔斯·赫克托耳·德:(1729-1794) 法国海军将领,在1778年美国独立战争时率舰队支援北美殖民地人民,在法国大革命时因涉嫌保皇而被斩首〔marine〕The mercantile or naval ships or shipping fleet of a country.所有船舶:一国商业或海军的船只或舰队〔flagship〕A ship that carries a fleet or squadron commander and bears the commander's flag.旗舰:装有舰队或海军中队指挥官并悬有指挥官旗帜的船只〔Cimon〕Athenian military and political leader who was instrumental in the organization of the Delian League (478) and commanded the defeat of the Persian fleet (466).西门:雅典军事、政治领导人,扶助了得洛斯同盟的组成(公元前478年) ,并指挥击败了波斯舰队(公元前466年)〔Jutland〕A peninsula of northern Europe comprising mainland Denmark and northern Germany. The name is usually applied only to the Danish section of the peninsula. The largest naval battle of World War I was fought by British and German fleets off the western coast of Jutland on May 31-June 1, 1916.日德兰半岛:欧洲北部一半岛,由丹麦的大陆部分和德国北部组成。通常该名称只适于指半岛的丹麦部分。第一次世界大战期间规模最大的海战发生在1916年5月31日至6月1日,由英德舰队在离日德兰半岛西部海岸不远的海面上展开〔commodore〕Used as an unofficial designation for a captain in the British Navy temporarily in command of a fleet division or squadron.舰队司令官:用作英国海军上校的非正式名称,暂时用在舰队师或小舰队〔Laffite〕French pirate leader who aided U.S. troops in the War of 1812 in return for an official pardon for his crimes.拉菲特,简:(1780?-1826?) 法国海盗首领,作为对官方赦免他罪行的回报,他在1812年战争中曾帮助过美国舰队〔Mycale〕A promontory of western Asia Minor. In 479b.c. it was the site of a major Greek victory over the Persian fleet. 米卡利:小亚细亚西部的一个海角。在公元前 479年它是希腊战胜波斯舰队的一个比较重要的地点 〔Grasse〕French naval officer who during the American Revolution commanded the French fleet in Chesapeake Bay, thereby preventing British naval forces from aiding Cornwallis at Yorktown (1781).格拉斯,弗朗索瓦·约瑟夫·保罗·德:(1722?-1788) 法国海军军官,在美国内战期间指挥在切萨皮克湾的法国舰队, 阻止了英国海军对在约克敦的康华里的支援(1781年)〔Grenville〕English naval officer who commanded the fleet carrying the first colonists to Virginia (1585) and organized the English defense against the Spanish Armada (1588). He was killed in a battle that pitted his ship against 15 Spanish ships.格伦维尔爵士,理查德:(1542?-1591) 英国海军军官,指挥了运输首批去弗吉尼亚殖民者的舰队(1585年),并组织了英国对西班牙无敌舰队的防御(1588年)。他在一场己方一艘军舰对十五艘西班牙战舰的海战中战死〔Mobile〕A city of southwest Alabama at the mouth of theMobile River, about 61 km (38 mi) long, on the north shore of Mobile Bay, an arm of the Gulf of Mexico. Founded c. 1710, the city was held by the French, British, and Spanish until it was seized by U.S. forces in 1813. In the Battle of Mobile Bay (August 1864) Adm. David Farragut defeated a major Confederate flotilla and secured Union control of the area. Population, 196,278. 墨比尔:亚拉巴马州西南的一座城市,在长约61公里(38英里)的墨比尔河 口处,位于墨西哥湾的一个海湾 墨尔比湾 的北海岸。约设立于1710年,该市在1813年为美国军队夺取前曾被法、英和西班牙拥有。在墨比尔湾战役(1864年8月)中,海军上将大卫·法拉革特击溃了一支邦联军舰队主力并确保联邦对该地区的控制。人口196,278 〔Penn〕English admiral who led the English fleet during the Dutch War (1665-1667).潘,威廉:(1621-1670) 英国海军上将,荷兰战争中(1665-1667年)率英国海军舰队作战〔weathered〕The squadron is weathered in because of dense fog. Such a storm will weather the fleet in.那个中队因浓雾而无法行动。这样的暴风雨将阻止舰队的行动




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