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单词 色素
释义 〔chlorophyll〕A similar green-plant pigment, C55H 70MgN 4O 6, having a brilliant green alcohol solution. Also called chlorophyll b 叶绿素物质:相似的绿色植物色素,C55H 70MgN 4O 6,具有鲜艳的绿色酒精溶液 也作 chlorophyll b〔retinene〕Either of two yellow to red retinal pigments, formed by oxidation of vitamin A alcohols. Also called retinal 视黄醛:两种黄到红的视网膜色素中任一种,由维生素A醇的氧化形成 也作 retinal〔chromatophore〕A pigment-containing or pigment-producing cell, especially in certain lizards, that by expansion or contraction can change the color of the skin. Also called pigment cell 色素细胞:含色素或产生色素的细胞,尤其在某些蜥蜴身上,通过细胞扩张或收缩改变皮肤颜色 也作 pigment cell〔tyrosinase〕A copper-containing enzyme of plant and animal tissues that catalyzes the production of melanin and other pigments from tyrosine by oxidation, as in the blackening of a peeled or sliced potato exposed to air.酪氨酸酶:动植物组织中一种含铜的酶,用氧化的方式催化,从酪氨酸中产生黑色素或其它色素,如在削皮的或削成片的土豆暴露在空气里变黑的过程〔litharge〕A yellow lead oxide, PbO, used in storage batteries and glass and as a pigment. Also called lead monoxide 密陀僧:黄色一氧化铅,PbO,用于蓄电池和玻璃,也用作色素 也作 lead monoxide〔kwashiorkor〕Severe protein malnutrition, especially in children after weaning, characterized by lethargy, growth retardation, anemia, edema, potbelly, depigmentation of the skin, and loss of hair or change in hair color.严重营养不良病:严重的蛋白质缺乏症,尤见于刚断奶的儿童,症状为嗜睡、生长迟缓、贫血、水肿、腹部肿大、皮肤色素消失、脱发或毛发变色〔lithopone〕A white pigment consisting of a mixture of zinc sulfide, zinc oxide, and barium sulfate.锌钡白:一种由硫化锌、氧化锌和硫酸钡混合构成的白色色素〔opsin〕A protein of the retina, especially the protein constituent of rhodopsin, that makes up one of the visual pigments.视蛋白:视蛋白,尤指由视黄醛蛋白组成的元素,它是组成视色素的元素之一〔chlorophyll〕Any of a group of related green pigments found in photosynthetic organisms, especially:叶绿素:在光合的有机体中所发现的一组互为关联的绿色素中任何一种,尤指:〔melanosis〕Abnormally dark pigmentation of the skin or other tissues, resulting from a disorder of pigment metabolism. Also called melanism 黑变病,黑素沉着病:因色素代谢失常而引起的皮肤或其他组织中黑色素沉积着的状况 也作 melanism〔hair〕Any of the cylindrical, keratinized, often pigmented filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal.毛发:哺乳动物特有的,生长于表皮的柱状、有角质而且通常含有色素的细丝〔melanin〕Any of a group of naturally occurring dark pigments, especially the pigment found in skin, hair, fur, and feathers.黑色素:天然黑色素,尤指皮肤、头发、毛皮及羽毛中的色素〔resin〕Any of numerous physically similar polymerized synthetics or chemically modified natural resins including thermoplastic materials such as polyvinyl, polystyrene, and polyethylene and thermosetting materials such as polyesters, epoxies, and silicones that are used with fillers, stabilizers, pigments, and other components to form plastics.合成树脂:一种物质构成相似的聚合纤维或化学成分改变了的天然树脂的统称,包括有诸如聚乙烯基、聚苯乙烯和聚乙烯等的热塑性材料以及诸如聚脂、环氧树脂和硅等及与掺入物、稳定剂、色素以及其他组分一起使用以及形成塑料的热固性材料〔pigment〕A substance, such as chlorophyll or melanin, that produces a characteristic color in plant or animal tissue.色素:在植物或动物组织中产生一种特定颜色的物质,如叶绿素或黑色素〔orpiment〕aurum [gold] aurum [色素颜料] 〔blue〕A pigment or dye imparting this hue.蓝色染料,蓝色颜料:加上这种色彩的色素或颜料〔carmine〕A crimson pigment derived from cochineal.胭脂红色素:从胭脂虫体提取的一种深红色色素〔encaustic〕A paint consisting of pigment mixed with beeswax and fixed with heat after its application.