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单词 良心
释义 〔sly〕 Tricky emphasizes shiftiness, deception, and absence of scruples: Tricky 强调狡诈、欺骗和缺少良心上的不安: 〔salve〕salved my conscience by apologizing.用道歉来减轻我良心的不安〔conscientious〕Guided by or in accordance with the dictates of conscience; principled:本着良心的:由良心指引或与良心一致的;有原则的:〔casuistry〕The determination of right and wrong in questions of conduct or conscience by the application of general principles of ethics.判断是非:使用伦理学的基本原理判断行为或良心的是与非〔bite〕cold that bites the skin; a conscience bitten by remorse.寒冷刺骨;受悔恨煎熬的良心〔conscientious〕from Latin cōnscientia [conscience] * see conscience 源自 拉丁语 cōnscientia [良心] * 参见 conscience〔superego〕In Freudian theory, the division of the psyche that is formed through the internalization of moral standards of parents and society, and censors and restrains the ego. Mostly unconscious, it is composed of the ego ideal and the conscience.超我:弗洛伊德理论中自我的一部分,由父母和社会道德标准的内在化而形成,审查并约束自我。通常为无意识的,由自我理想和良心组成〔obligation〕A course of action imposed by society, law, or conscience by which one is bound or restricted.行为规范:被约束或限制社会、法律或良心强加的行为〔dictate〕followed the dictates of my conscience.接受我的良心的支配〔must〕To be obliged or required by morality, law, or custom:必须:为道德良心、法律或者习惯所要求或强迫:〔scruple〕To hesitate as a result of conscience or principle:迟疑:因良心或原则上的原因而犹豫:〔force〕 Obligate applies when force is exerted by the terms of a legal contract or promise or by the dictates of one's conscience or sense of propriety: Obligate 适用于在法律合约或承诺或某人受正当的良心或良知的支配下施加压力做的: 〔scruple〕An uneasy feeling arising from conscience or principle that tends to hinder action.See Synonyms at qualm 顾虑:在良心或原则上的不安而使行动受阻 参见 qualm〔obligation〕These nouns refer to a course of action that is demanded of a person, as by law or conscience.这些名词指法律或良心等要求一个人的行为。〔moral〕"The world has achieved brilliance without conscience.Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants" (Omar N. Bradley).“这个世界取得了灿烂的一页,但却失去了良心。我们的世界是一个有核巨人和道德婴儿的世界” (奥马尔·恩·布雷德利)。〔unconscionable〕Not restrained by conscience; unscrupulous:不受良心控制的;肆无忌惮的:〔compunction〕from Late Latin compunctiō compunctiōn- [sting of conscience, puncture] 源自 后期拉丁语 compunctiō compunctiōn- [良心的疼痛,刺] 〔nonintrospective〕Unable or unwilling to examine one's conscience or soul.不自省的:不能或不愿意检验某人的良心或灵魂的〔moral〕Arising from conscience or the sense of right and wrong:基于良心的,道义上的:由个人良心或是非感而产生的:〔responsible〕"The liberal philosophy holds that enduring governments must be accountable to someone beside themselves;that a government responsible only to its own conscience is not for long tolerable" (Walter Lippmann). “自由派哲学认为长久的政府必须对除自己以外的他人负责;一个仅对自己良心负责的政府是不能持久的” (沃尔特·李普曼)。〔salvo〕An expedient for protecting one's reputation or for soothing one's conscience.保全某人名誉或安慰某人良心的权宜之计〔qualm〕 Compunction implies a prick or twinge of conscience aroused by wrongdoing or the prospect of wrongdoing: Compunction 表示由做错事或可能做错事的预感而引起的良心的刺痛或内疚: 〔conscience〕The awareness of a moral or ethical aspect to one's conduct together with the urge to prefer right over wrong:良心:对鞭策人行善而非作恶的本能行为在伦理或道德上的意识:〔subjectivism〕The theory that individual conscience is the only valid standard of moral judgment.主观感情论:认为个人良心是道德判断之唯一有效标准的理论〔fair〕 Equitable also implies justice, but justice dictated by reason, conscience, and a natural sense of what is fair to all concerned: Equitable 也含有公正的意思,但强调由理智、良心和在通盘考虑后自然得出的公正: 〔law〕A code of principles based on morality, conscience, or nature.道德规范:基于道德、良心或本性之上的一套原则〔qualm〕He stole the money without the slightest compunction.他偷钱却丝毫不感到良心受谴责。〔prick〕Her conscience began to prick her.她受良心的谴责




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