上釉烧出颜色的:由色素掺入蜂蜡构成的一种涂料,使用后加热而固着〔margarine〕A fatty solid butter substitute consisting of a blend of hydrogenated vegetable oils mixed with emulsifiers, vitamins, coloring matter, and other ingredients.人造奶油:一种多脂肪固体黄油的替代物,由氢化植物油与乳化剂、维他命、色素和其它成份的混合物构成〔phytochrome〕A cytoplasmic pigment of green plants that absorbs light and regulates dormancy, seed germination, and flowering.光敏色素:绿色植物的一种胞质色素,它可吸收阳光和调整植物的休眠状态、种子发芽和开花〔phycobilin〕Any of a group of water-soluble proteinaceous pigments that occur in red algae and cyanobacteria.藻青素,藻胆汁三烯:可溶于水的一种蛋白质类色素,红水藻和藻青菌中含有此物质〔metaplasm〕Nonliving material in the protoplasm of a cell, such as pigment granules or nutritive substances.后生质:一个细胞细胞质内的无生命物质,如色素颗粒或营养物质〔melanoid〕Of or related to melanin; black-pigmented.黑色素的:黑色素的,有关黑色素的;含有黑色色素〔stain〕To color (glass, for example) with a coat of penetrating liquid dye or tint.染色:用一层能渗透的液体染料或色素对(如玻璃) 染色〔stain〕A reagent or dye used for staining microscopic specimens.色素:用来染显微镜标本的试剂或颜料〔porphyropsin〕A purple pigment similar to rhodopsin, found in the rods of the retinas of freshwater fishes and certain frogs.视紫(质):淡水鱼以及某些蛙类视网膜棒状细胞内的紫色素,与视紫红质相似〔pigmentation〕Coloration of tissues by pigment.上色,染色:色素对组织的着色〔chromoplast〕A plastid that contains pigments other than chlorophyll, usually yellow or orange carotenoids.有色体,色素体:除了叶绿素外的含色素的质粒,通常为黄色或橙色的类胡萝卜素〔chromatophore〕A specialized pigment-bearing organelle in certain photosynthetic bacteria and cyanobacteria.载色体:在某些光合细菌和含氰细菌中特殊的带色素的组织〔chlorophyll〕A waxy blue-black microcrystalline green-plant pigment, C55H 72MgN 4O 5, with a characteristic blue-green alcohol solution. Also called chlorophyll a 蜡制叶绿素物质:一种蜡制的蓝黑色微晶绿色植物色素,C55H 72MgN 4O 5,具有蓝绿色的酒精溶液特征 也作 chlorophyll a〔biliverdin〕A green pigment, C33H 34N 4O 6, occurring in bile and sometimes formed by oxidation of bilirubin. 胆绿素:一种绿色色素,C33H 34N 4O 6,存在于胆汁中,有时由胆红素氧化而形成 〔bister〕A water-soluble, yellowish-brown pigment.褐色颜料:一种可溶水的,黄褐色色素〔lutein〕A yellow carotenoid pigment, C40H 56O 2, found widely in nature, first isolated in corpus luteum but later discovered in body fats, egg yolk, and green plants; xanthophyll. 叶黄素:一种黄色的类似胡萝卜素的色素,C40H 56O 2,大量存在于自然界中,最初从黄体素中分离出来,后在体内脂肪、蛋黄、绿色植物中也发现了它的存在;胡萝卜醇 〔rhodopsin〕The pigment sensitive to red light in the retinal rods of the eyes, consisting of opsin and retinene. Also called visual purple 视紫红质:在眼睛的视网膜棒体中红光感光的色素,由视蛋白及视黄素构成 也作 visual purple〔macula〕Also mac.ule [-yo͞ol'] A spot, stain, or blemish, especially an area of discoloration on the skin caused by excess or lack of pigment. 也作 mac.ule [-yo͞ol'] 斑点:斑点、污点或瑕疵,特指皮肤由于色素过多或过少而产生的变色区域〔xanthophyll〕A yellow carotenoid pigment, C40H 56O 2, found with chlorophyll in green plants and identical with lutein. 叶黄素:一种黄色类胡萝卜素的色素,C40H 56O 2,常见于绿色植物中的叶绿素和与此类似的黄体素中 〔oilcloth〕Fabric treated with clay, oil, and pigments to make it waterproof.油布,漆布:用粘土、油和色素处理过使之防水的织物〔leukoderma〕Partial or total loss of skin pigmentation, often occurring in patches. Also called vitiligo 白斑病:皮肤色素的局部或全部缺乏,经常是斑状 也作 vitiligo〔fucoxanthin〕A brown carotenoid pigment, C40H 60O 6, found in brown algae. 岩藻黄质:棕色类胡萝卜色素,C40H 60O 6,存在于褐藻中 〔xanthopterin〕A yellow pigment in the wings of certain butterflies and moths, found also in the urine of mammals.黄蝶呤:存在某些蝴蝶和蛾翅膀中的一种黄色色素,也存在于哺乳动物的尿中




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